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Show SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS . 6 Trifolium filiquofumminus, Codded Tretoile. Small CoddedTrefoile, Y\ VW| vg Of thegreat Trefoilesor wingedClane rs. % The kindes There be diuers softhefé thef gr Trefoiles eewhich do likewife Geol differ in their kinde Kety docabl great notably, eA 1 Lagopum maximus. 2 Lagopods, Little Hares foote Trefoile, SL 7 Lotwsincana,fue Oxytriphyllum ScribonyLargi, %& The defeription. 7 sea egepodinm,Pes leporis, The great Hares foote Trefoile, Hoarie:Clauer. Chap.480, “VS ng about There’is a kinde of Clauer growi WS XY twig Narbone in Fraunce, that hath many e root, froma woodi tough branches comming whereonare fet leaues three togither, after the Jong, rof the other Trefoiles, fomewhat greeneco, and ofahoarie or ouerworne and groweatthe Jour, The flowers are yellow, thofe tops ofthe branches like of Broome. %& The Acer.iption. st The place. Ge of thefe plats The feuerall titles of moft foorth their nacurall place of growing: mele growein moft fertill elds ofEngland, & Thetime. f the fommet Theyfowerand flourith mofto monethes, nae s. se The name ng tie uche as to id fa e b chto i There is not mu wne do fet ne . thanhath b ee names,more Vertes. se The temperature and of hele Tie ties The remperature and. facul 1 Medon® foiles are referred vnto the comme Trefoile, of MT'He 4 Takase Being akind ofTrefoile,hath a hard and woodie roote, full ofblacke tg leaues ie ona a atife diuers toughand feeble branches,whereupon do grow tithe Whole leo fe pon atni dle rib bycouples one againft another, Xonein the yery point, Meltalkes com Mea to refemble thofé of the Greeke Valerian :.the flowers grow atthe top of “ll fowers 4 & edofabunch ofgraic haires: among the which foft matter commethfoortl * lowe Trefoile bright purple colour , fomewhat refembling the flowers of the common final] Le fe arre greater, ia eSywheretine oetig hath arounde,rough,and hairie ftalke,diuiding it felfe into diuers other “tiolles the ae do grow {mall leaues,three iorffed togither , like thofe of the fmall yellowe “ts ordowne eo at the very pointofthe ftalkes, confifting of a rough knap or buth of “tote is final} andhard. Alopecuros , ot Foxetaile, ofa whitith colour tending to alight blufh: ‘ete be di =:filPREAES THE . Tritclium filsque/ wr. eeeae eeSS eSa 3022 ‘ Ce they a forts the faceand fhewe whereofwillormay diftinguith themfelues , biin greatnefle, fome the face -of the former, differing “etSiN colony of thembeare ; 3 ae cot 3 2 Ouro deuery ¥ tthe flowers, thereforeit (hall fulfice whathath beene faide in the defcrption. & The |