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Show HISTORIE OF ‘PLANTS, BOOKE OF THE % The temperature. ‘Thefe Whortle berries are colde anddrie,hauing withall a certaine thinneffe of partes and fub- i se The vertues. Theytake awaytheheate of burning agues, and alfo the drought,they quenchthe furious heate ofcholer, they ftay vomiting, reftore an appetite to meate, whichwas loft by reafonof cholericke y and corrupt humors,andare good againft the peftilent difeafes. B Theiuice ofthefe alfo isboyled tll it be thicke with fugar added that it may be kept, whichis A good for allthings thatthe berries are,yea and far better. Chap. 156. OfMoffe of trees: ftance,which haue notwithftanding a certaine binding qualitic ioyned, a % The kindes. aa be diuers kindes of Moffes, and thofe differing for the moft part in their natiue places; fome growe andare faftenedtotrees, others {pring fromthe fuperficiall or vp permoft part off theearth; there be others alfo that growe in thefea, Mufius quernus. J Vaecinianubis. Cloud berries. : . % Thedefeription. J ot finewes running in each partof the f betweene the leaues commethfoorth a ftalk likewifeof a woodie fub(tance, whereondoth growe a {ina!l flower confifting of fiue leaues, made vpas it wereof a multitude offlender leaues,now.and thenallto be iagged,hacke, and finely catued, twifted and interlaced one in another, whichcleaue faft to the barks of tree hanging downe from the bodies: one of this : is more flenderandthin, another mot ) other fhorter,another longer sall of ther . Fe die rootes,creeping far abroad vnder the vppercruft of the earth, (andalfo the Moffe)like vnto Couchgraffe,ofan ouerworne reddith colour , fet here and there with {mall tufts of hairie ftrings: fromwhichrife vp two final! ftalkes , harde, tough, and of a woodie fibftance (neuer mo nor lefle) on whic ftande the leaues like thofe of the wi low,and of the fame colour,full of{mall ; (i P=GN x He Cloud beirie hath many{mall thred- moft being of a whitifh colour, yet oftentimes thereis a certaine one alfo which is blacke, but leffer andthinner : the moft conunendable of them all,as Plime faith ,bethofe th at are whitifh, then thereddifh,and laftly fuclvas be blacke, fh Ne Theplace. : This Moffe is found on the Oke tree, mn andblacke Poplartree, the Oliue tree the Birch SY GSS 5 Fe dN ib in |7oy SNS P| Ni ARG CS? Ven spec fe dati) Naar { HK ( ; the wilde Pinetree, the Pitch tree, the Firte the Cedar tree, the Larch tree,and ona , my of othertrees. The belt,as Diofcori of the Cedartree,the next of the Poplar kinde the white and the fweere {melling M i) : like thofe of the wilde Auens : after com the chiefeft ; thebla kith fore meth the fruit, greene ar the firft, afterycllow, fowerlittle white feedes. tug mountaineS inall England,where the cloudes are lowerthan the tops of the fame all wintet them Cloudberries, foundthere bya whereuponthe people of the countric have called aed a . gentlemanin the knowledgeof plants, called Mafter Heskethoften remembred, Se %oT Thetime., : ‘ ae tra Tals 1s poe : . . Theleaues {pring vp in May,at which timea {o it Aowreth: the fruit is ripe in Iuly. 7A HAIN | tree, the Firretree, ana the fweereft that of the Larch tee, : The vertues. ee %&% Thev Thefruit quencheth thir, cooleth the ftomacke , andalaieth infamm Whortesare,or the decoction made anddrunke, og. s Biscclled en 0 7; of the Latit tllity 5 ed of the Gre qf + in low Dut kane af, 4:inhigh Dutch seitienet be arbol ay Ae Atu/éo afzo ‘ ink de los go:+ in Spanith se The tempe Moffe; 1 : Molle j, teams sfomething colde ae thinding ; sain norwithf{tanding which binding, which notv a sgh of that tree on which it groweth, ane or tit felfeteandfaculiie bar nae Obs Rgendred and alfo: retaineth a1certzine propertie ofthat % The ftemperature : %& The fruit is cold and drie,andveryaftringent. C Mathiolus writeth , that in Italic {weete which gt wwerh ¢ % The place. This plant groweth naturally vpon thezops oftwo high mountaines (among the mol one in Yorkthire called Ingleborough, the otherin Lancafhire called Pendle, two of the aa : tree, the Apple tree,the Pearet 3 of an herbie or yellowith greene colout , and the fides next the funne red when they be ripe; informe almoft like vnto little hart,! as it wereoftwo, butis no more but one fharpetafte, whereinis containedtl irce of harfhor a me,of e botto er inth togith clofed , and aboue Ree Mofle hath certaine things like haires, “7 yA ap.156. ona-VErTIE. % Thedefeviption, The Moffe ofthe Oke and ofother trees. Ch BAConder whic the Mofle : hate ef ne and proper faculti BR, ed: tehides histherefore ow. : eC. 5 ymeth 1 jueth whi eC Moffee which of the Cedar tre commiethtA pte oth of the Oke ¢ allo the é ! alfo the extreme| jnding Sie 5 generally all the Rofin trees are binding, “ich ee,te and . tree, the Pitch cree and do do mor moreouer ¢ and Dine tre Pine Tree 3 f eetoeae jt HE THIRD ea en 1386 |