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Show 1126 HISTORIE OF PLANTS: BOOKESOF THE THE THIRD of BR oome siti which ‘doelii¢little blackith feedessthe iefler than the c mes cree peth aflope. re ) roote is long 2. Thefecond1 kinde of bal tardeniilke“Trefoileis like vnto the former inplentifull. alkes and twigsybuttharit isloweran d more downie’sneither do the ftalkes thereofflande vpright, butra cods.lor thVer In le 3 Cytifius femper virens, ofcolouryellow, lefler then thofe of Broome; otherwifeall alike : in their places grow.ypflender 1127 aa hirfiitus, Pfeudotytifts 4 Thehai rie valtass tree Trefoile The euer greene fhrubTrefoile, ay. line to the one fide: the leaues'alfo are fotnewhat greater , buryerleflerchan tholeofthe medow Trefoile: the flowers likewife beclofelieriain ed togither , and compacted asit wereinto alittle head 5 and be alfofomethiig greater :the cotldes in like maner ar¢a little biggeriand haiti, ‘The roote groweth deepeinthe groundee.being diuidedinto a few fprigs sit oftentimeshappeneth to growin oneplace more hairie or downie thanirianother: the morehairie anddownieitis, the mote white and hoarieitis ;for the haiririesdoth alfo bring with ita certainé whitifh colonr, 2 Pfeudotyti}ifiss 2, 1 Pleudocytifast The firftbaftatd fhrub Trefoile. The fecond battard {hiub Trefeile 1 j| o 1 aes oe Theplace. siieekinds ofMilke Trefoiles are founde in1 Mor:auia, fo calledin our age, : oe Marcomannorumprouincza, an a ohigh w aies,and in the borders of fie f fe Th Ctime. Th ey ; el Silt flourifh efpecially in Iuneand Iz clIties coaentinough that they are bafta ‘ ed, and] ainly termeod Peudeaocyt esc * : lide Milletttefoiles, WiNhat ¢temperature thefe fhru y red face ¢. ae he fourth thrubbe is likewife one ofthe wilde kinde, thoughin tothe height ott raed Ic groweth vplike a {mall fhrub or hedge buth manure d Cytifus.t on whofe branches do growe three rough or hairie leaues , fet vpona flenderf “t abright!h greene colour: the flowers grow alongft the ftalkes from the middle to the top, yellowcolour: the roote islikewife woodie, H moustree Trefoile vene s hj cubit mk or iffp!lue|fires, that ist 7 r , eferred tothe other Mi remoustree Trefoile. 3 Thethirdkinde of baftard milke Trefoile,briingetlh foorthacompanyof fa faire greene colour: theflow! rsa a fomewhat writhed andcrooked, long leaueso that is tofay, hauing the finel fweetlyfmelling, galbineus, ther, Jong, white,orelfe dt acu foit felfeiis alwaies ene botk fommier andwinter, | ve knowe not, neither haue yet °ound out by owne Trefoiles. y our ownee % Thedefcription. , and there iption, The deferip ontpeliier hathm placed {fror be many {jndibs fie flow ; esiesan? whic Eon pres Oliue or Oke the Sasitvy 9d very like the flowers of reinis cont feetTacs a:whe plantis of afi vnfauoric tance, Tare sthe whole (hap.13- |