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Show Of Broome OF THE oeee ae an THE THIRD BOOKE HISTORIE (OF PL ANTS. Chap. 15s 3 Genifta Hifpaniea. Spanifh Broome, 4 G. 4 cniftaten J ae a lia. Small leafed Broome, % The kindes. There be diners forts of Broome, differing in diuers refpects,as fhall be declared, 2 Rapum Genifte. I Genifta. Broome. Broome Rape,or Orobanch, % The defersption, a hielo h “ likewife woodie ftems‘from whience gtowe vpflender pliant twigs, Dorefarte dittan tos hi without leaues,« rat the leaft hauing but fewe{mall leaues , fet. heereand Boat ne rotitatiorher; with yellow flowers not much vnlike’the flowers of common thetogre ic Stes whichturneinto fmalblong eads swherein is contemned browne and flat feed: % The defiris tion. eae bbie plant,ité hath ftalks or rather woodie branchess: fromw es iid i ID Roome is a buth or i y foring flendertwigs,corne si f ay g aitile many. od ryt sreene,tough,andthat be eafily bowed,many ie colour, AS Poa growe =little leaues ofPe an ob/cut ahd ch do id lef ‘ e colour ofan ¢ j rh and woodie, 3 ‘ ar o leafed Broome, hath many cough pliantootes rifing out ofthe ground, Bowveryfall hon tough ftalks; which ae diuédédinto ditiers twigGie branches , whereon ’ 7 mal chinne leanes,ofaiwhitith colour’ Wherenpon {ere haue called ic Gemifta alba, HOOMe s the Aauwar s ; Nok toy te: the flowers grow atthe topofthe ftalks,in fhape Jike thofe of the common Broom, j idiiDsraatacretvitehpecialty ditterech fromthe ref of hie Brox mes, Sievppeka. tree or fov iponitiscalled z, I 2 Thisisacertaine bulbedplant groy : elowe. below s of broome, bigge cotnn) ewithin :from which 1 s g aboue,couered w kith {cales, of: owifht fpanne long,hauing whitith fc out the top, like growe foorth f lon; rs nd roundhuskes,in which are conteined veryfineleeaes, * nothing: the whcle is of the colourof the Okenleafe. P Wooing “ae “ rooniehath Md Ay tii i¢ bratiches, very greene; tough, for what ftraked topic! ty ee groundswhe 2011 do grow t inp i oa » fi mngeipies Cflowere ty ee ene fatt togither’ Hke'vnto aneaeie on aris waderheathjandof abitter tafte: among which ea Pete fora«'S like thofe of common broome sbucleffer , of little or no fmellatall: MEM lh code, ‘ odie: aa : ‘ 80. Ghee Mucods fomdivhab hairie wherein is conteired{all feede: the me DI oe foorth after which sh stough anc and 17 * ds thele te Broome of Hungarie hathftalkes andyellowea flowers, : likeathofe» of , the ee varfie Maple: aues heereof are differeney:they:are:longér and mioe innymber: the whole plancis Beaterwhisesieefpecially colififterh the'difference, Dddd 4 5 ch wegens{iA |