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Show THIRD BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE % Theplace. ftus Ledon groweth in the Iland of Candie,as Bedomiwe doth teftifie, in vntilled places euetie rit is found alfo in Cyprus,as Pémie fheweth, andlikewife in many places of Spainethatlie ato the funne:moreouer both the forme and bignes of theleaues andalfo of the plantsthem s, as well of thefé that bring foorth Ladanum, as theother Ciftus,dovarie in this woondeefall OF PLANTS 4) The! wilde Rofematie C/u/is hath referted' vnto the kind Hoo £Cj pore kinfrhan thereof iriferted itin the nexrplace ‘sii aa oo 1 iftus Ledons'w ce haueasa wilde Rofemarie isafinall woodie thrub, growing feldonie Matte leat. ‘This chesof'a reddith colour, diuiding: themfclues: into other Sualler dehciots having hard branfume ate placed without ordes divers long leaues greene aboii¢, and eo Se ik whitith:colour: maner,according to the diuerfitic ofthe places and countries where they grow: they are ftrangets liketothofe'of the dwarffe Willow, ot the common Rofemarie ae in thefenortherlyparts, being very impatient of our coldclimate, fa ° x The time, They flower for the moft part fromMaie tothe end of Auguft The clammie matterwhich fil. leth vpon theleaues ,which isa liquid kinde of Rofen of a fweete {mell,.is gathered inthe fpring time,as Déoféorides faith :but as Petrus Bellonius affirmeth (being aneie witneffe at the gathering) in the midft of fommer, and in the extreme heate of the Dogge daies ; the whichin our time not without great care and diligence,andas great labour,is gathered from the wholeplant (with cet. lle fell or noneat all, The flowers ftand ‘onthe tops of re: i altringenctafte, of loteltalkes,confifting of fiue {mall leaves of areddith colour ices yf ; ee bare ornaked d loarie vaderneath,not vn- peerelittle knaps full offmall feede. The roote is tough and wontie Mat inings after which ere a Raipe ofmart : Wj de tain [plebe Vilde Kofemarie. 1 Ro/warinumn Coromariur oromar } : inn, Garden Rofemaric, fh Z taine inftruments made in maner of tooth pickes, or eare pickes , whichin their toongtheycal Ergaftiri) and not gathered fromthe beards of Goates , as itis reported in the old fables ofthe i lying munkes theinfelues,called Ca/ohieros, that isto fay, Greekifh munkes, whoofvery mockeric haue foifted that fable among others extantintheir works. % The names. The fhrub itfelfe is called in Greeke ajc or adv: the Latines keepe the Grecke name, Ledm or Ladon, andisakinde of C#/twsor HollieRofes: the fat or clammie matter whichisgathered fromthe leaues,is named Zadamon,and Ledanon, according to the Greeke: the Apothecaries cor. ruptlycall it Lapdanwm : Diofcorédes counteththat to be the beft whichis fweeteoffmell,and{om. whatgreene, that eafily waxethfoft,is fat, without fande’, and is not eafily broken, butfull of Rofinor Gumme, % The temperature. Ledanum faith Galenishotin thelater end ofthefirft degree , having alfo a litele aftrictive ot doth mobinding qualitie; itis likewife ofa thinne fubftance,and therefore it foftneth, and withall deratelydigeft,and alfo concoct, E The vertues. hairesfrom A Ladenumhatha peculiar propertie againft the infirmities ofthe mothers itkeepeth ve fallings for it wafteth awayanyfetled or putrified humour thatis at their rootes. tempered with wnt Diofcorides faith that Ledanum dothbinde,heate, fouple, and open, beingtherewith jor laideon annointed Myrrhe,and oile of Myrtils it keepethhaires from falling being ! well coloured. and faire unds {carsofwo or markes the tmaketh mixed with wine,1 with honiedsaC__ Ittakethawaythe paineinthe cares ifit be powred or dropped therein, mixed ter,or withoile of Rofes. efle ofthe A fume made thereof drawetl: foorth the afterbirth, and taketh away the hardn matrix. F_ -Itis with good fuccefle mixed with mollifying plaifters that mitigate paine, he tt F Being drunke withwine,it ftoppeththe laske,and prouokethvrine. G Thereis made heereofdivers forts of Pomanders., chaines , and bracelets, with other mixed therewith, Dp. Coronarium. Theophraftustaketh it tohe & The dcfeription. 7 bits Ofemarie is a woodie fhrub , growing oftentimes to theheight,of sai of ye efpecially whenitis ferby.a wall : icconfifteth of flender britele peante sigh vaoet grow verie manylong leaues,narrow,fomwhat hard,ofaquicke {picieta “ frong, fms neath, and ofafull greene colour aboue , orin the vpperfide, with a pleafant Soh: rhe roots amongwhich comefoorth little flowers ofawhitifh blew colour: the feedeis black: ate tough and woodie, iiA miftaking Cammomill YM arinun tion mayeafilsly be Notwithftanding their conttouerfies refting difpurable, thequef datany OfRofemarie. (hap.6f x The defeription. ca, thath fet ome controuerfie among thelearned, who vndifcreetly haue confounded gus (two moftexcellent in the eH and Cinnamome. Aeguillara and Gu ) akinde of Lawanliffer as touching the knowledge hereof, one tak eth itto be The Igeofplants, if they ee fimpleft that haue taken anypainesin the kn 9 Rohe fe where it groweth naturally in great ak oe > in Narbone, Spaine andItalie. Espen the defer *) thall ¢, Ofry, Beret arceine thereby, that it carmot bee Polygonum Pling, nei {ubftance, to the heig ni pts; hauin nee an hedge fhrub of a woodie whereupon doe os Aes abs any twiggie branches of a greene colour : Mi faccc Flaxe weede, of a bittertattes among which cont ef ort fmall Mebhath mon, i hyellow colourlike thofe of the Cornell tree, and of thefniell of Rofer ed meto place it with the Rofemaries asa kindthereof,not finding any other p! Ccce a leet eeee THE |