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Show THE THIRD Of AT BOOKE wrrifh or Wate? OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS, Chap.7%. % The defiription. buts aquatriz Ambucus Rofed orthe Elder Rofe orowethlike an hedge plant, or hedge tree, hauing many kiidttie branches and fhootes commiing from the roote,full ofpith like thcommonElder; the leaues arelike the Vineleaues; amcsngtt w hich come foorth goodly flowers of a white {cription. [sription. fh Elder is not like to thecom. a {i i onEl in Teaues but inboighes: itis muchllower, andgroweth after the manner ofafhi uighes are couered fan ill fatic 1 Athcolour sasbe thofe of 1¢th common. E r; th eyareletniith loints by certaine dift ances, and hauieinthem great plentie of white pith, therefore theyhaue Jefle wood,which is whitea britelesihe leaves be broad, cornered, like almoftto Vine leaues, but leficr and fofter: among which come forth {poked rundles, th at bringfoorth little flow- ets, the vetermoft whereofaklongft the borders be greater,of a gallant white colour,euery little on econfifting of fiue leaues 5 the otherin the middeft andwithinthe bordersbe fale, andflowreth | y degrees, andthe wholetuftis ofa moft feet {mel,after which comethefruit or berries, that are round like tho!fe of thecom- mon Elcae ut greater, and ofa fhiningg ted c0lour,angiblackewhen they We weet nd chere with 1a lightand’thinne carnation colour, & dé grow coloitt,{princkled or dathed hee thicke, atidclofely con ipat togither, Dae tnandbul ke ofa mans handes, or rather bigger tinmy garden there groweth not ikethe dowers of the Hawthorne;buti geatbe autie,and| tori any fiuit vpon this tree, nor in anyother place, whereofas yet I haue any vndderftanding oof know- ledge. 2 Thiskindis likewife an hedgetree,verie like vnto the for met_inftalkes and branches,which are The RofeE! der. 2 Sambucus R ‘ound,thicke and globedtuft, imbignefle wersheerof grownot out of {pokie rundles, alo and fafhion like to the former,fa Swmbucispaluftristhe water Elder,groweth by running ftreames and water coutfes, andin hedgesbymoift ditchfides. TheRofe Elder groweth in gardens and the flowers ate there doubled, by Artas itis thought, % Thetime. Thele kinds ofElders do flower in Aprill and Maie; andthe fruite ofthe water Elderisripe.in September, & The names. tied, and Sambucss paluftris: it is callec The water Elder is calleed in Latine Sam Obnlus, and Platan : : Dwarffe Plane treetbut not proj te wCordés maketh it Cordusinuented the nameavs yeicken, atad 2 Sambucus Rofea. : the leaues be likewifecornered:the flo- anc iointed & knottedbydiftances i en tree, Op!letree and Dw ledin Latine s: flore purpurante. ie ith theos The Rofe Eldercit he flower d Englith G Oheideriche Reales in x: Thet are and er tues. repeat ebertfes of the water Elder, the ey Concerning the facultiesof thefe Elder ofourowne knowle fhindin any writer,neithex can wefet downe anythi ‘ Dyyarfe Elder. Chap. 73. Of Danewoort, Wale woorte, or Dwarffe Elder. Chap 73 % The defiripti Anewoort patticipating ofl flowers sandfruit >, neitherisit altog th sbei 1g doubrlef{fe one of the Ki ‘ fyWalew.oortis y ery likes nto Elder : clland calles tbtingerthfoorthonnely greenefall es which tsideandcontiltoofn extenlong,broad,and cut dertrees attD ccnat thetalk the berries like the Elder, in which be litle long leedes tnaclengtt3 better forhifcke vie then theo “TIElk os RAG |