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Show 646 THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS , % The defcription. 5 Equiletum fyluaticum, Réat Horfetailestifech vpwitha roundeftalke hollowe within like aReede, acubite high, Cyorme as itwere of manyfmall peeces,one put into the end of another, fometimes of a reddifh colour, very rough,andfet at every ioint with manyfliffe rufhlike leautes, or tough briftles, which maketh the whole plant torefemble the taile of a Horle, whereofit tooke his name: on the top ofthe ftalke do ftandin {teedof flowers « luftered and thic k Catkins, not vnlike ynto the 6 Candas cquinafamiba, Wood Horfetaile, The female Horfe taile, Aatl I = firft Mobotes of Sperage , whichis called Afjacantha : the roote is iointed andcteepethin the grounde, 2 This finall or naked Shaue graffe, wherewith Fletchers and Combemakers doe rubbe and FESAS wseeeay poliththeir worke, rifeth out of the groundlike the fitft (hootes ofA/parag ws, iointed or kneed by certaitie diftances like thé precedent 5 but altogither without fuch briftleyleaues , yet exceeding rough and cutting: the roote groweth aflopein the eatthlike thofe of the Couchgraffe, 4. Equiferum paluftre. fegetale, 33 -Equifetum ; WaterHore taile. & The de[oription. § Thiskin . ; er nnn tailethat growethin.w oods and.fhadowie; places, hatha {mall roote and tev bu, hic oc vpa rough chamfered ftalke iointed by certaine {paces, hauing arecach bys €s ofronghbriftleyleauesjferone againft,anotherlike the other.ofhis kind, s Thefemale Horfe pitling brookestail € growethfor che mot, partin waterithplaces, andbythe brinks of {mall f ; ithath along rootelike tharof + Sand ditling Couch grafles from.which rife vp.diuers seS Dolloy 51 dugpaee sone cértaine diftances,with fiaallleanes ip ruindles like r hofe efVVoodroof, cel ? Chilis bith fePas ha Hotietewlaekenyitwascalled SemineVidua. vy li tethts defcribeth ithe Gi Pian that he réferreth viatothe ftocke.of the Horfetailes , which ccnglithed fae as ae twiggie orruthie ftalkes, whereupon itwas called Iuncaria, and heltalkes save fants cay leaues gtoweypon the branches like thofe of Flaxe;on the tops “toote is little a1 dul avy flowers ofa whitithcoloun. The feede is {fall andblacke of co+ donens letter foo f % The defiription. ene ha 1 3, Horfe taile whichfor the moft groweth among corne, an dwhere corne hath b en growe ™ rie flender roote and fingle: from whichrife vp diuers iointed ftal kes, whereon doe ugher, asie®™ andro thicker but defcribed, firlt the vnto like leaues, iointed long tough,narrow reft of the plant. 4 adof Water Horfe taile that growethby the brinkes of riuersjand running ftreams, 4! roll middeft ofthe water, hath a very long roote , according tothe depth of the water ey a and iointed, with fome threds annexedthereto: from whichrifeth vp a greatthickest | whereon do growelong , rough, rufhieleaues, pyramides-or ficeple fafhion: the wae” likewife rough jhard,and fit to fhaue and rub woodenthingsasthe other. 5 Egil white. The whole plantis fweetifhin tafte. ; 4 r8Ohinipus phic oe taile} which he called Climing Horfe taile, or Horfe ol etitines is ae oe 5 aith hejanother plane like Hose teaild bug greaver anid highers Terifeth whoag lender f ts a a eeeaee Mansarmesdinided into diucks bratiche$ s,0ut of which there ; iMamdliefabibancefeet loitits, like roche firft Horfeitailé. /The flowtrsftand aboutthe tf dé oti” malas ate thofe of the Cornell qreésin places uligzeof growe yp ted + odie; is tosiech eos volikeitos little Miilbeties, in whichis theteede, The roteis hard and 1 Mgularities Becca andithen-tod gudat height, and fometimes lowets Belonied weiterh in “teeter sa % an nibeénefeetiero be eqviallin height with the Plane Wee rit cometh yp bofelaiis tandleffer treds oF fhrubs}:yerdoth ionot fafteniofelfe tachic trees with any “ahd clofePing aglets smmucthlefle dothit wide itfelfe about themyet dothiedelightto ftand vnto them , 7 luncaria Se es =o — Corne Horfe giraffe, |