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Show 478 THE SECOND BOOKE HISTORIE OF THE : x The place. and likewife manyotherfortes, Thefe kindes of Pinkes do growe for the moft part in gardens , grow vpon mountaines,tonie do wilde be that Thofe rly. particula which were ouerlong towrite of in their deferiptions. rockes,anddefart places. The reft are fpecified se The time. after. They dower with the Cloue Gilloflower,andoften & The names. of Fuch/iusand Dodonam,Ve. The Pinkeis called ofpiiwie and T:‘urner,Cantabricaand Stactice: , Ocillts, Fuch/iws, Superba: in French Gyrofflees tonica alte?a, and Fetonica altilis: ofL Obeliusand in Italian Garofoli and Garon: in Spanith Clanis:in Englith Pinkes,and Smal and Violettes berbues: Honefties. OF PLANTS. 479 the + The fecond differeth not fromthe other, butin that, that this plant hath redde flowers; arid otherwhite, flowers, Wehauein our London gardens akinde hereof, bearing moft fine and pleafant white hath and thereof, beaurie the foorth whichferreth fpots, reddifh with footted very confufedly ot the pride of heenetaken of fome to bethe plant called ofthe later writers Superba Auftriaca, Auftrich. Wehaue likewife one ofthe fame kinde,bringing foorth moft double flowers,and yet verywhite ofcolour. 3 Armeria rubra latifolia. Broadleafed Sweete VVilliams, 4 Armeria fuauerubens. Narrowleafed Sweete Williams. Se Tie temperature. wers. The temperature ofthe Pinkes is referred vnto the Cloue Gilloflo se The vertaes. andnofegaies, Theyar A Thefearenot vfedinphificke, but efteemedfor their vie in garlands s Raellins writethFuchu goodto be putinto vineger,to giue ita pleafant tafte,and gallant colour,a faith that therootes are commended againft the infeGtion of the plagues and thatthe iuicetherof likewife to cure them that hae js profitable to wafte awaytheftone, and todriucit foorth: and the falling ficknefle, OfSweete Iohns,and Sweete Williams. 1 Armeria alba. White Iohns. Chap.174- 2 Armeriarabra. ohns. Thee an & The defeription. 3 oe hath round joinedfalkest thicke andfat, fomwhat reddifh about the greene gralliecolour. The nn ig geeeoadand ribbed leaues as thofe of the Plantaine, ofa togithetin one cute ce . t PHP of the ftalkes are very liketo the finall Pinkes, many-ioined 4. Thenatrow le : ee ie ymbell,ofa deepe red colour. The rooteis thickelafid wooddie. bbungthe form, 7 afed Sweete William growethyp tothe height of twocubites, very well refemE ersbut lefer,and the leaues natrowerlhe flowers are ofa bright colour,wherein 8 reded colour,whierei : eleciall cs the Pciallyconfifteth Thefe The LAE place. 3 F290in%gardens, ker and maintained _pote plants are tekept moreforto pleafe theeiesthanéither thenofé orbely, flouri a Eee 5 % Theti : ,._ Theyyttourith “Sad after bear ene foorththeir flowers in Aprill and May, fomewhat before the Gilloflows %& Thedefeription. Weetelohns hath round iointed ftalkes, as haue the Gilloflowets (whereofheisa hole ot do growe long leaues broader than t0 whereupon high: cubite a halfe very ise flower,ofa greene grafli¢ colour.The flowers groweat the top ofthe ftalkess Pinkes, ofa perfeé white colour. : The fin eetlohn. Ctheir flowers the whole fommer, .. ¢- + (Me“Th The names. Ameria. penis fweet VY illiam are both comprehended vnderonetitle, thatisto faic, or Syl “Pri, of ome Her} wperba and Caryophyllusfylueitris; of fome Herbatilts Vettoniea agre/ti, tunica : but it doth no more agree heerewith then the clone Gilloflower doth witht |