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Show 1178 THE ‘HISTORIE OF PLANTS, THIRD BOOKE OF THE Catallwealfo confenteth with them in the mariage fongof Julia and Adalins: ane-=-- ALAN Of Rofins. Pincamqnatetedam, With handeof thine a Shake Torch of Pine. And Prudemtiusin Hywno Cerei Pafchalis. Seu Pinus piceamfert alimoniam, Asthe Pine tree doth beare andbreed, A pitchie foodeir felfe tofeed, Moreouerthe herbe Peuredaxosor Horeltrong, fo named of the likenes of axa, is called alfoinLatine Pisaftellem of Pinwsthe Pinetree: allwhich things do euidently declare that iscalledin Latine not Picea, but Pines. lian Ragéatin Spanifh Refima : in Englith Rofin. Thefirft ofthefe wilde kinds maybe Sdea T heophrafti,or Theophraftas his Pine tree, growing on mount Ida, if the apple whichis fhorter were longer: for he nameth two kinds ofwilde Pines, the one of mount Ida,andtheotherthe fea Pine with the roundfruit: but we hold the contrarie,forthe fruit or apple ofthe wilde mountaine Pincis fhorter,andthat ofthe fea Pine longer.This may mote cruly be Afacedonum mas,ox the Macedonians male Pine, for they make two forts of wildePines,the male andthefemale,and the male more writhed andharder to be wrought vpon; and thefemale more ¢afic,but the woodofthis is more writhed,andnot fo muchin requeft for works, asthe other, andthereforc it feemeth tobe'the male This wilde Pine tree is called inhigh Dutch partzhaum, and wider Dartsbaume in Gallia Celtica Eéwo dleno :in Spanith Pino,Carax. The fecond wilde Pine tree is named commonly ofthe Italians, Tridentinis, and Ananienfirus Cembro,and Cirmolo; it feemethto differ nothing at all from the Macedonians wilde female Pine, for the wood is cafie to be wrought on,and ferueth for diners and fundrie workes, Thethirde theycall 4éugo, thismay be named notwithout caufe 22uamouxn, thar js, Humilis Pinw,ox dwarfte Pine:yet doth it differ from zauermvun the herbe,called in Englifh ground Pine. _ The fourthwild Pine is named in Greek meeniamioun: in Latine Maritima , and Marina Pinw:10 Englifh Sea Pine. E That whichthe Latines call T’eda,is named in Greeked#s,and suo: in highDutch ipnholg3it maybe termedin Enelifh Torch Pine. 1 Pine to bea tree by itfelfe , and maketh itthe Plinie is deceiued, in that he fuppofeth the ng Larix,the Larch tree, for am, thePinertees fixt kinde ofConetrees, as likewife he sfearfe any betweene man and ins, and fuppofeth Andas Déofcorides makethfolittle d them to be bothof onekindesfo likewife he fecteth downefaculties commonto themboth, ' fits %: The temperature and vertues. beaten and applied itcuretn merigals, ane A Thebarke ofthembothfaith he,doth bindes being gnce, frothoffiluer and fine Frankenf alfofhallowvicers and burnings if icbe laide on with the Withthe Cerote of Mirtils it healeth vicers in tender bodies , being beatenwich Copperas B betaken ynact® ftaicth tetters,and creeping vicers: it draweth away the birth and afterbirth, ifit ; a fume: being drunke it ftoppeththe belly,and prouoketh vrine. is more temperate Galenhathalmoft the famethings, but hefaith that the bark of the Pine etrt ee me therol thenthat of the Pitch tree ; the leaues ftampedtake away hot {wellings and fot es that co with this d D Being ftamped &boiled in vineger,they affwagethe pain of the tecth,i they be wa (he meade C E liners bein decoGtid hor:the fame be alfo good for thofe that haue bad irunk with W ateroF one Ofthe fameoperation is likewife the barke of the Pine nuts 3 but Ga/en aiirmeth ae orapple, althoughit feeme tobe like vnto thefé is notwithftanding ofleftes force, m Se ita cercainebiting 4 cannot effectually performe any of the aforefaide vertues, but hathin is ; which hurteth. t te kewife againl The Torch Pine cut into fmall peeces and boiled in vineger, is a remedie li F G_ H % The kindes, 1 Outofthe Pine trees,efpecially ofthe wildekindes, there iffueth foorthhaliquid, aliquid. whi v tifh, and / a > ana Aes . : a ; fweetefnelling Rofin , and thatmanytimes by itfelfe; buemoreplentifullyeither outofthe cur rT andbroken boughes,or foorth of the body when thetree commethto be a Torch Pine, 2 There ifftiech alfo,foorth of the crackes and chinkesof the barke .) or out ofthe cutboughés, hes, az certaine drie Rofin,and that foorth of the Pine tree,or Firre cree, Thereis likewife found2 certaine congealed Rofin vpon the cones or apples, Itiscalled in Latine 2e/ima:in Greeke jum: in high Dutchiparts tin lowe Dutch Devils in Itas toothach, ifthe teeth be wafhedwith the deco&ion, Ofithisthereismade a profitable {pacher or {lice to be vfed in mak ing, ! ailters of compound P 2See anaae and peffariesthateafe paine. Of the finoke of this is made a blacke whichferueth to make ynke of,and a ae iH eating fores in the corners of the cies, andagainft the falling away ofthe haire of thee" for watering andbleere cies 5 as Dofterides teacheth. sable foc Thefirltis namedin Latine Liguida Refina sin Greeke faim tec, and ofdiners dexfje hyilning out ofic felfe, ofthe Lacedemonians 7pux/pfums, or Primzflua , the firkt flowing Ro in Cilicia Kemrainecr; As Galen writeth in his thirde booke of medicines according to thekit thops Refina’ Pint, or Rofinofthe Pine tree,and commonRofin. Ir hapneth oftentimes thorowe the negligent andcareleffe gathering theteof,that certainefinall peeces of woode,and little ftones be foundemixed with ie: this kinde of Rofin Ga/en furnameth wyxous!, as though he fhould fifed,which being meledandclenfed fromthe droffe becommethhardandbrittle. Thelike hapnethalfoto another liquid Rofin whichafterit is melred, boiled,and coole ishatd and brittle , and may likewifebe beaten, ground, andfearced; andthis Rofinis: din nan nich nar Gieeke enn’: in Latine Frié#a, and manytimes Colophonia, in Greeke xcaogovias thich among the Apothecaries,and mayftande for an Englifh name 5 for Ga/ez in his third bo dicines according to their kinds {aith,tharitis called Fritta,and of fon emia; that, ithe drieft Rofin ofall which fome call Fridtaothers Colophonia : bicanfe in times p it, as nideswriteth ic was defired of Colopho; this being yellow in comparifon of thereft, iswhite when i isbeaten, P/iniein his 14.booke 2o,chapter, The fecond Rofin is namedin Greeke furim 2 , {pecially that ofthe Pitch tree without andthatfoone waxeth dry which Ga/eninhis 6.booke ofMedicines according to thekinds, calle Ploperly tune mrdivor :that which in Afiais madeofthe Pitch tree beingverywhite, is calle §4AsPlinyteftifiech. ~ Thethirdis called in Greeke fiusirn seoGinim: the fame is alfo named etonua sect mthops, Yet there isto be folde a certaine drie Rofin, but the fameis coir pot ¥ this is vnl nown d of the Rofins dithe Pine tree, of the cones ox clogs., and of the Firre tree mixed al togither, which they« i: is Pecan pcumes cH fteede of Frankenfence , from which notwithftandir g C farre ereth, ot: The temperatureand vertues. 1 forthere isfs ¢¢ fj there 1 one raner:arefor , but norall] after or Rofins are hot anddrie are hotter, as that which cc mm: they which befharper and morebiting, t : the Rofin of the5 »'gotRofins the hotteft,bicaut itis alfothe fharpel E ting, sind therefore not fo hot: the Rofinofthe Firre tree isin ame otfo R loud Rofin of the Pine is moifter, comming neere to the qua Rig olin, ed, as Déofeorédes tefti a Rofins which are burnt orfri do not onelyf fomnefie; for they cafe wearianddrine thattheir irot fle, they digeft: therefore th nes of parts areions rowe.the dtho t thatp Tha urpok 48Ssan t fame facultie they cure wearilomnelic, ‘ J sees 4 . . . idf ointments, commend | fitly mixed inn,and are very Rofins euquidthey WoyNoa If glue1e4an 1y } alfo do to {uppuratio bothbring i i I ta the Rofinsasfrom Fra ferueth“ for me¢ in Feenutheteis gathered out from which ie if i — -Le.e, which i Engli; th Black in i :and riyns k Grec in Age3,inG weaH4go he ttheie of the eies andalfo waterin rs corne ofthe fores tting thefre cure With, «22d Mout biting age 0 our age » butbne inin our oie Diofcorides, writing inke: is n “Cis made heetcof faith 3228 4 A |