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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE of Coriander; there ftande at the top tufts or {poked rundles, the flowers whereof are either white orpurple, which being rubbed do yeelde.a {trong fell but vnpleafant; the roote fendeth downe many{tringes. PLANTS Ie denfiag,and meanly colde,but it moft ofall bindeth, % The vertues. Theleaues ofYatrowdoth clofé vp wounds,and keepeth themfiom inflanimation,or fiery ling:it ftancheth 2 ‘The fecondkindeofMilfoile or Yarrow,hath ftalkes,leaues, and rooteslike vato the former, fauing that his {pokic tufts are ofan excellent faite redor crimfoncolour, and being a littlerubbed in the hand,is ofa reafonable good fauour, 1 Millefolinmterrefire vulgare. CommonYarrow, OF % The bemperature Yatrow,as Galen faith, is not vnlike in temperatttre to the Sideritides,or Tron worts ,thatisto fay, fwel- A bloudin anypart of the body, and itis likewife pric into bathes fot woinen tofir insitfroppeth,the laske, and being drunke it helpeth the bloudyfixe, Moftmen fay,that the leaues chewed, andef veciallygreene , are a remedie for the toothach. B Theleaues being purinto thenofe,do caufe itto bleede, and eafeth the painé ofthemegrim, C Itcureth the inward excoriations ofthe yarde of aman comming byreafon ofpollutions orexemeflowing ofthe feede, alchiough the iffue do ¢aufe inflammation and {welling ofthofé feeret patsand thoughthe {permatick matter do come downe in great quantitie, ifthe inice beinie@ed withafiting, othe 2 Millefolium florerubro, Red flowred Yarrow, decoétion, This hath beene prooued by a certaine friende of mine,fometimes a klow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge, who lightly brufedtheleaues'of commonYarrowewith Hogs greafe,and applied it warme vito the priuie patts,and therby diddiuerstinies helpe himfelfe, adothets ofhis fellowes when he was a ftudent;anda fingleman liuing’in Cambridge. Onedramin powder ofthe herbe giticnimwine;, preféntly taketh away the paineof the colick Ofyellow Varrow,or VL,ilfoile... 1 Millefolinm luteum, Chap.4.22. 2 Achillea, fue Millefolinm nobile, Yellow Yarrow, Achilles Yarrow. So Theplats Msie sinh bo 3k vyethin able) Thefirft growetheuery where in driepafturesand migdowves: red Milfoile a. vowiasn i Suttonin Kent,called Holly Deane, from whence I broughtthofe plantsthataog densbut it is not common euery whereas theatheris;- “a we Thetime,,.: They flower from Maie to the end of OGober. ad % The names. ae n Aahiles Yarrowis called ofthe later Herbarifts asillefolinm,it is Diofcorides his ine o¢:in Lati lcee de at th ith and Achillea fideritis which thing he may very plainlyfee that will compasett Shookech which Diofcorides hati {er downed: this-wasfoisde our faith Phnyithts a5 as AchillesChirons difciple,whichforthat caufe is named Achilleios,of other SEeae defolium: yetbe there otherSideritides, andalfo another Panaces Bs alfo foun treat inanotherplace: Apuleins fectech dbwrie Piers heerof, fome of i regeris, Ace Mt the baftard names in Déo/corsdes : in Latine it iscalled, Asihtaris SoneET low D : rth[yluaticnm : of the Frenchthith Wllefneie- inhigh Dutch SarbanesMaHIS bleedye Gertie rin lealian AtMefogho' tn Spanihh Milhopasyerna: 30 Englith Yattows mon Yarrow,red Yatrow,and Milfoile, ay es # ; % The defeription. Ee a Yilore Yarrow isa fall plant} fearce ri afpan high?'the ftalkes whereof are fi longleates, veryfinely cut inthe edges like feathers in the wings of little birds ¢ the th of the forme of " fhapeandforme ellow flowets;/of yi the fame foorthy bring tundles, Caton Yaron Y Tow:Poked th of the roote confifte threddie ftrings. “Mmm 2 ae 2 Achilles Sys aes 914 |