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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 880 Anifan, Anite. HISTORIE 1 Ammivulzare. CommonBifhops weede, % Theplace, Aiiak 2 AiminiCreticun. Candie Bifhops weede, nist pee PRES See Tt groweth plentifully in Candie, Syria, Epypr, and other countries of the eaft:] hane often fowen it in my garden, whereit hath broughtoorth his tipe feede , when the yeere hath fallen our to be temperate, % The time, Tt is to be fowenin thefe colde regions in the monethofMaie,the feede is ripein Auguft, % The names. It is called in Latine -4nifam: in Greekednar: inhigh Dutch Qnii}¢ in lowe Dutch Qriffastsin Italian ane : in Spanith cVtatahalua: in French Amis in Englifh Anife,and Annifefede, & The temperature, ————— Glen writeth , that the feede of Anife is hor and dry in the third degree,after othersitishot in the fecond degree, and much leffe then driein the = fecond degree 5 for it ingendreth milke, which it coulde notdo if it were very drie, as Galea in his Chapter ofFenell doth whetherhee will or no declare and reftifie ; in that it doth ingendermilk, = his opinionis, thatit is not hotaboue thefirtdegtee,which thing alfo maybein Anifefeede, both fore to conclude, Anife feedeis drie inthe fil degree,and hotinthe fecond. % The vertues. esa S A Sas PSS The feede wafteth and confumethwinde jand is goodagainft belchings and ypbraidingsofthe ftomacke , alaieth gripings of thebelly, prouoketh vrine gently , maketh abundanceol milke, and ftirreth vp bodily luft :it taieth the laske,and alfo the white fluxe in women. i ; B Being chewed it maketh the breath fweete, and is good for them thacare fhort winded, 29 hicket, ot yeoxing quencheththirftsand thereforeit is fit forfuch as hauethe dropfic:it helpeth the both whenitis drunken or eaten drie : the fell thereof dothalfo preuaile very much. flegmatike fipe ~ Thefame being dried bythefire and raken with honie, clenfeththe breft from D__ fluities,and ifitbe eaten withbitter almonds ,itdoth helpe the old cough. : Itistobe givenvnto yoongchildren and infantsto eate which are liketo hauethe falli ng fick. nes,or fuchas haue it bypatrimonie,or fucceffion. hbo _Ittaketh awaythe {quinancie,or quincie(thatis,a fwelling in the throte) being gargled with? nie,vineger,and little Hyoflpe gently boiled togither. SS by this reafon and alfobicauife itis fweete: thert- %& The deftription. I Loe Ameos, efpecially with vs heerein England, hath‘ ftalks, with s other nat iuers boughes and branches, andlarge hetop oftheft feede :the rcote is nro2 one and final] leaues, dentedor{ white nets,in great fokie tufts, which bring foortl } Ta ttteddie, cs * ndaNUS ex,xcellent and aromaticall Ameos ofoF Ca cetage, netto the garden Caror, of2 fom, « fatiour and{mell, growing in tufts < dies like Carn:it Weare wand Syria vato Venice,and from Venice a <i fowen it sburwishout doubr w i ate firft hoiledit, or vied me other Pali teliene ne Venice Treacle. for the confedtidn wheredf, this {Ge TheisCis Of Bifbops weede,herbe William,or eAmeos. (bap398- an ; : foote. Raa kinde of Ameos, whichisat j ier, chigh, very {mall andtender,befet wi tino atthe top ofthe ftalks little ti or {pc ¢ pe “olmall gray fs 7 bl hire = Af) o Tie Stay feede,hot and {arpe in tafte :the rooteis {mall andflencer. % The kindes. 2 wh Helater age hathobferued two kindes of Ameos,onegreater with the br ‘oade leafehacforbe te _~- the common Aimeos,and the other the leffer,with the fmallerle aues,and a fo anothers ing a dwarfeot loweplantof the fame kinde, 1 Am Thefe p} % The place. Thef. ke Thep/ace oe . an > i ee en hee garden.exceot AmsCreticum, whereof hath beene fufh tsdoall growin my19 Boken TDNj Pthe deferines a elcription, They flower : er inTune and pon wT be time. ; f : the end off Augutt, outt luly,and yeeldetheir feede in Kkk x |