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Show CE yf 7 SECOND BOOKE'OF THE THE iageed.like vnto 8S34 thofe of Hempe, of the forme andfafhionof Athen leaies neetop eau : white fowers,in fhape colour, like Hoe matronates , tharis ; April Queetis the of the talker ftalkes ¢ Wen 5 finall ke Gilloflowers, of a white laid over ithalight . ¢, t ; P Po g pot {ma forthch final comeieanfor leaures;ficias amongthe which vpontheftalks ofpurp growing lerr Sam ong i SRroehn yon thehe Cyl Ki the . grourid; aturragenknobs devi which being ripe, do fall vpon ate to be feene ypc wHereofim ; 3 2 ted I : ‘ ‘ are ingendred, 5 nie other Pa E te e. DogstoothViolet, brin i geth foorth {mall roun “ Pints 3 d Spnt ans and fife, i a ) < 2 © ‘The feconc Ruaieesastill broader,? rounder, "i and gree ner 7 then ce ee wots CTw é snfiftingg of fower {mall leaues, of a pale herbie colours which being pa, tle e flower'srid cc top Saltae flender cods,fomwhat like the cods of Queenes Gilloflowe rs, wherein eats onglong and > there fucceeade in but not t lot i eu er y tefp et mich te. ll blackifh feede: the roote is like the former, cai notwithftanding. tuberous and white yet 1 ee orall,y femblingCal 3 Dentaria, Heptaphyllos Clusy. The feauenleafed toothed Violet, 4 Dentariak entaphyllos Clusi. Fine leafedtoothed Violet HISTORIE OF PLANTS, 835 mountaine Sanena,called Calcaris, and by the Rhenenot far from Bafill. T! he ftalkes gtowe to the heightofacubite, befer with a tuft of flowers at the top, like vnto Sopewoottr, whichbeing y aded {inall eecle,All the whole plant is ofa horand bitter tafte. Fhe roores arelikewherein is containeda vato Co rall,ofa pale whitihcolour, thereflucceede long andfatcods like vntoRocket, or the great Celandine, % Theplace: They growe on diners fhadowie and darke hils. Valerius Cordus writeth, that they ate founde abourstheforreft Hercinia,not far from Not thufium, moft plentifully in afar foile, thathath quatnesofftone init;The firft I have in my garden, % Thetime. They flower efpecially in Aprilland May:the feede tommetlito % The names, perfectionin the end ofAugutt. TheToothedViolet, crafter fome-Does tooth Violet, is commonly called Déntaria,of Cordlus Cordlbidessofthe rote that is in forme like to Cora ll. A<athiolus placethit inter Sulidagines G Symnta,among the Confounds and Comifreies, We hadrathereallthem Viole Dentarse, of the like. nelle the flowers hane'with Stockgilloflowers, T hey may becalledin Englifh Toothed Violets,or Corallwoorts. % The temperature That read offewor no vertues containedin and vertues. thefeherbes, fauing thofe which fome wom haueexpetienced to be in the firf Kinde thereof, and which eAtethiohes alctibeth vato Pentap dertaie thefourch kinde, in the fourth booke of his Commentaries vpon Diofeorsdes, ai Capcoleetning Syphytues where he faith that the rooris-vfed in drinkes which ate made Enterneleahd inward wounds, but aca eipecially thofe wounds and hurts , whic h haue entredinto the holiowneffe ofthe brett, OfCinkefoile,or Finefingergraffe. Ohap.366. % The kindes. Hetehe diners forts ofCinkfoile,fomegreater,others lefler 3fome wilde or ofthe field, others foe otofthe garden sfome ofthe woods and {hadowieplace s, others of the mountaines and Foti focks, Likewif e there be fome of the water or marti(h ground, and others ofthe champion iabatrea fandie gtounds,which fhall becomprehendedin this prefent chapte r, % The defcription. : pe Kinde ofCinkfoile or Biinc ucate tot round and finall ftalkes ofa cubite I the leauesare large.andvery much lagged AN % The defiription. 3 | | - Cs Thethird kindof DogstoothViolet,is called of Clufius rat peCais title Alsi offeuen leaues faftened vporonerib,finew,or final {tem ; of LO oth CoralVides altera,ot Dentaria altera: but Cordwscalleth it Coralloidés altera’: a, : aeflowers aremuc ftalkes, flowersandrooteslike vnto thefirft of his kinda es a and the rootes havea greater refemblanceof Corall than the oe h :cy icl 4 The fourthkinde of Dogs toothVioler, called in foplith 0 ed Violet, wh pr :I ex teth foorth vnder the title Destarta doth alfo Mathiol: ent aphylles, which fe y voy? ma andr title of AemoraltsAlpina; Corduscallethit Aa partirbertiore4 ‘oeait is al in Englifh Cinkfoile Violetsithathleaues folike the grearer Cin pee she herbess fromanother;therefore it might very well haue beehenerkonee ikea at 7 phyla that is fiue leafed herbs. This plant growethinthe {hadowie v1) C aboutthe edges , verylike the commion Cirike oile: the flow s growat the top ftalks,in fathion like the common kind, butmuch tetand ofa pale orer bleake yellowe, thofthe e roote is blacke withou andful “npsattdof Wo t, l of ftrings annexed odie fiboft ance, ielecondkind rats of As . al Cinke foile ,is fo commonandfo vniuerfally knowne,that I think inke ita needUellto and e ita need abc out the defcription, ethitde kind ¢ ofCi ea nkefoile I hate named 1; Ptehended vnd erone figure)but bicau(e his Album co Purpurewm, (not that itis twokindes ; leaues are whitifh vnderneath, andhis flowe a A which x Pcolo 2 urs being patt, : there fucceedetharounde knopof feedl f “ithe tipe: C, keaa Straw ike e the f. Strawber berri ttalks are creeping vpon the ground: the roote is of o ral at MACE feiny a woodidel fubfta s § PPendant thereto, 4 fourch |; = arr net ; ureh kinde of Cinke foile is verie ; , like vnto the other, efpecially ft » acubite hich the firft and an d ofa reddifh colour:the leanes confift of fiue partsand Ne edopc. ,{ : APES ¥ S:the flower s Stowat the beofa dark the ftalkes like vnto the other Cinkefoiles , fa 1 e tedcolour: the roottopof e is of a woo die fub fta nce with fome fibres or threddic 3 ie ops “ging thereat. . +L bre nts s Gee : 2 or threddie uinguefoolium Quinguef i |