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Show OF'THE HISTORIE OF PLAN TS, 1055 % The names, The Grecians call this praine siep0: the Latines alfo Sefamwn, and Sifamwn, and often inthe Feminine gender S¢efam<: we are conftrained for want of an Englith nameto vie the Latine= itisvnknowne to the Apothecaries,efpecially the plancit felfe sbut the feede and oile ther fis to befoundamong them: we maycall it Turkie Miller , eget e %& The temperatureand vertues. moft perniciousand harmfullweedeof all others,yntoall manerof graine, holfomebetbesyorany woode whatfoeuer, Accordingto fome itishotanddryin the firft degree : the feed thereofas Galen faith ,isfat,and 4 therefore being Jaid vp it commethto beoilie veryquicklyswherefore it feedilyfilleth and ftuffeth ypthofe that feede thereof,and ouerthrowe th % Theplace. The fit doth growinfliadowie woods, and among bufhes: there groweth great fore thereof therein Swanefcombe woode,a mile anda halfe from Greene-Hithein Kent, as yougotoa village ; is diuers 6other pplaces 3 in diuers Betfomessandin by calledd Berfome tothebodya fat nourifhmentc : thereforeit and thereforeit cannot {peedily pafle thoro make cakes thereofwith hony;which they call mzul-us: itisalfo mixed th bread, andis ofan} ot temperature.for which caufe itprocureth thirft : andin his bookeof the faculties of Simple medicineshe faith thar Sefamum is not alittle clammie andfat, and thereforejr js an emplaftick, 5 anda and fofter,and is moderately hot: the oile which commeth thereofis of like temperature.and fo isthe accoction ofthe herbe alfo, : Dioftorides writeth that Se/ammmis an enimie tothe ftomacke,it caufeth a ftinkin where, te The time. The time anfwereththe other Pulfes. % The names. ; The firttis called Larhyrws,to make a difference betweeneit and Lathyrisor ~ rer of J Itwafteth away the grofienes of the finewes, ic isa remedyagainft brufings ofthee ares,inflam- @ tions,burnings,and {caldings,paines of the ioints,& biting ofthe poift nfom horned ferpent . L- c “Ceraflescbeing mixed with oile of Rofes it taketh away the headach\which comme th of hear, _ Ofthe fame forceis the hetbe boiled in wine’, butiti s efpecia llygoodfor the hearand paine of D the cies, Thetemperature and vertues are referred to the man ured Tare or Vetch; notwithftanding they are not vied for meate or medicine. Ofthe herhe; : the herbe : vfed of the Egyptians, is madeanoile : whicha aah s Ppy tay faith,i faith.is s profitprofi ‘satemedi¢ againft the founding or Tinging in the eares, Chap.4.99» Ofhatchet Fetch. e deferip we The L/criptioTe Sefamum, file Sifamium. The oilie i I giaine, £ amuhath a thicke and fatyp if hicthigh , garniuhea it ; aud halfe acubite e Peach or Alt Bale leanés much Ls g breath: ifiere- B Mai eftinking betweene the teeth after itis chewed, ale cuerialt Peace great wilde Tare, and Cichling: ; fy ide Fe " wil Fetch,as Englith is called cal ne Ciera: Ci inItali (coho: in I nyellow yellowwilde Italian Afccho: in 4racus of fore The otheris Cichling te Thetemperatureanavertues. Of the Oylte Pulfe called Sefamum. :andthe iuice tharcommeth thereofis th icke w he veines; men donot greatly feede of it aloha: but ener elde and 3among graine almoftt euetie rde afture , bordersof i moft graffie paftutes feldes, : The other groweth in lif in Englih GY A601 ::inE 192 Gracorum et ad E uninfatinum3 of : Tragus Psfwm off Cordus Jus Clymsenum the ftomacke,and is flowe ofdigeftion and veal Jeth ismanifeft, tharitcannot ftrenethenth e Komarhs, a anypattthereof,as alfono other kinde offat thing c At Thetehe di 7 % The kindes. Aerebe diuers forts ofhatchet Fetches, called by the name Hedy/arum,as fhall be fhewe Ul rather in mine opinion, more UKe fe leaues come {c (hap.soo. ; TY 5 ; % The defe 107, Hefititkinde of hatchet Fetch, hath manyfinall branches trailing heere and there y the ground vpon which grow {mall leaues,{pred abroad like the leaues of the wilde Ve emong which come foorth clufters of fmall yellowflow ts, which fad red flowers , crefted ¢ y,an §,thin,and brownecod 5, whereinis conteined {mall reddith fee Thiop of whic kinde ofbeaf cence ereene,bicaule of! theror bedeco feed1 therof dri 1 and1 dried,the red andthe cattle will feece on me we % T hep lie. It groweth both in E oni goa faith Pine, came Ii the Lnaites " a eanoe anoile of it,and isa ttrang % The time. Tris one of the fommer gta gta! icat® it of the feauen before the rifing af writeths yet Colwmellala muit be jowen afte againft the Ides of Octobe! wht {nile n . = parta rotten loue, ¥ moft ablacke mo!" call bis dn calla -. do ~ of Campania ikinde of hatchet Fetch, Hetupon do growleaues like hat many ound,tough,at the former,but morelike the lc f Li €ofthe Liquorice toote, which hath giuenoccafion to fome todeeme ita long thefe leaues come foorth pale yell owe flowers, after which there fuc« oes (which the grauer hath omitted)turning th lehornes,containing {inall flar feeds ints inwardly fower corn on ani tough,ofa woodie fibftance,and dothcontinue fruitfull a very long Sanotherkinde ofSecnyidaca or hatchet Fetch,which hath branches, leaue fore remembred,and differeth in that,that theflowers of thi "ycolours, being on the vpperpart of a flefh colour and uF, With a purple Storkes bill in the midft: the leaues are * of Birds foote,and not much vnlike the cods of Orobus. te another kinde ofSecuridaca or Hatchet Fetch, which is ded aforenamed Door Pexuie, who foundeit inthe n rth parts ¢ dbranches,like vnto the former : but and bitter alfoin rafte: his cods arelike the claw ofa crab, or (as C/u/ies! ‘oomakers do vfe in Flanders, in which cods are contained {mall redaith #4008 Continuance, ear THE SECOND BOOKE-~ 2 Theyellowwilde Tare or Fetch,hath divers veryfinal] ramping ftalkes tough andleaning th I ] wayand thacway,not able to ftande of it felfe without the helpe of props,or th it: the leaues are verythin,& fharpe pointed: the flowers growe amongft the leaues f dionof the Peafe flowers, of a bright yellow colour sthe rootes ee very finall,Jong,tough, andin atomber infinite,infomuchthatit is impoffible to rooteit foorth being once gotten into atiy ground, vale theearth be digged vp withthe rootes,and both caft into the river 3 OF burned tidonbaee itis th ce a = oe ee ereEe 1054 |