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Show THE SECOND BOOKE- OF; THE HIS TIORIESOR PLANTS ; Thefeede of Baftarde Dittanie taken in the quantitic ofa dram is goodagainft the ftranong} prouoketh vrin eaketh theftone in the bladder,and driveth:it foorth, ane sh the lea th the Jeaues afd can iuice taken nd being bei applied ied Ke aft after the fame: fort,and outwardly, sand {plinters out of the flefh, The roote taken withalittle Rubarbe,killeth and driueth foorth woormes, Déofcorides repoxteth, that the wilde Goates beingftriken with darts or arrowes willeate Dic + .3 e : . - B Of baftard Rubarbe, p thaletrum,fine Thaliétrum mains, Great baftard Rubarbe, a tam, andthereby caufe them tofall our of theit bodies, which is mentof.the tight Dictam, though Dedonaus veporteth that thisplant will dothe like,(which I do not beleeue.) ic ig 2 Thal , SacllsAagthates AYof dedee Ge Of land Caltrops. Chap.507. Tribulus terreftrés. Land Calctops, Chap.508. % The defeription, Ande Caltrops hath long branchesfill of ioints, {pred abroad. vponthe ground,gamifhedwith many leuesfet yp6.a middletibaf. ter the maner ofFetches: among which grow lit. tle yellowflowers,confifting of fine fall leaues, like vntothe flowers of Formentill: Ineverfawe the plant beareyellowe,but white flowers,agreeing withthe defcription of Dodomans in eachtefpect, faue in the colour of the flowers, which do turne into finall {quarefruite, rough, and full of prickles, whereinis a finall kernell or feede : the roote is white and full offtrings. %& The place. It growethplentifully in Spaine in the fieldes: itis hurcfullto corne, butyetas Pinefaith, itis rather to be accounted among the difeales of ‘corne , then among the plaguesofthe earth:itis calfo found in moft places of Italy and Fraunce5l foundeit growingin'atnoift medowadioining to the woode or Parke ofSir Frances Careme, necte Croidon,notfarre from: London; and not el where: ftom whence I brought plants for my garden. sh: The time. ae | It Aowrethin June andLuly:the fruite ismpem Auguft, %& The names. : Itiscalledin Greeke sel2enes: and in Latine 11 which bajusand thatit may differ from the other, exowethin the water,it is named relZores zeprtios, Or Trsbulues terrefires? itmay be'called in Englil Land Caltrops,of the likenes whichthe fruite hath with Caltrops,, that are inftruments of warte ater Sé caftin the way to annoie the feete of the enimies horfes ,-asis before remembredinthew “igot. % The temperature and vertues. 06 A binaing Inthis Lande Caltrops thereis anearthy and colde qualitie abounding, whichisalfo as Galen writeth. 3 ‘a the kid: B The fruite chereofbeing drunke by réafontis of thinne patts , wafteth away {tones in the A C neles. nicht, and Land Caltrops faith Djoféorides being drunke to the quantitic ofa French crowne Wan ae alfo applied, cureth the bitings ofthe viper, : F Sorin D Andifit be drunkewith wine, itisa remedi¢ againft poifons: the decoction chereof fpr about killech fleas, & The defeription. I TetThaler or baftarde Rubarbe, hath large leaties, parted oF dividedinto diuers iy eee soraaeht {nipt about the edges, of ablacke or darke greene colour: the <f or ftraked,of a purple colour,growing tothe height of two cubits: atthe litle code eeana and hairie white flowers, and after them comic {mal} parsowe hnsks, Mille Farce br HF ue growing togither : the rooté is yellow,long, rounde,andknottie,difpers toi} cofgrow on * Thefnallie, - 00 the vpperface of the earth, ih ae thes are afpan “et ‘Rubarbe is veric like vnto;the precedent , but thatitis altogitherlefler : his flow He m4 foote long; his leaues be thinne and tenders theroote fine ne fl nder$ &ofy ateeu ee togitherin {mall bundles, or tufts,of a light yellowcolour,almoft white,and Sfanour, _ Thefe Bey Theplace. Ly : s sti Poe growe alongft the ditch fides leading from Keutith fireete vnto Saint Thokd strom3, om place of execution, onthe right hande stheygrowe ypon the Thames bankes, acke WVall to Woolwich, neere London,and in fundryother places alfo; The Dre The he? sig { times, thor themoft Part in Iulyand Augutft, + Th pa Le SeletoCe ee 7066 |