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Show SECOND BOOKE' OF THE hotfleach.if che one halfe be laid vpon the place, -Theblacke Beaheis not vied with vs atall, {ceing as we haue {aide , it israte, and fowenonelyin afew mens gardensiwho t 5 ¢ i delighced in vatietie and ftudic ofherbes, OfKidney Beane. a He ftocke or kinred of the Kidney fteth in the colour of the fruit . Chap.4.90- timested,&oftehtinessd a palex olin :atsexivar: kedandfomeare ftraightyand in thot i what fat,and fathioned Jikea Kidney themolt part,thefe are white, Thereis alfo another Do/chis or Kidn efsandfroite are like in forme to the form colours rfull many; the difference efpecially con: ere be other differences, whereof to write particularly, 3 Smilaxhertenfis rubra. Red Kidney Beane, Ipert uous1: patter, confideringthat the fimpleftis ableto thered from the purple,and likewife iney Beane from theblac jatare onely of one colout 54s alfo great ones from little ones, tent with the defcription of ome few, andthe figures ofthe 2 Phafeolus niger. 3lacke Kidney Beane. ee Sa “d Zz y SNe — X. HISSPORIWD OF CLAN TS yaiicatiddiffer in. theikedlours)\aceqrding tathe ile y Fe adSeawe gither and applied) flancheth thebloud which doth too much iflue foorth after thebiting of the % The defercption. fis 5 Te tt bran %& Thes defeription. 1 i ‘ nd whatioeuet Smilax, hath long and fee inde of Phafeolws. or garden ¥ 5 a : mping onl i rampe"o willrun chemfeluess , butnse 0.4: + 1 aa C cogil rowing ps or fupporters , theyare not able tofuftaine themieiue ce Iuie, tue, gigrowing’? te ; almoft like ae do growe broad | le bran leaues branches a iru : x rs bi comet he flowelss ha ' 2: vpon the vail ; leafed grafle: among whi¢ or Three g thice, asin thecommon Trefoile ; ne is much narrower-andalfoblacker: the cods befhorter, oa ¢ hold with his clafping tendrels vpon poles and = os eendet hat without deth nzere ynto him,as doth the Hop orVine,which are fo weake al Iikevetr. other ftrange Kidney Béane, which doth alfo windeit felf a cettaine ree:. Ps ne ining , thathath likewife three leaues hanging vpon one ftem, as > fewer feed tuicwhic n the others,but onelyin thecolourofthe fru th the difference, 5 Pha tolus =ea sa oerPS GEOLiiia THE 1038 |