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Show 840 THE-SECOND' BOOKETOF: THE HISTORTE) OF PLANTS. Lignwm vite added thereto, again{t the falling ficknes, if the patient be caufedto fweate vpon the taking thereof, He likewife commendeth the extraction of the rootes ,agataftthe bloodie fixe. OfSetfoileor Tormentil. Of wilde Fanjie,orSiluerweede. Chap.267. Tormentilla. Serfoile; % The defeription, T lis hetb Tormentill or Setfoileisone ofthe % The defeription VV. Ide Tanfié ctee peth along ypdavthe grounde with finef{lender f ftalkes-gnd clafping tendrels: the leau esatelong Cinkfoiles , itbringeth foorth many ftalks, flender, weake; {carfe able to liftitfelfe yp, but ratherlieth down vponthe ground, ‘Tie leaues be leffer than Cinkfoile but mo in number,fom. times fine; but commonly. fevien; whereuponit tooke his name‘Setfoile; whichis {enenleaues, andthofe fomewhat{nipt about the edges, The flowers growe on the tops offlenderftalkes,ofa yellowcolour, like thofe ofthe Cinkfoiles, The roote is blacke without, reddith within,thick, tuberous,érknobbie, Tay f % The time. %& The nimes: thefiluer drops that are to befeene in the diftilled water-thereof whenit is put into a glaffe which youfhall eafelyfee rowlingand tumbling vp & downin the bottomsitis likewifeca lled Po. tentzlla,ofdivers Agrimoniafjlueftris Ap sferita ,& Tanacetum (ylucftre: in high Dutch ®ijt erich t in lowe Dutch @ahterick tin French 4 gtnti ne: 4 in Englifh wilde Tanfie,andSiluer weede ac., % The temperature. fome name it after the number ofthe leaues wounds,both outward and inwarde: it alfo openeth and healeththe ftoppings ofthe It is of temperature moderate! /cold,and drie almoft in the thirde degree , ha uing withall a binding facultie, Wild aes %& Thevertues. p and drunke ,ftoppeth; ofbloudeT,anfie boiled in wine thelaske,the et Norwoman, om bloudie flixe, andall otherfuxe A a nelame Poiled boiled jin water and {alt anddrunke, . Mieke diffolueth clotted and congealed blondin fuch B : ob tuifed with fallir g from fome high place, *aecogtion heerofmade:, ft adalome be on heerofma in water,curethPo La : the vicers and cankers ofthe mouth, if Wa peadded thereto in the boiling, Vude T.Pantie hath manu 2 ~ ; é fome honie @ a Wounds 6thy tehath many other good vertues,efpecially againft the ftone,inwarde wounds, and D bediftiled na” oriecret part hide infu or Rat taketh awa yfreckies {pots ) reene andfrefh wounds, pimples in the face andfunburning,but the herbs ¢ Mite wine wine eeped in white wineis farre betrersbut'the beft of all is to fteepeit in ftrong Ser;the face being often bathed or wathedtherewith, in hot {teele hath been often quenched of purpofe,cureth the laske and bloudie fiixe,yoa" the patient haue adioined ynto his {couring a greéuous feuet. well in men® E Itftoppeth the {pitting ofbloud,piffing ofbloud,andall otheriffues ofbloud, aswe women, for’ F The decoétion of the leaues androotes, or the iuice thereofdrunke, is excellent 85 Of Auens,or herbe Bennet. Chap.369. suet and cureth the iaundife. G_ Therootbeateninto powder,tempered or kneaded with the white ofan eggea!ndearen, the defire to vomite,andis good againft choler and melancholic. g F ThéTater Herbarifts do callit Arcentina, of It is called ofthe later Herbatifts Tormentili: D__Thefame powdertakenas aforefaid,or in the water ofa {mithes forge,or ratherth ewater ni -€s Tieere vnto high It flowreth in Iuneand Iuly. to the funne,almoft euerie where, & The time. It flowrethfrom Mayto theend of Auguft, % The names. ‘ %& The temperature. mre The roote ofTormentill doth mightily dric,and that in the third degree; andis ofthinne patts ithathinitverylittle heate,andis ofa binding quality, % The vertues. > tease A _Tormentill is not onelyoflike vertue with Cinkfoile ; but alfo of greater’ efficacies #15 ™ vied again{t peftilent difeafes : for it ftronglyrefifteth putrifaction,and procureth sai aie B__ Theleaues and rootesboiled in wine,or the iuice thereofdrunken prouoketh ese vined meanes driuethoutall venomefromthe hart,expelleth poifon;aidpreferueththe bodie int! pettilence fromtheinfe&tion thereof,andall other infeCtious difeafes. C_ Therootes dried, made into powderanddrunkein wine,hath the famevertue. as \inoi waies and running brookes eucry where , This plant loueth woodsand fhadowieplaces, andislikewife foundtnpattures lying open plantswhereas in truth they are no morelike,than thofe things that are moft vnlike. finaller leaues, like vito thofe of the garde but leffer.on the vpperfide erecpe’, anid vidervery white, The flowers bee pon flenderftems; asdo thof e oe The place. égdevrror, and Septifolium ; in Englifh Settolk, and Tormentill : in high Dutch %Bitktottt: moft take it to be Chry/oganton,whercd! Diujimt deshath made a briefe: defersption tofm pofe comparing Chry/sganon and Tor! e, togither , making themone’and the felfe Jame Chap.368. Argentina, Siluer weede,or wilde Tanfie. % The kindes. Tetebe diners fo tts ofAuens,fomeofthe and “QIlome 0} Of the ie mounts; 0 lountaines, as hall garden,others ; be declaredintheir i fe |