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Show SerePeeeat THE THIRD! POOKE) OF THE HISTORIE OF PLAN TS I Vinw. 2 Vimuslatifolia, The Elmetree, Betulas orthe ibeametreé groweth plen. ithe:i : } acti Kent Bea by tifully amptonfhire, alfo.in ionlytaken forakind The Elme with broad leaues. veae reESSE aITT _ Carpinns. This tree doth {px ripein Se ptember, 2, The beame treeisc which is asi | ging tothe Zvyla of, in Latine yoked togithe Zuga, y« kes, wherewitho in our owne countrie; andtherefore ifhed Yoke Elme.Iris calledof fome 2) Carpinusand Zucias itis alfo called Beralu, asif it were a kinde ofBirch, butr that it fhould be one ofthe fe betterlike hDutch in Qhoamet inFrench Carne: | 1 Tealian Carpino: Inelith Hornbeame, Hardbeame, Yoke Elme, andin fome places Witch hafell. Ys The temperature and vertues. the yertues This tree is not vied in medicine, arenotexprefled ofthe ancients,neither anycertaine experiments ofour hate we owne knowledge the vie of hut more than hath beene faide for bandrie. Ofthe Elme tree... Chap.110. ime, pi {el ; aS manybranches {preading themie He firft kinde of Elmeis a great hightree; hauing act tiniun clouen.or.cu . ; ; andnot eafie\ta be largely abroad : the timberofitis hard, the edges,whereupon ate fometimesi9 fren what wrinkled and fnipt about leaues are fome DA _!all ine acertaineflimie or,clammic¢ liquor, u : certaine blifters or bladders, which conta continuedvhtill theend of femmesJO j and \iquor hath found finall wormes ; but when the faid feede je ad , and congealedlike vnto gum. Theon a ee “ comm find it hardened withthe heateofthe fumne very is tree of the garden Arach. This flat, not much vnlike the feede s fowerfootedbealts, ane" diter for r fodde ant pleaf are of England: the leaues of this Elme allyfor kine andoxen. 2 ‘ (& Thet Thefe ofthe Ime fhewethitfelfe firft.andbefore the leauess it falleth in the entd of April, edee the leaues begin to {prin atwhatttim % The defcription, z ; % The place. A The feconde gr yan ee ki y invall places of England, The firft of Elme groweth plentifill ie Ki EIU el Treat y Lord g tom ngin e belo Wadi th sand parks itngreat plenty, as ina patk ngere Sourhtles s place at Waltham, called Thibalds, It groweth alfoin Keng i: ONor andMnan y othe r places: tou y bar¢ Jand ife vito a great ftatureswithver arnages ae The cond kinde of Elme growethhkew thec for s engin other mill pullies, and fuch‘ , ber,whereofare made arrowes,wheeles a th é led, and fomewhat {nipt aboutbie waights andburthens, The leaues belikewife wiink greene Col of the common Elme, of a faint getand natrowet than the leaues wherupo? tacts cecuteen ooh fide,fomewhat fhining,and ofa good fell when they be dries ae tie ie cattell {9 willinglyfeede thereon fters or bladders, neither will the hungr e ynto. the "08 f is verylik Elme,whichtheywill browzevery greedily.Thefeede hereo back? pt J 1g- % The ngnes. bolts, ufthaum, Clin. in Latine 7/mat in high Dutch Rutt in Spanitl Vizio in aims ae called in Greekeeaée: Oma an Teali in s: Omea and e ch Miners in Fretich Orm nlowe Dut Lith Elmetree En pith . bg hare found wish th¢ Cfeéde izandColimella Saméva: The little vormes whic a isnatnedby Phim es anid Maliones. ns T Culic in 1¢ kedi Gree din ,be name ders l blad s fal Daniee h Afomtin/mus or tm T The I i all ‘ $ . ” pea sz,which Gaz7 tran{latet an E} ras Vins, that is (0 y, Italics OF Irali er, ente places Deer inlowe Dutch ierfelcer;andin fome ’ : es. % The temperatuveand Verti fiusc tine E} ther Eline is called by, Theo¢phra la,or Noft tiscallea; Colimella namncthit Permacii T nfing facule moderately hot, with an evident clea pec at Sreene wounds, fodoth the barke wrap does Of Elme pléw. and heale vprd The} beni: and batke of the Elmebe glewing qualitic, lechewing acertaine dlammie and litthe wo, ‘ ele yound like a baitd. e - bails fcurffe, ger do take away 9 water f drunk with wine or being ftamped with vine karke e drun kee with ih torer batk Be vit ht ofth1 e thick waig e itet e ounc ron¢ r ,tha teth swri e feeni |