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Show $36 THE SECOND BOOKE ftalkesin fpokie OF THE , es,like thofe of Dill ; after which commeth the feede flatandbroad like thot ofthe Parfiep, t n greater and broader. The rooteisthicke, gathithed ‘at the top with cer. taine capillamentsor hairic threds,blacke without, white within, full of milkicinice, ofamoft bit. ter,harpe, and ne tafteand {mell, in fo much that if a man do ftandewherethe windedoth blowe fromthe plant, the airedoth exulcerate andblifterthe face, and cueryother bare ornaked place that maybe {ubie& to his venemous blafts,and poifonous qualitie. 2 HISTORIE ‘of 1 Fomculum vuleave, Common Fennell, ini get ve ‘ he PLANTS 2 Feniculu4m due. Sweete Fénnell, : _ DN VOwayeres, Ap : Thecomnyon deadly Carrotis like ynto the precedent; fauing that he doth morencerelyre, femble the ftalkesatid leaues of the garden Cartot, andis not garnithedwiththe likebuth ofhaire about the top of theftalkes: otherwife in feede.roote,and euill {mell,tafte and qualitie like, Thapfiatenuifolia, Small or thin leafed ftinking Carrot. te The defcription, 3. This finall kinde of ftinking or deadly Carros is like vnto the laft defcribed in each refpedt, fa uing that the leaues are thinner & morefinely minced or iagged,wheyin confifterh the difference, yy The place. Thefe pernicious plants delight in ftonie hils and mountaines : theyare ftrangers in England, se The time. Theyflower in Auguftor fomewhat after. % Thenames. The French Phifitions haue accepted theroote of Thapfia for akinde of Turbith,calling it Tuer tum Cineritium, notwi thftanding vpon bettercon fideration they haueleft the vfe thereof, efpecally in purging. Forit mightily hurteth the principal partes, and doth oftencaufe cruel gripingsin the guts andbellie, with conuulfions and crampes,ne uertheleffe the venemous qualitie maybe taken away with thofe correctiues, which are vedi tigating the extreme heate and virulentqual Sarcotolle, Hammoniacum, and Turpent, buty : there be fo many wholefome fimples, grid likewile compounds,theyare not to be vied. eet Offomeit is called Turperum Grim T hapfiajas {ome thinke oftheiland TP likencit! itwas firft found, or as we deeme, of the hath with Carrots. Shae whereit doth groweingreata bus Ofthe peopleof Siciliaand Apuliait is called Feru/acolz, dance, %& The temperature and vertues. ikewilein The temperature and faculties in working haue beene touched inthe defe riippttiion,and ikem thenames, Of Fennell. become commonFennell, x % The time. eand Iu ly,and the feede is ripe . in the end ofAuguft, Fennel; ; % The names , “nnellis i i peek, bes be called . Latine B : MarathAram,and Fenicu a sin lum sin high Dutch rene» rand Bete PNCKEN: in Italian Fsx0cehzo: in Spanith Hinojo: in French Fenoif: inEnglifh ; % The nature. f Fenne llis hot and drie in the thirde degree, The fede o Thepowder oFtage he feede of wh be or ENSE of Fennell ; togither Fennell drunkef ; : certaine daies fafting, “blwhereofwy preferueth the A ltten this difticho Ex hi, wellknom# He firft kinde of Fennell called in Latine Fenieulum, in Greeke uder4o» is fo T amongftvs,thatit were but loft labour to defcribe the fame: 7 nece Fete 2 The fecondkinde of Fennellislikewife well knowne by thenameof Iweete cour fo called bicaufethe feedes thereofarein tafte fweete like ynto Annile feeds, referone monFennell,fauing that the leauesare larger and fatter , or more oilcous: the feene 6 whiter,and the whole plant in each refpect greater, i S'tkinde,and They fowerinI Un n following, PantC,ulis,Rofa, verbena, Chelidonia,Ruta, (Chap.394. & The defeription. E % Theplace. * Thele herbes ar e feetand f fowen in ga dens: but thefe 1 conde doth Not pro. pet well ir this ty,for being fow. eno: couna paeon ‘ d and perfect jetet inthe i feede,y Detatef t fecond fowi it willdece. yeerea fter hisis fowing 1 the i reniel . “hisft aqua que lumina reddit acuts. f _ . : a Meea]2kolessVerueine Rue and Celandine, ¢ Bteene leaties of AGE 2a water gooato good leere Rake otacne cleere the fight of eyne. OFF, milke Fennel] eaten, or the feede drunken madeinto a Ptifane, filleth womens B decgig “HOR of Fen i ! , aes : ots Idrunke, eafeth the paines of the kidncies., caufeth one to auoide the C al] 4 . * the dropfie D ber ll and ehkes not onely) good for the intents aforefaid,bur againft 8 “400 drunken, Fennell |