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Show THE SECOND 'BOOKE OF THE % Thedefcription, Aftard Ditrahie is a yerie rare and palané plant;hauing thanybrowne ftalks, fomwhat tough; dittideditito fiindrie {mall branches, garnifhed with leanes like Liquorice,or ratherlike the leaues ofthe Afh Tree,but blacker,thicker,& more full of inice,ofan vnpleafant fauour: among which growe flowers, confifting offiue whitith little long and nakedftems , eightornine inches long, whereon do growe many {mall flowets of the fafhionof the Vetch orLentil], butofableweco- leaues {tripped with red, wheteof one which gto- lour tending to purple, and afterthemcome{mall cods,wherein the feede is contained, %& Theolace. The firft and fecond growe vponBartonhil, fowermiles from Lewtonin Bedfordfhire, vpon both the fides of the hill; and likewife vpon the grafic balkes betweene the landes of corte two miles from Cambridge, neere vito a watermill to. weth vndermoft, hangeth downe lowes bntthe fower which growe vppermoft, gtowe morefliffe and vpright: out of themidft ofthis fowet com. methfoortha Taffell,which is like a beard,hang- ing alfo downwards, and fomewhat turning vpat the lower end : which being vaded, there come in place fower huskes ioined togither; muchlike the huskes or cods of Columbines; fomewhat rough wardes Londons and diuers otherplaces by the way from London to Cambridge : the relt ae ftrangers in England. & The time. ; Thefe plants do flower in Iuly,and theirfedeis ripe fhortly after. se The names. Itisdrdwer, or without a nameamong thelate writers: the olde and ancientphifitions do call it 3volpuyy’s: for all thofe things that are found written his, . in Dioftorides or Pliny concerning Onobryc genst butlon efpecially agree heereunto,Dio/éor. writeth thus; Onobrych ishath leaueslikea Lentill, and Pi ftalkea {pan high; a crimfonflowersa little roote : it groweth in moift and vntilled places: a fmalland nie in like maners Onebrychis hath the leaues ofa Lentill,fomwhat longer, a red flower, without, flimie to handle, & ofa lorhfome fauour; almoft likethefmnell ofa goate; whereupon fome Merbarifts hauecalled it Tragium:in thecods are contained fmall blacke fhining feedeslike Peonie feedes incolour: the rootes are white, a finger thicke,one twifting or knotting within another,in tafte fomewhatbitter, aS =e ‘ % The temperature. medici nes,doerait Thefe herbes as Gz/en hath writteninhis bookes of the faculties of fimple fie or make thinne and wafte away. garden not very muchdiffering; the leaues ofthe LZ : one are greater,greener,harder,andfharper poin- Sut coloured, and of the othera little redder: ; ie ip % The place. eben gtowvethwilde in the fahcarsihes of Italy,and Getmanie, and | haueit growing we ijmaniflt All whichthings and eueryparticular are in this évéreegs, or nameleffe herbe, as : pce and therefore it is not to be doubted at all , but that the fameis Onobrychts es 9 pai of ters: it may becalledin Englifhred Fetchling, or as fomefuppofe Medicke Fitch, head. : & The rime. Itfowreth in Iuneand Iuly:and the fede is ripe in the end ofAuguft, ; % The names. serseas name it Fra.winella,moft pauat fords thoughthey thould fay Ha Eraxis burnoe si, Seb: nglifh baftard orfalfe Dittanie: the fhopscall it Diétamnum, and Diptaman, terihe Bini : rie the rootes heereof in fteede of here Dittanie. That it is tk tefime i ag ‘i eee knowne then needfull atall to be confuted and it is as euident that raga tn toftoré, les his Pfeudodictamnun , or baftard Dittany:buticis p aine to beakindé si - & The vertues. > A SE Thereis another kinde heereofgrowing in my ays he ee blacker,not fo hard,nor fofhatpe eel the flowersalfo heereofbe Ij flender roote:it groweth aboutfprings or fountaines ofwater. Chap.506. wellingss but as yet laide rponti ace Therefore the leaues thereof when itis: greene, being waxen catnels in maner ofa faluiey doe wafte and con{ume themaway'ybut being ane in wine they cure the ftrangurie ;and laide onwith oile it procureth {weate. ; downe the herbe B Whichthings alfo concerning Onobryches Diofcorides Kathin thefe words a nke with wine i ftamped and applied wafteth'away hard fwellings ofthe kernels; but being 4 helpeth the ftrangutie,and rubbed onwithoile it caufech {weatings. Or the old writers,wherewithit feemethto agreein fhewe,burnotin fubftance, he temperature. albetoor ofbaftard Dittanicis Seadta ke fecond degree, itis ofa watting, attenuating, pening facultie, Ith; 2h se The vertues. x is seg ae the menfes, iealfo bringeth away the birth and afterbirth sit helpeth colde 4& "ded, UX tand it is‘reported to be goodfor thofe that haueill ftomackes andare fhort y 7 nes: and bitings Halk de. is alfo,, that it is profitable againft the ftingings eiof s venemous ferpents; B , and that itis wit dif eaf andpeft es Wed wi th Cou ile con nt tag ious YPonte ilorpo ns,ifo agans, inft olty f of oe athicke, fat, and flethie toughroote; the vpper part of which are fall, rounde, and plianey gatni. fhedwith litrle leaues like thofe of Lentils, or ra: ther Tragacantha,fomwhat foft, and couered oner with a woollyhairines: among which come forth REBMPRe Fraxinella. ; ese Dittanie, ut) oe % The decription. 5 The fift kinde of Oxobrychishathtanygrofle and woodie ftalkes ; proceeding immediately from — IR Mountaine Medick Fetch, XxX § RiGeeoa e Of baftardDittanie, 5 Onobrychis montana 4. Clusy. TI Le HISTORIE OF SLANTE Se ae 1064 |