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Show THIRD BOOKE°OF THE a HISTORLE) OF PLANTS, differing in colour: one is white faith he ’ another $ Diofeorédet maketh’ fundryforts, . . : yellowi(ired,a thitd fort of the colour of the Rofe : this with red flowersis be{tktiowneamongithe Anothecaries. i Malus Granctafme Punica, The Pomegranate tree, 2 Balauftia. ; The flowers ofthe wilde Pomegranate tree, 1263 % The temperatureandvertues. ft8 Crhe pohite aines the fDP, Pomegranate are goodto good be eaten, , having sa hans them a meetely good estash 7 ofa —— are in A they are holfome une for for the th omacke jacke,, but they.all conteine ine in i them a atlthine andiffinall nourith. ein 2 inicetthey ment,or none atall. weete ones colde asas thethereft y eafily eafi caufefe hot hot fwellings fwelli toarife, and they B The {weete one be not ot fo {0 colde reft,butthey are not fomuch commended for ag ¥ Caterer 2 >ciall< Thefower ones, andipefpecially c wi H ; ythe be withall fomthing harfh, do esiidently coole}idry, and C fomthing binde. They are good forthe hart burne, theyreprefleand fay theiguerm led the Felonie they areareme en omitineofcholer “cal: D he bloudyflixe,aptnesto-vornit,and vomiteir felfe. ‘ f rh (de There is made of the itiice of 1 er x r anatesa fyrupe 4 which feruech! for-thevaime E anni tc allo alin many antirinies purpofes,andis times v omen wai childej« ilae omen with I, left id: Laborantedusvnlefic cooleandbinde. we {top the flixe;ftay vomiting, and macke, ftanch th ting vp ofbloud, they. ftren gthenthefto, G Ofthe fame cffedt be the 1 flowers, both of the tame andwilde Pomegranate tree, being like to the H feedesin temperature and1 vertues. They faftet the teeth They are goodagai n and ftrengthen the gums, if burftings 5 thatcomen byfalli fame be wafhed therewith. wne of the guts, ifthe ftersand applied. z Thetindeor pill; is not onely like in facultyto the { ; more auaileable ; for it cooleth andbindeth more force thealmonds in the throte, being vfedin a gargarif me or remedyforall things that ne Diofcorides writeth, that th y t very like insfaculeyand-vertueto Hy Pomegranates, The bloflomesofthe rane and : cor t c powder, and drunke in red wine,or boiled in red wine, and the decoction drunke , is ¢ , blouds yea it is good for women to fit ouer, anc refaid bloffumes anid thels are goodalfo to be 5 ; Rr x The place. fouth in Traly, Spaine, and chiefly intheli Pomegranates stow in hotcountries ara ofthe great multitude of Pomegtanats jie doincof Granado, which is thought to be fonamed 1de dried inthe funne,and beaten to powaer, ¢ tation with the flowers: they {top the laske andall flues of bloudin man or w Maner aforefaid, va alfo without manu be commonly called Granata: they grow ina number ofplaces & otherlike husbande Pcfed orchards, vineyards gardens, in for raanured theyprofper better; e Quincetree. he ~~ Ofr 4 yoong treesheerof,by lowingt they come vp mere cheerefully: [haue recouereddiuers flowers ana itil Gods leifure for or graines,of the height ofthree or fower cubits, attending time. The x . ese ae is UP ¢ inthe ende of omegranate flowreth in the moneth of May an dune: the fruite ‘The names. ab Jonibas icistee, gnd atine MP The Pomegtanate tree is called in Latine AZs/ws Punica : in Gree ke ab Abt oe jheas Galen faith? Chap. gl. Olen cla makeththree kinds ofQuinc f Ones they be he doth not declare , 0 ' Beg oe 43as tate andfubftance of the fruite, ¥ Others fewer. Pomegranatetree : the fruite is alfo named 22, oF pee ne Dinch ¢ ‘cali in bun Punitum sin Chops Malimot Pormum Grdnatum vin high Dutch Spanatop tell 0 Spanifh Granaads , Hraltatapple tin lealian Aze/agrano, and PomgGranato: Fren¢th Pommes Granades : in¥ ith Pomegranate. ichtsis Hof ‘ * whhich ians 7 megranate tree is called ‘cf the Grec The flower of the ‘fruitefull withftandingpropertlythe! cup of the flower sthie Latines name icalfo Cts. « Apothecaties do AP The flower of the wilde and barren Pomegranate tree is called 'Bakavswr# the +a Greekeh py io Lata 3 Jikewift tearme it Balagftnm. . isnamed ffi a The pill or rinde of the Pomegranate whichisfo muchinvie, Milicoritemand Sidon vies Tops itis called Cortex granatorimm,ot Pomegranaic®™™ g os tit % % The f t eroweth low,at He Quince tree is not great,bu onit now at hath hich rk,w gedba arug fed with Licht a} - pafle le like other trees ;about mA Pal lit which ftan ynderne : ne 8 fmooth aboue, 3 X Appletree gree : e,, faue that h ma n appl apple is like like aan fruite is e colour: the1e fruite Butpl a onss it differeth in fathion Sbignessfor tome \ 8 Giuifi at top wit “Me thers longer & greater : the Mike hwrinckles,o 2 n heafteramiddie be alter a sie {fort } |