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Show r,Separded with moft ftiffe prickes not veryfafelyto be touched:among the thor- ny flowersin finall tufts like Gewi/fella, but that they ate whites thecods ke Gemi/iellaywherein are many final white andthree cometed feeds % The defeription. 1 {wectes,being firlt {teeped in Rofe water till it be foft. soto 7 7 The Grecians haue calledthis plant Nove ae 3 HISTORIE OF PLANTS, Ts oheeiout sacle o The verties, ee e Guinme Is tingular good to licked in with honie aej a throte,hoarfenes, and all fharpe and thinne rheumesor diftileons tene ‘ties takethaway the roughnes thereof, Btu Anciioaioe ra ee Beingdrunke with Cate or the deco@tion of Lycotice j : winesitts alfo vied in medicines for thé cies, ies es sn away and alaieth theheate ofB Thegreateft part ofthofe artificia ial ll beades beades fweete chain haines,bracelets. i i things ofpleafuure are made harde andfitto Be wotne by tehike aaa cs oe bicaufeitis good for the finewes ; itfhouldfeeme thatittooke the name Poterion ofPotrix, bicaule Ofthe Egyptian Thorne. Chap.24.. it louetha waterie or fennie foile : ithath {mall branchesandleaues of Tragacantha growing naturally in the traét of Piedmontin Italie, It{prem % The kindes. deth abroad likea fhrubbe:'the barkeottindeis blackith & dry without great moifture,very much writhed or wrinckled in andour, as thatot2¢ps or Corruda : the {harpe prickes ftand notin order as Tragacantha, but confufedly, and arefiner and three times leffér then thofe of Tragacentha, g10wing muchafter the maner of Lenticula or Ajirs- galus : the feedis {mall andredlike vnto Sumach, but leffer. vs Theplace. lofeorides i - hath made ade m mention of two for! ts Oo: f CAcacia this S WhOle v fe figure S$ a we we haue eietc letdowne A the ent Acacia. (Acacia Dioftoridis, The AEgyptian Thorne, % The deleription. Jofcorides maketh mention of ~Acacia, whereofthe fitlt is the ttue and tight Acacia,which is a fhrub orhedge tree,buc not growing right or ftraight vp as other {mall trees do: his branches are woodie, befet with many hard andlong Thornes, about which grow the leaues, compact of many{mall leaues cluftering about one fide, as in the Lentill: the flowers arewhitifh, the husks ot cods be plaine and flat, yea very broad like vnto Lupines, efpecially on that fide where the feede groweth,which is contained fometimes in oné part, and fometimes in Petrus Belloniusin his firft booke of Singulari- tiesreporteth , that there is great plentie heereot growing in Candie vponthe tops of the mountaines:Theophra Aus faith thatit was thoughttobe no where butin Candie , but nowe itiscertame thatit is foundin Achaia,Peloponelus,andalioin Afia :it.doth alfo growe in Arcadia, whichts thought not to beiriferiour to that ofCandies Languedockein thought by Z’Obeliws to grow in Fraunce , whereof Theophrastus hath written his 9.booke, that the liquor or gum iffueth foorth ofitfelfe, and thatitis notneedfull to haue the fmoothyams, root brokenorcut. The beftis that faith Dio/torides,whichis through fhining,thin and {weete of {mellandtafte. ; % The time. to parts of the huske, growing togither.in a narowe necke : the feede is fmooth and gli There is a blacke inice taken out of thefe ripes if they be dried in the fhadowwhen th but if when they arenoc ripe, then itis fomwhat t aluice out of the leaue red :fome do andfruite. There flowetiialfoa gum out of this tree which isthe gum of Arabia, called Gumme Arabicke. A al They flower and flourifh in the fummer moneths. Ihaue fowenthe feede of Poterioltip a two yeres which Preceiuedfrom Joachimus Camerarius of Noremberge, that grewin my garden gither,and afterperifhed by fome mifchance. % The names. eee I, we Goates Thornes called in Greek-rez2-a$2,and ofthe moft Herbariftslikewife Tragacam fot maycall itin Latine Spima Hercé: in French Barbe Renard: andin Englith tor the pian “ll of beareth ame ; a natne,Goates Thorne: theliquor or gumthatiffueth foorth ofthe rootes maner Gunimt Tragacantha :itiscalled in fhops Gummi Tragacanthe, andina barbarous canthi: in Englifh Gumime Dragagant. the fharpenes of humours,anddothalfo fomething drie. jofcorides having defcrib fettetlt downea fecond kind @écrcit altera , which bath th * "s % The temperature. OF ie doth co nfolidate Thisplasit in eache part thereofis of adrying facultie with out niippppiing, It re ha ic wh , y ll {pecia glew togitherfinewes that be cut: but the rooteshaue that facultie elpe' s: hefinewe inwine,, and the décoGtion giuenvnto thofe thar haue any grecfe orhurt inthe: illeth,or Hae GumDragagant hath anemplafticke or dawbing qualitie,by reafon wherofit dt 4 SaatEstesPe of Tracaecrtha, isalloalowe and thickethrub, hauing many fhootes oro. eofawhite or grayith colour, about acubitehigh, ftiffe and woodie:theleaues Belted ed Cri HE THIRD BOOKE OF THE Rewor Cyti/us, and codslike oe Warde Harty but for L at the a Rafot ‘Otee or biiabas narrower , vntill itcometo haue a th: Sleek Beh ni feede’s like Geniftella, which before they fzorG adtefeiibinc e plant gtoweth ro the height of Genifia pir en ce, and vor té the height of a tree, as 14 like the former, iP |