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Show THE SECOND BOOKEOF THE 9 Inncaria Salmanticen/is. Italian risthie H6rte taile, we The place, The titles and defcriptions: thew the placeof their growing. The laft Bellonine reporteth to gtow in diuers vallies of the mountaine Olympus, and not far from Ragufa a citie in Sclationta, % The time. ‘Theyflower fromA prill co the end offommer, % The names, Horfetaile is called in Greeke irrvek, Hipparis: HIST ORME cor PLAN TS 959 4 Corals Clofia Tsaifer foortlt another fort offea Grape, far different fethyptothe height ofamanshating many branches of Woodie full tom the precedéng s it rinifh Broomewithoutanyleaues at all : whereupon do f clutter:Fs of Loweerrsep ypon flen ESKe ee llowi fie or or herby colour,like thofe7 grow der foote : ith moflie ee cns of¢ the CornellFfow trees.after wh; * eaveshemilberie Of a reddithcolour andfower tafte/ whe in I t 1 nich conte the i wherein alle, : 3 within: te > without i 1 like tho{¢ ofMillet,blacke edes and whjre the rote; h a'neth hid oné or! two cis hard/tough,and woodie, 4 1 Vuamarina, Sea Grape, ey » 2 Via marina 4. Clue, Shrubby fea Grape of Chifine 2 defetiption, in Latine Egnifetumand Equinalis : of Phimeinhis 15. booke2 8.chapter, Eguz/etis, of the likenefle of ieee a horfe haire : of fomeSalix Equena : in thops Canda equina : in high Dutch spchatftheip : in a lowe Dutch jpeertffeert + in Italian Coda di Canglfo: in Spanith Coda de mula : in French Quene de cheual,and Ca-quene: in Englith Horfetaile, and Shauegrafle. Shavegrafleis not without caufe named Aprdda, of his ruggednefe, whichis not vnknowento women , who feowre their pewter and wooden things ofthe kitchen therewith, which the Ger maine women call Kannenkratit, andthereupon fome ofour hufwiuesdocall it Pewterwoott. Of fome itis calledz‘phedra,Anabafisand Caucon, we Thetemperature. Horfe taile, as Galen faithyhath a binding fil tie, with fome bitterneffe , and therefore it doth mightily drie,and thatwithoutbiting. %& The vertues. Dioféorides faith, that Horfetaile being {tamped andlaidto, dothperfectly cure wounds (yea a een thoughthe finewes be cutin funder ) as Galen ‘addeth;\Ieis of fo greatand fo fingular blachealing of woundes; asthat itis tchought4nd ieporced for truth, tocurethewoundes ofthe der,and ther bowels,and helpeth ruptures or burftings. ; f bleeding at _ B Theherbe dranke cither wich water or winesisanexcellent remedie againft and orher Axes ofblood. Iritaicth thie otiermuch owing of womensflowers chebloodietixe, A C D and th¢other fluxes of the belly. ‘ ooThe ice of hehetbe taken fh thefame manner can‘do thehke,jand more effectually.‘ » an d dneies cane Horferaile with his rootes boiléd'in wine, ‘is very proficable for’ the vicers 0: f the ki bladder,thecongh,anddifficiltie ofbreathing ; OFSea cluftersor Sea Raifon..... Chap-443>: The de/eription, eee th little tals Ea Grape istiot vnlike to Horfetaile,but ivis lefletand lowersit bringechi foorfnchasthorea nia i roints,{uc nianylictle very flenderfmalljand roundzalmoftilike rafhesfetwith o@fthe Horletailesaid dividedinromany'wings andbranches 5 the tops ei aoh pointedsfomewhathardand pricking Ziriswithdutieaues :the flowers growen parece y joints withlittle'ftems,they are fmalband of awlitiMgreencolour: the fruite ee | ith little péarles,like to the vntipe berriclof RafpisyorHindberry3 wher iv stipe? pa eon fron'coloutr,in raftefweete and pleafam:the feedeorkerniellishard; three fquares ! if P { fide,in'tafte binding: cherootcis:iointed;:longjand creepeth aflope: the plansit “ating li” ther licion the groundthenftandevp-it groweth all full of fall ftalkes and branches,e"" © > cara felues all abroad. 3 Thiskinde offea Giape differeth no % The defercotion, ‘ eo t fromthe laft 1 defctibed itin any onepoint, ttdelcribed fant thatitit i ig point, fauing Mosher leffer,wy}Petein meen efpecially confifteth the difference Setar a he A ‘athioli, or Father Ty, ‘ : neteDOttOUCrfie nothing elf Reee which he vnaduaifedly called Tragon, is the plant called Pastie HubaKinde of Kal orakinde of Crithmumalterum, ot comming atubite high dinidedintofinder” Or Secatul: this plancrifech vp out of the grounde with atypri tleic. ate ty other grofle, thicke, andwrithen branches, fet,or armed thich come Gorteict icinane thape of aan and fomewhat thickeandflefhie: Oats sre Aolape = ae bie = eee terreftri, as that It 1s leet? Manto touchaah locke d OH ae of the handes: the flowers are ofan Reese 5 ie Kali:the roote is flender,and fpreadethvnder the oe ae a ae Aminjeillice nok daythite ave mt, but fomewhat ie 6 seUa er EEE conclude, that thi annot be : Flot that this: Tragop of. Mathiolws, isan herbe and n rtva, neitherbearethit any berries or graines | ‘mell,or.anything aftringent, all which are 3 releereats faith)is without leaues , rl 1ey.as 7 ra net + ms seer are eae inthis lead Pdviid Hobbica growing in the Ie-of Sh > inthe tract leading leden called Sherland, |