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Show , (oThepulpe of the maeA pplesyininumberfower orfiue,accordingto the gteatnefle of the Apples sefpeciallo frhe Pome-water, mixed ina winequart of faire water, laboured togithervntill it drtinke laf come to beas Apples _ Ales which we call Lambes Wooll, andthe wholequart bydroppes at night, within tie fpace of an hower, doth in one night cure thofe that piffe with great aanguifh and dolou ;the ftrangurie., and-all otherdifeafes proceedingof thedifficultie ofPmakinsg watel sbut intwife raking it, itneuer failethin any + oftentimes there hapneth with the forefaid difeafes the Gonorrhea, of runningof the raines,whichitlikewife healeth in thofe perfons, ‘nate generallyin all; which ty and eredite. EF Theleaues of thetree do coole and jue often prooued , and gained thereby botly crownes by faymorgraf sthatisto husbanded Here be diuers wilde Apple treei snot tedsthefruit wherofis — teds oe ...andm both That Dei tandinaskovbvgralccing neand pleafanr, ico te secomenia The Crab or Wild hythebrencheses Aisin with the Applettee :the woodeisharde, firme, and folid; th 1¢s many; the thetrswhites {orlbtenace pean tree: fome egy th fowers andfruite like thiofe of t Beenettskoowne taal hereforeit f in our London ast (hdl (uftoewharhhath beene{aide fo rtheic evel, gardens tite kinde of fiveete areth / Apples cutin pecces, and diftilled with a quantitie ofCamphere and batter milke; taketh away the marks and{cars gotten Thegeneralldefeription, binde, and be alfo counted goodfor inflammations,inthe the beginning. G the{mall pockes, being wafthed therewith wv hen they grow vatothet 3 Malus [riesStris The fnalller Cr ftate ot ripenes :prouidedthlat you giue yntothepat ient alittle milke andfaffron, or milke andmithridate'to drinke , to expell ro the extreme parts that venome which maylic hid, and as yet not jeene. Ofthe Wilding and Crabtree. (hap.96. % The kindes. Tke as there be diters manured Apples , fois there fiindry wilde Apples, or Crabs, whereof to ofmall write apart were to 1772 5S te it fhops Powatam ofthe Apples whercof itis m ade, purpofe, and therefore one defcription{forthereft {hallifattice 2 Maliusfyfyluetris alban The white Wilding,or Crab tree, The Crab tree groweth wilde in woc Thetimeanfjfwereth thofe of the Theirfeuerall titles dothfer foorth tl stphere Dithe temperature ofwilde Ap»ples, hath been 4 rhe Theiice ofwilde App lesoy¢-Crabs,take Ons: and being laid.on in fhort time aft iuice of Crabs,orVeriuice,is aftringentor bindin : I retgid HISTORIECOR PLANTS THE° THIRD BOOKE OF THE r whichis vied to beautifie tl e face,and totukeaway the roughnesof ‘thesskin, ¥which iscalledd a. (fae Sa AS tr Seve tte — 1276 |