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Show HISTORIE) OR PLANTS, 1251 2 (Ayellita pumila Byzantina. ’ The Filberd nnt of ¢ Jonftanitinople, & Tie place, TheHafell trees do commonly stdwe in woods andin dankifh : : vntoiled places t jare alfo fecin Orcl , the N ts where: fate better, and ofa F {weet er taft e, and be moft commonlyred within. % The time. : The catkins or aglets come forth very timel y, ypaft, which fall ‘away in N April: fo foone as. the leaues cone foorth: the nuts be ripe in Auguft, & The names, is fhrub iscalled in Latine Corylustin Greeke i, thatis,ux PonticaorPontike Nut: n Dah kt inlow Dutch} Peeeerecente] “rd tree is properly that which groweth it 1Orcha erentee icecenll , Nux Herac: monly Ayx na, by which name itis vii <nown tothe Datch Hale lI in Italian Aocess e Nocelle:in French Nosfettes,&Noifelles: nith Awelanas ; in Englith Hafell Nur, berd. s that haue their skins red are the garlanted Nuts,and the right Pontike Nuts rds sthey are c 1 in high Dutch Rour ilowe Dutch Roo | Filberds,andred Filb Tafel Nuts nen byreafon wherof ti q cfeription. tub or {mall er ftion; fi nd aa, y when theybe eaten in too great a i eketnels of} lotthelaske 4 Se a The fame do | The cat in hot 1: y nd burning a Eou e:tl galt fof tay the laske pig Ofthe Walnut Tree. (hap.54. 0. iL. cOommony Hi1SiSa ore e wi arke isfomewhat hicke and a hd tall body 3 the barke 150s a g i: the ie ot Setar full of clefts :the boughes fpr te he rihone ats the leavesconfit offine orfixefaftnedtooneribbeMESTE frothing on the top; which be broader andlonger then the pe 5 aloand ofa fron {mell :the catkins or aglets come foorth before the Nuts: a “0 Stow Bard to the ftalke he edocs by couples,or by thrice ahdthree, which at the ft |