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Show HISTORIE OF PLANTS 3 Perum bactantivmalias inter caput extulit vrbes, giebtanches, fet full of great eaties, confifting of {undry fall leaues one growingtio ve! toanother like the leaues of the Ath tree,or Whicken tree.; bue mora deepe 1ecpelly y cutah cut about eotththeecapes edges feuen hils, Hath fo much more ftately borne vp hir head5 By howmuchthe Cyprefles carrie their crownes, Aboue the lowe viorns bending (like lead.) thkethe teeth of a faw :among which come the flowers confifting offiue {mali leauesJaid ah The temperature. oda othe choi groweth foorth a {mall hollow cup refehbhng' chats Daiiwhaieora, ve } staat cae with a brownifh yellow thell, very like vato the fit of a Se Ste . ea : edition maketh ttakinde)ofa ranke,bitter,& v npleafant tafte, colde anddrie andofa binding qualitie, The Jeates and berries of Lantana areieee ices A The decoétion ofthe leaues of Lantanais very goodtobe gargled in the mouth againtt all fvel. lings and inflammations thereof, againft the fcuruie and other difeafes ofthe gums, and fafteneth loofe : . ‘ gts ‘ teeth, fe teeth fameboyledin B The J : inklic doth make the haires blacke,if they be bathed or wafhedtherewith, and {utferedto dric of it felfe. © The berries are ofthe like facultie: the powder whereofwhenthey bedried, dothftay the laske, hi e : D_ : se : tle Ieisreported,that the barke of the roore of the tree buried a certaine timein the earth,andafter. acct ; =f tained a {mall {tone,which yeeldeth a kernell of ip at Mathiolus writeth, that Zizipha cand LObelius faith, thatit growerhin many places tobe planted and cherifhedin the goo cs 2 Ziziphus Cappadocia. The Beadetree ofCappadocia. The Beade tree, rs: amongo thefe : ranches mott fitit,ofthe bigneffeandfathionof the { Chap.116. I Zizipha candida, oF anh an . pleafant fanour, with fomefew threds orc r He Bea ‘ Re tn Bicdes wake OftheBeade tree. : yellowith flowers, growingar thejoints nas : areal rae ail jmaanan ard wards boyled and {tamped according to the art thereof,maketh good birdlimefor fowlers tocatch $ 1being drawenona ftting, ferneth to make Beadesof, fot wantofothe “4 4 £ qs hh , e allWig iffues ofblood, andalfo the w hites. ’ Fuchu Cappadocia Sees not fo greatas the former, butis of ameaneftatnre. an d fill of : groweth b2 oughes:the fhereant: RE barke is {mooth and ever ey ethypon the trunka P. isofafhining fcarlet colour: iT cwithout,wherein is co pleafant rafteandvery fiveete, ie undin cloyfters of certaine mo in Venice andN ons and it is woont now « rchards ofall the lowe countries, Ziziphus Cappadocia growcth likey nanyplaces of Italie, andieoially in Spaine it isa therithed in gardens both in Getmanie andin the lowe countries, Wee = t ve Thetime. Thefe trees lower in Tune in Italie and Spaine;; theirfruitis ripe in September sbuit in Germanic andthe lowe countries there dothno fruit follow the flowers. & The names, Zisip a candida Auicen calleth«Azedarach, otas divers readit _Azedaract hithhe,in Rechi Arbor Atiroba anor um,ox the Mirobalanetree butnot proper ! tid Kien,and Thahich. Thelater writers are far deceiued in takingit to be the Sycon tleyas much that would haueit to be the Lote or Nettle tree: itmay be named in Ei Hee,forthe caufe before alleaged, do!gi #éhaprer med Risile,or columella in his 9.booke cies Zizipbior afecond kinde ofIuiube tree,which difference from the orher thatis firrna Iuiube tree, for ot whitethis phusaib a, Ziziphus Cappadocia, itvhis 2 r.booke red. Plniecalleth elntreatech of two kindes, whereof orof garlands, fwhich he faith there be aite Theotheris i d call the flowers, faith he,broomes a cllow fower)and Rhododendron Ivesteof finell, aridlike to Oline alo Zizipha, (tor whichis call flo 4ziphus, for both the eaues and flowers gi | the flowers are veryfweete of fnell,anc tcalt of the former out Mewile theHettuit fini do : like alfo is to thatofthe former. % Thetemperature. ae flowe ir C4esradaeth A Saith,that the pee of 7 andintreating writing a and¢ q, MMicen cold Cappadoctais iphss Z Mpkee,and dry in the end of the fit. ~ ; % The defeription. re che Venetians by © Histrce wascalled Zixiphacandzda by the Herbarifts of Montpellier, an and Italians Sycomorus, but vneruly; the Portingales haue terme which and each whereof haue erred togithier; both in refpectof thefi : of tree :fome haue calledit Z/zspha, thoughin faculti¢ it is nothiig like ; for the tate ° | ft ety The verte’. ys Ge a ¢ ee r het Azaradacth opencth the the» haire of tt peoets of Ziziphaor elerue andlice, ce preferueth nits killeth thereof ; warer ~ © ciltlled af . “pec; a head bathed withit. Th ally being mixed with white wine,and the head bathed ; thenea to the ftomacke, itis dangerous : Cc | Tact we en! mice the Cituitis very hurtfulto the cheft, and atroublelome ter 2 i i Petaduencure deadly, Mirobalan des wFeouer, it is reportedthat the decodtionof the barks and. f Fumitorie, wich #G00d far'agues proceeding of flegme. I Yrppp 4‘ i D A *Rome ypon But * this, amongother cities andtownes, 1367 s.tt nis is the tree which Ayicen cal. ab arach,by whic Dhis ovety egreat, s chatggeedwitith many leth Azede n large armes BY , thacare garnii thed with twig- Fr <eZie yoo ace ere.=59hAsita Quantum lenta folent inter 7 iburna Cuprefi. yery vnpleafant, virulent and bitter,But deciding al controuerfie Seededamale THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE |