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Show ro80 THE®THIRD BROOKE, OF THE 2 The common Damaske\Rofein {tature, prickley branches, andin other refpedtes is like the Whire Rofe ; the efpeciall difference confifteth in the colour and{mell ofthe flowers; forllige areofapaleredcolour,and ofa more pleafant {mell,andfitter formeate or medicine, 4 HISTORIE OF PLANTS ty Hollandica fine Bata na, the gteat Holland Kofe,comimonly called 8 ie the « nly called the preat Province Role Theother differethnot,butis altogithés lefler: the flowers and fruit ate like; the vlein phificke % The iplace, z thefe forts of Rof allo agreeth with the precedent. ofe doth growe w 5 Rofa fine pints. The Rofewithout prickles, % Thedéfcription, > TheRofe without prickles hath many the plow ed corneinfucha equall with the beft garfein each refpe& stl thing thar giueth greatcaut ris,thatin: aforefaid,called Glc y Yeere that the ed for corne ,that yeer eld will befpred ouery 1 and wheniclieth as % Thetime. trentfom the end oF May tothe ende of Augutt sand diuers tin es after 5 byreafon the Ses fower enervay ot are curt away in the end of their fowring 5 and then do theyfomeheRofeiscall ie I Ctober,and after. 4 The names. fe ey, lteththe famenamechacih; ete the plant it fe aera WEN bin Latine lsatplencecre theKofa:in flower Greel hath, anditis called Rodow hemidd % The defeription. 4 fil 6 The Hollandor ProuinceRofe hath diuers fhootes proceeding from a woodie ee 5 ting confi leaues growe do whereon 3 branches fharpe prickles, dividing it felfe into diuets Boe oe a leaues fet vpon a rough middlerib, and thofe fnipt about the edges. The flowers but greater and Te tops of thebranches, in Shape andcolour like the Damaske Rofe, in fo much that the yellow chiues inthe middle are hard tobe feenes of a reafonable Ae but notfull fo fweete as the common Damaske Rofe.Thefruitis like the other ofhis kin is vest We hauein our Londongardens oneof the red Rofes, whofe flowers ate in quanti’ efoeciall tié equall with the former, but of greater eftimation, of a perfect red colour Pappasoe it differethfromthe Prouince Rofe; in ftalkes, {tature and mannerof growing it agrest commonred Rofe, ,as Plutarch faith, bicaufe itfen- oruneil, a. Seipl i chines or feedes,andtips,is called Athos, and white dato ae ole et as Cadantnera,or Me Dik wing of te Rofe. ; tel Fnenes or ales oe scanes of the floweritfelfe ; by " lish theyare faftned tO DIeSUps Deas Ug llowparr sd Teat AgraS called Calix,orthe Cup, which conteineth and holdeth in togither Aleoa ys are thof Bs ee ree none 1 I Ktteitbe open ae the cup which are deepely cut, & that com bth! in teh be in nuniberfiue;two haue beards andtwoha ifthath 100tes of the PAtOfRofes. s¢ h a al ther Cortices Rofarum,ot thiebuiskes ofthe Roles re in the 7Proeme, lhewhite Rove+ epealatitshislictle garden doth call Viburne writingas beforesnth ne Dutch ae} iscalled Rofaaiba: in Engliththe white Rofe: in high Dutch Gaels Boolens Theted R ae litte Boles in French Blache: Plinie: mei. noe S called in Latine Rofa Rubra: of the Frenchy ICampaione sof p/j5 ; The Dat, Paigne: of Plinie Trachinia,or Praneffina. 5 : c eisca n Italians s called isr Re E Rofei Utch eicie ncialata:i pronincarn ofaRofai offome Raolofe :the Fh Peoui Bbw D, mask Aaaa 3 ofen: me iinet tieaeeee cal itleye,and nor plowed, thal there be but fewe Rofes to pac by therelation ofaciirious seombars there dwelling, fo often remembred in our Hi- ee 5 yoongfhootes commingftom theroot, diuiding themfelues into divers branches, tough, and of a woodie {ubftance, as areall the reft ofthe Rofes,ofthe heightoffiueor fixe cubites; fmooth and plaine without any roughneffe or prickles acalls wheteon do groweleaues like thofe of the Holland Role, of a fhining deepe greene colouron the vpper fide, vnderneath fomewhathoarie and haitie. The flowers groweat the tops of the branches, confilting of aninfinitenumber-of leanes, greatet thanthole of the Damaske Rofe ;-more double, and of a colour betweene the Red ‘and Damaske Roles, of a moft fweete {mell, The fruitis rounde, red whenitistipesand fut: fed with the like flockes and {eedes of thole of the Damaske Rofe. The rooteisgreat, woodie,and farfpreading, |