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Show THE THIRD BOOKE’OF THE li marina,ot Salix Amerinaand Piper Agrefte: inhigh Dutch Schafinutle, Keulchbaymsia low Durch and al of the Apothecaries Agnus cafus : the Italians /stice, Agno cafto: in Spani Gattilocaffe in Englith Chatte Tree, Hempe Tree,andof diuers —<gaws caftus. % Thetemperature. : HISTORIE OF PLAN TS 1 Salix. The common WVillow, bie © ; Pa owater Willow, The ng Oziar,or Aa on rs =z The leaves andfruite of Agnus cafius are hot and dry in the third degree : they are ofvery thinine parts,and wafte or confume winde. % The vertues. A Agnus caftusisafingulat medicine and remedic for fich as wouldewillingly live chafte, foriit withfandeth all'vncleannes,or defireto the flefhyconfumingand drying vp the feede' of generation,in what fort foeuer it be taken whether in powder only,or the decoction drunke,or whetherthe Icaues be catied abdut'the body; for which caufe it was called Cajtws, thavis,:chafte; cleane’ land B C pure, Thefeede ofAguaca fue drunken, drineth away and diffoluéthall'windineffe of theftomacke, it is openeth andcureth the ftoppings of the liuer andfpleene ; andin the beginning ofdropfies, goodto be drunkein wine in the quantitie ofa dram. Theleaues ftamped with butter, diffolueand.aflwage the fwellingsof the genitories:andcods, being applied thereto, about themaThe decogtionof the herbe and feede is good againft paine and inflammations drunkwith Penny: being feed therein:the parts priuy their bathe and fit to caufed be trix.ifwomen : ina Pultisit enreth roial bringeth downe the menfes,asit doth alfobotlvin.a fume and ina peffary be bathed heerewith, che headach, the phrenetike and-thofe that haue the Lethargic are woontto oile and vineger being addedthereto, ;and beinglaide on docure theie E The leaues vied ina fume,and alfo ftrowed, driue away ferpents bitings. fundaments with:the leaues it D or rifts of the The feede laide on with water doth heale the elifts : is aremedie for lims out of ioint,and for woundes, do carry with them a branchor rod of Agnus 6 ortrauell iourney as fuch if that G___Itisreported FE wearines : Diofcorédes: feasin their hand,it willkeepe them from merry gals,and , : neRofe : % The kindes. fundry titles:the Oziar,the Sallow,theno Here be diuersforts of Willowes conteinedvnder ,or Withie. Willow, the common Withie,and the Dwarffe Willow The defcription. body He common Willowis anhigh tree,witha ‘ ‘rash ofa meane thicknes,and ri vps high (eid ng,foone afteritis plantedst e ; the asother trees do ifit be not toppedin the beginni andareee wp white,tough, is woode the flexible; ew fom ofis fmooth, tough, and ;, tree h Peac he rower then thofe oft her eit 4 es are long, lefler, and nar Jeau inl red fide fofter and whiter: the boughes be coue fideand flipperie, and on theneather grau crinthe figure hathomitteas*, the which catkins e barke;th white a with elfe ipleor thatis cariee@ vay to white and foft down, ofall foorth,being long and moffie,and quickly turnein cree sr twigs with the winde. “of which ftandeth fomewhatout, flender we 2 Thelefferbringeth foorth of the head sacwe Pe 1S 1t of workes {uchlike and baskets make to barke,good with areddith ot greene whereof when theyare anes do grows twigs ot rods being thruft into the eaxth,the vpper part " >. r wiga e ynder them, from whence theflende th increafe head the called is Jongrods or which that off,fo alfothe times greater; many deeper ana avo ® which being oftentimes cut,the head waxeth ts,but* deep i to the ground for plan s be lopped offand thruft in monly for for bandess am the higher With s, i y tree d common") ; do grow great rods,pro fitable for manything ; ofwhich manis heights wherewith tubs and casksare bound, 3 Salix Capren rotundifolia fe ie A The Goate round leafed Willow. Ofthe Willowe Tree. Chapsi. 1 30% Raattyeee E202 and ofdivers itis termed as we finde among the baftard and counterfer names eure; in Latine sa. . Salix Caprea C. Litifol 4. Salix latifotta. The Goate bi a IU Odie ie |