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Show BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS. 1 Lonchitis Mtranthe. Of Spleenewoort,or Milt waste. Chap. 55. lemium fue 1 Afpl eninmfine C Ceterach. % Theplace. Ceterach groweth vpon old {tone wals in darke and fhadowie places thro & rocks, ugho welt part of Englande; efpecially vpont ut the he ftone wals by Briftowe, as you g0to Sain t rock¢, and likewife about Bathe , Wels Vincents , and Salisburie, where] haue feene great plen ty thereof, The rough Spleenewoort gtoweth vpont ren heathes, dry fandie banks & thadowie barplaces in moft afpera, 2 Lonchitisyi Rough Spleenewoort, Spleenewootrtor Miltwafte. parts of Englande'bue efpecially ona heath by London’ called Hampiteede heath, whereitgrowethin great abundance, % The names. Spleenewoort,or Miltwafte, is calle din Gréek izoneveoy : in-Latine likewife Aflenium , and alfo Scolo pendria,ofGaza Mula herba: in thops Cete. MOOR Pye i i rach :in high Dutch Stevifartt in lowe Dutch Steetiharen& Witerups tin Englith Spleen: Wwoort, Miltwalte, Scale Ferne, and Stone Ferhe , Itis called Capplenicn, bicaufe it is fpeciall good againft the infirmitiesof the Spleene or Milt,and Scolopendria of thelikenes thatit hath with the Beare worme,before remembred, Rough Miltwatte,is called ofdiuers ofthelater writers 4/pleninmfyluefire,orwilde Spleenwoort: of fome Apleninm magnum, Or great S| yp, sereHs Cords calleth it Strutiopterts, and Diofco rides Lonchitis afpera, ot rough S; "oortsin Latine according to the fame author,Zox eiza.and Calabrina:in Englifhrough "ott, ot Miltwafte, ee % TheeBie : % Thetemperature, 5 : : Sare of thinne parts as Galen teftifiech, yetare they nothot,butina meane ,’ % The vertibes. Se ale sheDiaforia oes teacheth,that the leaues boiledin wineiand.drunke by the {pace of fortie daies, doth A idea mits ofthe Spleene % The defiription. he ans" tue 5 , andthe or Ceterach abatdiothe Pleenewoortbeing thatkinde ofFertie éalled ee oe | «> d-ot *y pendriaHath leauesa fpaniong,iagge cut vpon = ; ee cis knownel i Si were7 cut ane i unde ) othtlsee every cut or inci incifure being asic ae 1 fides the a tough Spleenewoort) not one cut right againft anot her, eae ne détneath3 which oO ;) t su order,being flippery and greene on the vpperfide, ke and Oe goin che rou i r |i C 1 Frnal,blackeand c io be withered are folded vptogitherlike afcrole, and aitieewiwitl re worme wherewith men baite their hookes tocatchfifh.:the roo platted or interlaced,hauing neither fealkea Bancepe: lecits: ioe 2 Rough Spleenewoortis partlylike the orher Fernes in fhe Mad e i harrowleaues a foote ge fomew ) yhatlonge : feede, hating te enol roug i i / fiva gree n ached 5 middle rib,fmoothonthe vpperfide,and offa a fart of ofPolypodie: the rooteis blacke,and fet with a numberof fler § al{o of tHoleey the ef 3. Thiskinde of Spleenewoort is not onely barrenoffta fkes : and feeds,putalioo eens tor crowing P in numbet, § markes wherewiththe others are {potted: the leaues as ey fehoich fieeplewife,great and broadbelowe, and fharper towatde the blackesand buthie,asit werea Croweshelt, tof 3helpeth the ftrangurie and yellow iaundife, caufeth theftone bineand bet, moulder and pafle away5 all which are performed by furch things is be of Ithconce i til pares: he addeth likewife that they ftaie’ the Hicket , or yeoxing ,& a bi phsevarces? cither inwardly taken, 'or hanged about the partie; and therefore faith Plinse *b Pennokto be giulen to women,bicaufeit bringeth batrennes, asda ati W the ha paris otbliride practitioners ofthis age,whoteach;that with t Me se 3 Walle, and mand {welling of the Spleene, butall infirmities of the liner alfo may be hg Dhise Aerie fhort time remooued , infomuch that the fodden liner of a beatt i ha = betbe, Onttitution againe, thac‘is, made liketo a.tawe liuer, if it be boiled againe with this din10 be teckoned among the old wittes fables, and that alfo which iDisordde eee Cc athotade cere Satheringof Spleenewoort in the night, and ee ere “Rotabftaine ee {catered in the old writers books: from whic 1 a a *Stalitele >WHomanytimes fill vp their pages withlies andfriuolous toies,and yf “ceuie yong ftudents, legreess tHe? Q74q 2 Se Ee THE SECOND eee 978 |