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Show THE SECON DOBOORKE OF THE HISTORIE of our late writersto erre,andto fuppofe that Siler montanum,called in fhops Sefée/eos,wasnoother Seleli Peloponnefiacum, Harts woort of Peloponnefis, : ‘s on Pa, than Se/elé A4a/Glien/inm of Diofcorides . But this plant containeth in his fubftance:much moreactimonie,fharpnefle,andefficacie in wotking,than anyof the plants called se/eéfos, Ir hath ftalkes like Fetula, two cubites high, Therootefinelleth like Ziguiticum: the leaues are very much cut ordiyided,like the leaues of Fennell or Seed Ataiéenfe, and broaderthan the leaues of Pewredanum, At doth grow heere and there ar pe certaine a pe {pacee s oneregr great le cateuety lety ioin ioi t,con= one ting oa manyny, {mall mall iagg iago ed leaties fet2 vpon a ugh and hair Thereis a fecondkinde of Siler, which Pena and Lobel fet foorth vnderthe title of se/ii ie middle tib, very much curl ed. praten(e Mon|pellienfinm, which Dodoneus inkis daft edition calleth Siler pratenfe alterna, thatis in fhewverylike the former, ‘The ftalks thereof > hairy,&fae ul of w tinckles,oErt Mi reate e rthenrthofe leaue le: ue SsS emlocks: at the top of the ftalke do ftande t tufts or {pokie rundles of yell owe flowers Pe { dl growetothe height of twocubits, buthis léaues are fomewhat broader andblacker : there arenot fo manyleaues growing vponthe ftalk, andthey areleffe dittided thanthe former,andareoflittle our, The feedeis finaller than the former,and g verylittle or nothing. The roote is blacke without,and white within diuiding ifelt into fundrie diuifions, fe of Dill, after whichfolloweth the feed mewhat flat andbroade, ofa darke yello we co ond oleat e ing und pleafant f nt finel {mn ol l, in e e fhapef like thof fee ofFe at % The time. Louage. % Thenature. This plant withhis feede ishotanddryin the thitd degree. % The vertues. hath beene Thefeedes of s#ley drunke with Wormewoodwine,or wine wherein Wormwood a J af fodden;mooueth womens difeafes in great abundance: cureththe fuffocation and ftrang} the matrix,and caufeth itto returrie vntothe naturall place againe, , wer bat B Therooteftampedwith hony, and appliedorput intoold fores, doth cure themand cout C~ D and naked bones with flefh. It flowreth and flourifheth in’ the fomm er months, % The names. : : a erudite Being drunke itprouoketh vrine,cafeth the paines of the guts or entrailes proceeding ot rawneffe, it helpeth conco@tion,confumethwihde,and fwelling ofthe ftomacke, hot and rie Theroote hath the fame vertue or operation,but not fo effeCtuall,as not being fo OfHarts woort,or Sefeli. (hap.4.07tf hat ofActi # Thekindes. th tite D Jofroridesmakerh three fortes Of Sefels, Sifeli of Marfiles of Pel ppo nnefusyand : s out piftar® pia beingia fhinbbi¢.or hedge plantywherof we.will intreate int helaftpatt oftht sefed ‘The later writers haue found moic,asfhall be fhewed inthis prefenrchapter. cat % Theplace. It growethin rough and waterifh mou n s indi uers places of Greece,Morea ,andthe mount Idasit isa ftrangerin Englande. %& Theplace. & The names. - rula,or the Parfnep fede, Ir groweth ofit felfe in Liguria, not farftom Genua the craggy mountaines,andinthe gatdens of diligent herbarifts, It is called commonly Siler zrontanin : "2 French and Dutch bya corrupt name Ser.Mar taén: in divers {hops Sefeleasbutvotre is Silct not S¢/e/#, nor akinde thereof : in Englith baftaiae and name, Latine the after mountaine within good fmell and tharpe in tafte sfrom whickh ee fic rifeth vi vp an; ‘}Pti yprioghrit ftalk fa] e two cubit “ubi s g _ pon x The defiription. se Thetime. t loponnefus orof Greece, hatha a “¢ gtcat roote, white Siler montanum officivarium. i beni % The de Cription, . Eoiiof Dep stot Px and blacke without, A of the bignes ignes of ofaa Parfnen Par: orny,; aaight I downe,and-deepei nthe oie groun Bodli ca keas thar erulasofa thetop of the ftalkes growefpokie tufts like Angelica, which bring foorth a long andleafie feede like Cumine, of a pale colour; in tafte feeming as though it were condited with figar, but withall fomewhatfharpe,and fharper thanseedpratenfe. Thefe plants do flowerfrom lune tothe ene of Auguft. OF PLANTS. = It ea led. Stele Pelepounefws, taken from the 5 natiucioie, > diuers Giuers alfoal o callie callit Sphac Sphagw nor on,.ahd of i fore Foniculwm to tells or of Gree r ofum,or writhed Fennell, ii thops Se/edeos :in Englifh Harth oorto fPelo ce =a pon- %& The temperature. Bath tote,eaues an dfeedes are hotaand driein ici the fecond theéec degree,and 6fthinne parts, Ito‘Oliokerh LIE VETTES , % The verties , Ly Vvrines eH i " a biingeth downe the 3 and he} elpeth the ftrang uriz Dechy eC J. fickngsaiid dead:birth : jt A r ; 1 fp ; Knee~ *6Olen © and fhortnes of breath, the fiffocation of the mother, and helpéth the falling alling The *eleede dry nke with : het bly andhelpcrr f cw wi “ine concoéteth rawe humours,taketh awaythe guping andtorments of B The ihice of thele ©ague as Déofcorides faith. ; rs 4 ales 1s Ofye . be : 1 wilieted of their yoon : = siucn to.goates andother cattleto drinke :thatthey maythe foonet be C § Ones: as the {ame author reportetht, : f el 0ifSefelios,or Harte woorts ; of Candie. Chap.4.08. Te Pladtbeing th fel; 2The defersption: fimame ef that plac’ - of Candie, and in times paft not elfewhere to be found, tooke his dels 2bade cere neas firlt foustd, but now adaies it 1s to be feenein the core ro,Sbutan ahyivial-p| i ¥raulice, from whence Thad feedes, which profperwell in mygarnoOe hitht cher, #) Peant,and increafechfromyeere tayeéte byhis owhe fowing. The leaues optke unto or. the ground; fomewhathairie; ofan onérwore greene colour, in thap: ’ eatingat ae putthickers among which tifeth vp an hairie rough ftalke, ofthe height nd flat fede Leret : Pokie tuftes withwhite flowerss which being vaded, there followeth i Bother. iovned ed and cunningly wreathed aboutthe edges likeating. Thefeedeis *Watoundtarees co Obither in onesasyou may {ec in the fede of Ferulaor Angelica, in Sein tatte like ALyryhis, Mathiolus did greatlytniftake this plant, Sefeli LPEe 892 |