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Show BOOKE OF p broad, f aty:indthinnedeedes snot great,nor wr oepe dinc e:the iete is long, afnger thcke ff eet,fo ft,and goodto be eaten,w herewi ated: thereiffuech foorth ofthis Thiftle in what part foeuer itis cut or broken, aiuiceas w hi teas milke, 2 The golden Thiftle ofPeru,callledin the w eftIndies Frque delinferno,a a friend friet of mine brought: vnto mefrom anIlandthere, calledSaint Tohns Iland, among other feedes:'whatreafon theit bitants there haueto call it fo, itis ynto m snown,vnleffeit be bicaufe ofhis fruite, whichd ut fo full of fharpe and venemous prickles thatwh much refemblea figge in fhape andbigne | foeucr had one of t hem inhis throte , Gs ubtleffe it woulde fende hin j samansthombe, but f uen ot tohell plant hathafing 4 s, dinidingit felfe into fundri itmuch {mal er,andftrakedwith and at the top et ca ire andgood! y yellow nieyaaiwanOo verylike yntothe fea P ope! e,but more elegant andofgreater b autie, hauing in the middle thete alm lop oF boll ,fuch a sis inthe middle of our wieer ie,but full of fharpe thomes, a the tip or endthrereofa ftaineor {pot of a deepe purple: after tl 1¢ yellowflowersbe fallen, thisf faideknopgrow eth by degrees greater andgreater, vntill it comnewt maturitie,whichoper felfe at the vpper end,fhewinghis feed,w hichis very blacke anc jroundlike the feedes of Mu d each pa t thereofdoth yeeld great ab abundanceofmilkieinice, whichis ofa nd Oh ling from anypart thereof,iifitbe cut or bruifed: the whole approch of winter, Thevertues hetieoFareyet vnknowne vntome, where ore J pur ferdoowne any thingth erof,by way of conieGture,but thal, Godwill ing,bereadytto knowledge andexperience kiherof:mine owne or others, fhal ma ‘ it. Asconstani Rincés the Roma S:Spipaborda:th 1. 1¢ leof Peru: the feede came to myhat idesby the name Frqde theinfernall Figge or F gge ofhell, : He The temperatuveand Salleslathis Scolymus, which Vertes: are fon macke, but they containe very: little nouti{hment } and t tacheth, parfait thatthe roore heecrof was comin " si Isteported alfo to prouokevrine fhe ed with wine to ftirre vp flefhly lutt,as Aref eitenchofthe arme holes fan ounéeofthevo : it wine. kec -beile y Rillone pare bewatted, anda good drat n fatting after: 1 fe hath concetning“hi his sco ‘outofwhot Bie tohaus borrowedthefe thilings has 4 which .later words Derek / stoweth in Saint Iohns Iland in the weft Indies.,a nd profperethveryne The time. of the Indian goolden Thiftle hey flower from Iune to the end of Auguft: the feedes ‘ fowen when thefeede is ripe,but it doth not gtow vpvutill Maie nextafter. & Thenames. in Greeke of Theophrsfius Bo is Thiftle is called in Latine Carduus Chryfanthemus, agreewitht ethings which he writeth of Scclymusin his 6,and7. bookes do wholy th flowerin the fommerfted: it fowreth brauely r3ithatharoote that may be eaten both fod and rawe, andwhen itis ha inice.Gaza nameth it Carduus. Ofthis Pliny alfo maketh n ention in his 21. book us faith pe sgom cities from thofekindes of Thiftles,thatis tofay, 4 Ati roote thereof maybe eatenboiled, Againe,in his 22. booke,22.¢ athemus. Scolymus faith he, 7 cay i Chap.4.65. i pene &Tledelerittions beingfullofprickles, on the ovr. orcompafl like'the Vrchin th at the in the mid C thred ecalleth itby another name rewaer-WVpich‘thing alfo 7 a meson! leauesec ate fer t wit we ch to affirmein his 6. book , for when hereckoneth vpherbes whofe he addeth Scolymus, OX Limonta Notw ithftan¢c ing Pliny maketh mentionlikewife of another Sea sand betweene the middle ofthe prickes to fallontavaeh ievy duis Chrnf her be be ‘ishi1s 20,book 23.chapter. Which Thiftle vndoubtedlyd . hatis with Theophraflws Scolymws, and with that which wer Pliny two Scolymi: onewith a roote that may be eaten; 4 mous Likew ue o.doy ne,and that {peedily waxeth white. Scolyrnus is a> sidaal houghe Sy t cee Heleaues of Carline ate veryfull ofpric cuton ~ 1edges with a multitude of de nd feralong!ft the corners with { re middle ribs whereof ¢ftalke isa {pannehigh or 2 fo a for the moft part onely {t places ofItaly: Clufias reportet!hthathefo garden. : Ofwhite Carline Tihiftle of Diofcorrides. id ee leu Chameleon albus Dioftoridis, Mwnite Carline Thiftle of Diofe.with the red flower; omeof Caftile , and about Montpelier»withfewer bia The Indixn T ee. it Afeh Hi7 SpJe as 0 wisicisage alfonamed :Glycyrs hizon ;tharis tof Duled raAPS; orifiveneiteaote: while iris called ee golden'Thiftle; fonie would haueit tobe that which Veet Arte 2 rete clevin aa butthey are deceived for that Eryngium whereof Veweriui writeth, is Huluer: of which we will intreate; Be trof India,may becalledhcarduws ch noe Aaa Tekdenits ot Permanussorthe ett Idian Thit 2% Theplace. ‘the lowcountries. Petrus Bellomins witeth my eSes Seditionee Oe & The defcription. He ftalkes of golden Thiftl rife yp foorthwith from the roote,beingmany, roundeand branched:the leaues salon.ofa beaautifull greene, w ith deepe gafheson theedges, and fer with moft fhar pepiicks tthe fo vers comefrom the bofome ofthe Teaues, fetina ea. liechaffieknap,very like to Succorie flowers but ofa colour as yeao as golde:inthei irplacescome HISTORIE of PL ANTS i i : ditférerh from Sealyvont by Dinfeorides, but this rus Theuphy, afti, anditis one oftho foneth vp,o as we will more at largedeclare'ieereafter,fter, Ba But let thisth¢ inhabitants of Ca iekeepi ng the matkes of theald vs come aga ine to ame are 1 B d OCa li Y asname F pee, THE SECOND middle a rou nde feederinan flower whereof in the middle isof ftring led rounde about with red leaues Rri 2 |