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Show talana ca : a eyat ee oe _ es ee aeeee 5 THE 110 BOOKE FIRST fer tims yor [CTOLIFU S. ar CE rf /as ZBOY i7aric ydill eflo ; Ting i Seinal WD 7s la Z The 5 aN 6 OF HISTORIE OF PLANTS. Pri role peeries, ee r the common whi ¢ Daf tl Illi icrtte The soete ! 7 The feuienth Daffodilbhath manyibrodd and thicke leaues,fat and full ofiuice;hollow andfpun- N r artilus medzolutens gious. The-ftalks, flowers and rootesiare like the former, anddifferechin that that this plant bring- ethfoorthmanyflowers vpononeftalkesandthe other fewer ;anginot of fo perfec a fweetefmell, but more offenfiue and ftutfing thé hedd, Ichath this addition Agfatthos, thatis, of many flowers, whereinefpecially. confifteth the difference. Res L 8 The Italian Daftodillis very like the former, the which todiftinguith in words that they may be knowne one fromanother, is impoffible. Their flowers,leaues and rootesarelike , fauing that the flowersofthisare fweeter and moin number. if Narciffits albus Polyanthos. 10 Nareiffits totusalbus. é The eee white Daffodill ofConftantinople. 7 Narciffas mediolutens‘polyanthos. French Daffodil. Mike white Daffodil. Li. = ~ 8 DNarctffus F 4(Anus. Italian Daftodill. 9 % The defcription. The double white Daffodill of Conftantinople. was fent into England vnto the right Hono- rable the Lord Treafitrer, among other bulbed flowers: whofe rootes when they were planted in our London gardens,did bring foorth beautifull lowers, very white and double, with fome yellow- nes mixed in the middle leaues , pleafant and fieete in fmell ; butfince that rime weneuer could induftrie or manuring bring them ynto flowring againe.So thatit fhould appeere,when they chargedof that birth or burden which they had begottenintheir owne countrey, andnot finding9 that matter,foile or climate to beget more flowers,they remaineeuerfince barrenand fruitIefic. Befides we found by experience that thofe plarits which in Autumnedid fhooteforth leaues, did bring foorth no flowersat alls and the others that appeered not vntill the fpring, did flourith & beare their flowers. The ftalks, leaues androotes arelike vntothe other kinds ofDaffodil. Iris called of the Turks Gul Catamerlale,that is Nareciffus with double flowers, Notwith{tanding we haue ied frombeyond thefeas, as well from the lowe Countries, as alfo from Fraunce another fort er beautie,which from yeere to yeere doth yeeld foorth moft pleafant double flowers, and cafe ofrootes, veryplike as well in ftalks as other parts ofthe plant, ynto the other forts of Daffodils, It differeth onelyin the flowers whichare very double and thicke thruft togither, vi as |