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Show > THIRD BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS. cenith colour,waxing of a darke red colour in the end; which flowers j:after when theybe dried in the fanne,theybecome 1353 The Portingale womenthat dwell-inthe Eaft Indies, drawe fromthe Cl oues when they be yet B greche,a certaine liquorbydiftillation,ofa moft fragran t fel Lwhich comforteth the harr 3and of allcordials is the moft effe@tuall, Cloties ftop the belly; the oile or water thereof dropped into theeies, doth fharpen the cleanfet ! - ; Crestha dase cifuradant PEs. 4 eS af : S ein eftima. evpon the othentietie: h away the cloud orwebin the fame, fight. C The waight of fower drams of the powder of Clones taken in mil ke, procu reth the a@of gene-D ration. Soi eo akc eine cu aig ee . in Fen ro. bathe rales elfet Doers tie There is extractedfromthe Cloues a certain e oyle, ortather a thicke butter of ayellowcolour, E which being chafed in the hands {mellethlike the Cloues theméfel ues, wherewith the Indians do ¢uitetheit wounds andotherhurtes,as we do with Balfame. of 11 0f his atthe others The vfe of Cloues not onely in meate and medicine, bput alfo in fiveete powders and fluchlike. is E fufficiently knowen therefore this (hall fuffice, c.wi hatthe fi Ofthe Nutmeg tree. i Nux Myriftica G Macis, The Nutmeg with his Mace. Chap.145. 2 Nux Muftata, The Nurmieg se Thedefeription. formeis like vnt . ce. informe ts lt Hetrée that beareth the Nutmeg andthe Te folong, alw Uing thar the leanes heereof are Pedo ane 2 ‘ tending toyeen NNutand fide, and vnderneath of a greene f Nutappeereth firft the Mace,as it were the flowers. The Nut rocefe oftime ¢ Stwetein I] Cloues are hot ane & The vertues. li alive dicli andi hart,helpe e ftomacke,the liver the middle ofa fingle Rofe, which pto ¢ oun oneuery fidesafter cGineth arn a husklike i thatin ofth Walaut,bur« Sfit 3 |