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Show 1170 THE THIRD HISPORIBOf PLANTS 177 BOOKE OF THE And Dioforides himfelfe inthis 6. booke where he fetreth downe his iudgement of Siniple poy. fons,increateth firkt of Chamaeleon miger and thena little after ofAxa3_yet hathhe writtena fenerall difcourle of Zx#a.Thele things declare that Chameleon miger doth differ fr6 1x42, whichisreckoned among the poifons. Moreouer, itcan no where be readthat Chameleon niger. doth Beare Miffeltoe birdlime,or hath & glutinous and clammie afubftance,asthat it ought to be called keja: Therfore Ixia as it is one ofthe poifons, is the glue that is made of the:berries of Miffeltoe, which bicaufe it is fharpe or biting,inflameth and ferceth thetoongon fire; and with his flimieandclammic fubftance, doth fo drawe togither,fhutand gluevpthe guts, as that there is no paflagefor the excrements,which things are mentioned amang the mifchiefes that'zxzabringeth, % The temperatureand vertues, A. 4 Theleaues andberries of Miffeltoc,are hot and drie and offubrill parts: the Birdlimeishot and biting,arnd confifteth of anairie and waterie fubftance with fomeearthie quality: for according to the iudgement of Galen, his acrimonie ouercommeth his bitternes}forifis be vied moutwardapplication it draweth humours fromthe decpeft or moft fecret parts of the body, fpreading and difperfing them abroad,and digefting them. B aa ripeneth fwellings in the groine, hardfwellings behinde the eares, andother impoftumes, be- C... : Phepreat Cedar.ttee of Libhnuy, SY \\ : 1Wyif the Cedar tree groweth vponthe declining’ of the mountaine Libanus neere vnto the HermiStage by thécivie Tripolis in Syria: they that dwel WithOrpmentor Sandraca, irtaketh awayfoule ilfauorednayles , being mixed with vnflaked . lime and wine lees,ir receiueth greater force, brufedand Ithath beene moftcrediblie reportedyntome sthat a fewe of the berries of Miffeltoe £.. {trained intooile and drunken,hath prefently. and foorthwith rid a greeuous and fore ftitch, if the toongisin This Birdlime inwardly taken is morrall,and bringeth moft greeuous accidents, FE. D. in Syria vfeto make boates thereof for want of the Pine tree. % The time, sy The Cedartree remainethalwaies greene as & «_jother trees,whichbeare fuch maneroffruite : the “timber ofthe Cedar tree, and the images and flamed and {wolne,the mindeis diftraughted,the ftrength of the hartand wits faile, waennecy ambo Insaco obfPruct4 conninent-ventre meatus Potus atque cibi. flatusvbivarcere claufi Dantfirepitun,cr circum fpacys voluuntur imiquis: Sic mifereaffuctusvix tandem ducerepreffo ‘ Ne other workesimade thereof, feeme to fweate and fend foorth moifture,in moit andrainyweather, as do likewifeall that haue anoilicinice , theau- thor is Thesphrafiws, flgrion; which yerles Ass Wicander writethin his.counterpoifons, according to Gorrawshis tran we haue Englifhed thus: Both waies ofmeate and eke ofdrinke He Thenames. This huge ahd mightie tree is called in Greeke xisess:in Latine likewife Cedvas; in Englith Ce- Obftruéted are: when winde Inguts inclofed or rumbling makes dar,and Cedre tree, Pimpin his 24 booke 5.chapter nameth it Gedredare, as though he fhouldfay, Can nopaflagefinde: So that the patient apaide And pintchwithgreefe and paine Canhardly feed on. breath that doth Cedrus abies, orCedrina abres,Ccdat Firre, both oon he! differ ftom the litle Cedar , and alfo bicauleitis very like tothe Pare tree, . oto hath no proper name,but itmay be furnamed Cedyina,or Cedar Rofin. alePitch whichis drawneout of thisis properlycalled xiseim yer Pay writeth that alfothe libagi Torch Pine is named Cedriwm.. The belt faith Diofeoides is fat, thorowe thining ofa swhich being powred oyrindrops vnitethit felfe rogither, doth not remaine feuered, Thelife and health maintaine. Ofthe Cedartree. aTheplach, The Cedar trecs growvponthe {fhowie moun. entaimess dsb! Syria oxi movar:Libanis,onwhich thereremaincfome euen tei this day, faith! Belo icbleas;placed asitischoughtby Salomon himlelfe : atheyarelikewife found.onche mountains. Taerdw, and Amanusincolde and {tonie places: the Mere chants ofthe Fatorie at Tripolis , tolde me that q ing tempered with Rofin,anda little quantitie ofwaxc. With Frankenfence it. mollifiech old ylcers, & malicious impoftumes, being boiled with vnilaked lime,or with Gagate Japide,or, Ajio,andapplied. it wafteth away the hardnes ofthe fpleene, Ore pate/t Ania. rekter oid about in mater ofa cirele,and are fo orderly placed by degrées,asithata in bytheto thevery top as byaladdee s the leaudsbe final and eanuidls sie th Gato cli bucthorter and.not fharpe pointeds dlfthe cones ar clogs are fasrethorre r at thi i : eee colthe Fitre tree,compact of oft, not harde fcales,which hang not ddvstiaaiadé b dims ot thofe sponthe bourghestwhereuncealld they arofe {trongly faitedly, 28 thes cane ha) ‘lob ~ wnics without breaking of {ome partofthe boatichessascbélushienwriveshstlictinehet : : a ee a androntéeh nornor Waxetli oldestheteis nowddrmesnot rottemnes.c an Bre ube pe terot harof this woode jwhichisey ery odoriferbusiahdfomewhat red: Soleamn king. of hel — did therefore builde Gods ‘Tem plein Tevufaletmjof Cedar woorte:the Gisnils ni as at et softhiskindedf wood;thar they mighit lagt the longesc 9:1 a Chap.36. %& The kindes. ries Here be two Cedars , one great bearing cones, rhe other {ma'll bearing be ra like thole of adil bio & The defeription. tee sand Iuniper, allot ner refinousi g# other He great Cedarisa very bigge and hightree, not onely excelling in nt ou rm fu thofe which bearefruit like vnto it,butinhis tallenes and largenes, farte jras fower ee © trees : the bodyor trunke thereofis commonlyof a mighty bignes, sate erececdetl a not able to fadomeit,as Theophrafius writeth:the barke ofthe lower Pa Ph is among the earth,to the firft yoong branches or fhootes, rough and harfh, therett and not fare ; orowbigness’ boughes is fmooth andglib: the boughes grow foorth almoft from the borers fhorterftill as - es = the the ground, cuento the very top,waxing by degrees lefler and trecbearing the fhape and formeof a pyramid,orfharpe pointed ftceples thele ous os The temperatureand vertues. te : tahteftemperature hotand dry avith fee anexquilite rennitie,and apptofpa it A in pes and dry in the fourth degrce,elpecially the Pitch ae t ae iad lel es out ofthis tree a Rofinlike vato rhat,which iffveth out oft 1e a ie aoe i. fotten fo a aay OF cleaning fubftance ; thewhichif youchens e ce en i finchefiss Phare hander cleaner fo fatts atthe firit ss heygee a Cecal Cedar Pirch, Cédara “houp} YP mis were wont to coffin and embawme cheit dead in Tichesyecees oes in thefire anexcelenepitch Wil Deni reandwith Cedar pitch, C 4g. -D ad vied alfo other meanes as Herodatugatecordeth, Bithey econdited Orenibanmedbeduiheycallin fhops Mumiabut verse vafitly: for Mumia amen +f t a J edicasae ter 474,ane Nilsenbaseabich the Grecianscall Pyffalphalton,as appeereth by Anicen chapter 474 4 7° ¢ |