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Show THE SECOND “BO OKE OF. THE rest HISTORIE OF PLANTS nalkand-ténder vpright ftalkes, acubite high andfome. 2 Thefecondkindeof Melilot< what moreof areddith colourfet full of touAleaties three sdgithergddnted full of nickeshereand here confufedly about the edges, as though theéyihad beené: biteén withitnice, liké the othetsTre growalengtt faileswandate otavery tleepe preene coloursthicke, fit, andFull of itice. The fowers ; Dbiiter ¢ aifter the thpof theftalkksyafia peltow colour, hicisturneinté tough soundfeedes as big asa‘Taresand ofa pale colour : the whole plant hath alfo the Auourofilionic, and porifhethivhenithathbome CI iledt % The names. Ne called bythe Claueris generall aze//, , 5 general name name Ate/slotws,of fome Tri . another Some call it Toifliseree ieretims yen heres : fweete Trefoile,as hath beene declared, : ¥ CORK CS tounn Equinumand Cab, Hore Trefoile ”) by Scalia reafon it is goodoC fodder fes. who ig w do greedily feede Pe thereons AneCabalinnmn, ox der x horfes, likewife TH folum Vyfiaum,or Beares Tretoile, of Fuchfius Saxifpaca lutea, and Sertula Campana: f ae ah O. Be r Campana, which moft doname Corona Revia:in high Dutch & his {eede. : das S ue 0 penclausrent + of theRo. maines and Hetrufcian \ Triboloas Mathiolws writeth: inEnelith Melilot thd P laifter te Clatier* ven:jn 3 aii-stecks 4 Mblilobus Germanic, Melilobais CoRonata. Kings Clauer. 1035 % The time, Theleherbes do flower in July and Auguft Germanie Clauer. Yorkfhire Harts Clauer. oh oan facultie, frellings,or otherwife : forfo f. properly called mollifying Greciats call sdapon % The vertues. Melilote boiled feet led inin and. fweetey meof eregrecke greeke and Li ther, andvfedas a pultis orc oa Bs,elpecially about the matr i With theiuice hereof,oyle Fs re » awing emplaifter,called Meli lc 5 itz ad a curp uy iter, retaining hietétache calls ide thereto she yolke ofa rofted egge,the A fallowes and hogs greaceftamped tog } ; pice peace ftam; @togtdothaflwage andfoftenall manner of {wel- i eggs | Par the colour an i both sae ie 1B * healing and he herbé be Sea Chirurgion made eh i inbyaskilfull Marbante Wits prouoketh oe . ;a hee boiled wine and drunke vrine,breaketh the {tone ,and fwageththe pain C oe belly,and ripeneth flegme, and caufethit to be eafily caftfoorth €thereof dropped Beaban ititothe eies cleereth cleereththe th fight, ¢ confumeth, peainto f the eies : diflolueth, andcleane D Mel y web,peaile, and {pocin the eies. uote i zater hh mika alone withw ater he: } Recentes melicerides, akindéoff wens{6 called, and alfo the E; tie ete head,ifit be I 1to with chalke, wine andgals Kewile mitig ee | cares, r Mba Bas a eti ; : : wi shea itigateth the paine of the be dropped therein mixed withalittle F bead 4 rns away the paine ofthe he C ’, efpeciallyif thee Dat hed therewith, Onan Sand . ase oe ig 7 < alittle vité eger-andoileof Rofes mixed amongftit. OfLFPulfe. 3 Thedefcription. 3 t much volike Thethirdkind of Melilothathround ftalks and 1aggec {Jeauesfer round about, no d oftentimes , an the leaues of Fenegreeke, alwaies three growing togither| ike the Trefoiles The flow rowed ypon them. couered ouer with anhoarineffe, as though meale had beeneftrow wherein the ers be yellow and{mall} growing thicke togitherin a tuft, which turne into litcle cods, feede is contained: the rooteis fmal],tough andpliant. ; ! leaueslikethe lof 4 The fourthkinde of Melilote groweth to the height ofthree cubites, fet fu {talks ofa whit he commonMelilote,and of the fame fauour, The flowers grow alongft the top «oft t@* fede : theroo colour, which turneinto fall fofthuskes, wherein iscontained little blacki fh alfo toughand pliant. 7 % The place: ; foorthfot ote Penafetter : ? Thefe plants da:growe!in-my garden : the common Englifh Melilote of chewou! rr me costninsiayT: for Melilptes Germanica(as though it grew not any where elf) but feene betwee? Englanddoth,and efpecially Effex: for4n@ ! great plerity theréofas dothenioyfo a thentHerce Ainge, ge ms a. 3 ee and from ® ; i to Henningham, in Suffolke and. Clare in Effex, and from Clare Sudburi¢ ; n wich the fants it 7 s vergt i Darnell dats Quetidon, Bulmare and Pedmarfh,very many acres of earablepafture — infomuch thatit doth not onely fpoile theirland, but the cornealfo, as and asa weede that generallyfpreadeth ouer that corner of the fhire. ath Here} dies : Tisebe fortes of Pulf i as Beane us title Pulfé-: andfirft of the I Chap.489. n, Tares, Ciches, andfuch like, comprehended rden Beane, % Th o . . a ae gtearBeane rifeth vp with a fowerc and vorj. 138 aes ion ypright; which whenitisthic >, {moothe, hollowe, without iointes, vnoneedeof-propping, but when it fe Seaiads bysie felfes irfoone falléth:downe tocthe g ne {tan ve from another, confilting of many growing vpo' nef ct ves hanr | me long a Be | fet with vaines,flipperie}nt ore || lo ¥\ Colour either white, wih blacke {pots<iorof kith purple: MBCods phic. c » D°OdS thick a ByerWere, oe ¢ Cksful ofset; fub{tance,flendererbelow, (rized ecared,in em) comic vp on th with a cercaibe white wool! fr b t beand pcre, which before they be ripeare greene, and afterv “Giwhich are eeeet bealforhe cods of Brooine, yetbe sheylonger than h “aMaNsnaile ore Atained threesfowerjor fiue Beanes;feldome more, long, broad, fat, like almoft 7 Btat,and oftentimes ofthe weight of halfea dram 3 for the moftpart white, now and = Digforides theweeh,tha Melil lide isnot proper yntoit : SE STe & The temperature be Melilote,f ee) aith Gale een noreplea ntieSedm thieuae ee (thatis hati to fay, hot and driein |