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Show SECOND BOOKE OF-THE HISTORIE) OF PLANTS, rootes ofwhich beliketo Dac#yfi Zdei, atid Dactylt Ides are certaine Precious Inger. stowing inthe [land Candie: itis called ofdivers dgleopht, hich are of the colour offcarlet, . Pherchetonnd lianusin his 14.booke sone of the fea, inthe : hat of the fea is akinde of Fucus, or fe 1 rocks, ofthe bignes of Tamarisk,with the head ofPoppies which t Solitice doth yeeldin the night timea cettaine fierie, and as.itwere [pak ith he which by anothername is called Cyno/pas¢us, lieth hid inthe day tine etbes, andisnotknowen atall, andin the night time it is ealily feene : fori and glittereth with afirie brightnefle. otisof the earth,or Cy s Paonia; for Apuleius faith, that the feedes or fhinein the night time like a candle, and that plentie of it is in the night{eafon : 1 out and gathered bythe fhepherds.Mor eouer,7 heophraftss and Plinie do thewthatPeiony is gatheredin the night,which Ae/zanus alfoaffirmeth concerning Ag/aophotis, “This Aglaophotis ofthe earth, ot Cyno/paiten, is called of Jofephus the w riter ofthe Teveswar,in his erenth booke 25. chapter Baaras,ofthe place wherein it is found; which thingis plaine tohim which Aelianus hath written of Ag/aophotu of the earth,or Cynofiatt that cdferrerh thefe th Zo/ephus hath fet downeof Baars: for Aelianusfaith that Cymofpastnsisnotplic. with thofe which ked vp withoutda wget s and thatitis reported howhe thatfirft touched itsnot knowingthe natue thereof, perifhed. Therfore a ftring mutt be faftned to itin the night,anda hungrie dog tied theres 10,who being allured by the{fmell of rofted fefh fet towards him, maypluckeit vp by therootes, ego fe Tofephus alfo writeth,that Basra doth fhineinthe euening like the dayftar,andthat : Pte 0 c neere,and would plucke it vp,can hardly do it,except thateither a womans vrine,or hit menles powredvpon it,and that fo it maybe pluckt vpat the length, fi Moreouer,it is fet downe bythe faid author, as alfo by P/iwieand Theophrastus,that of Oe 4 8: growen vpin more yeeres, therootetheréofmuftalfo be miniftred inward! 33 Irisalfogiven faith Pémie againft the difeate ofthe mind ©. Theroote ; ofthe male Peionie is pte-D feredin this cure, Tenortwelue oo ofthered-berries orfefeeds drunke in ir wine Wi thatis. : fomething iedoftale the inordinate fluxe,andare good forthe ftone in the beginning, harth orfower, and E aioe Theblacke graines(that feede)to the Sa numberof r< ak cde n is the S* ne 15.Caken in wine or meade, helpethtf frrangling an: paines of thie mattix ot mother,andis a {peciall remedie for tialethee P ag nthenightwith the difeafe called Ephialtes, or night Mare which i I on es yetelaid vpon them and they opprefled therewith orasj ‘ 5 as though a heauie burthen orouerpteft with fomie gteat wai Rite Hivd » orasif they were ouercomeoftheir enimies 2 zea 5 censand sand;are ee . 8 alfo good again{t melancholike dreames. Syrupe niad¢ ofthe flowers Gee ets henof Peionic helpeth av. elpeth greatly the falling ficknes , likewife j the extracli- G Oftoothed Violets,or Corallwoorts. Chap.365. ietaeistis of ddccheay % The kindes. luers torts of toothed Violets, ets, ot T or Coral] C v ifferine ng in in diuers woorts, di differi refpedts , as fhall bedeclared, 1 Dentarig bulbifers. Wworhed Violeé. 2 Dentaria Coralloide radice five Dentaria Entaphylon. The Corall goothed Violet. epee it muftbe gathered in the night; for ifany man fhall plucke of the fruitin the day roote, itis achaunceit i of the Woodpecker, heis in dangertolofe hiseies ; andif he cut the the whichtias 2'| not out. The like fabulous tale hath beent fet foorth of Mandrake, i e Chapter. Burall thefe thingsbe moftvaineand friuolous: for m= e. fandrake, may be remooued atanytime ofthe yeere, dayor howernns ceremoniesare is no maruell,thatfuch kindes of trifles,and moft {uperfti tious and wicked: ‘mevery wr linthe bookes of the moft ancientauthors; for there were manythinggs in theirtimevel infor oftentationfake; as by'the Aegyptians ana other meer vainly: fained and cogged : Mates,as P/nie doth truly teftifie, an imitator of whomin:times patt,wasone Ani who as Galen {aith, conueiedintotheart of phyfickelies, and {ubtiledelufions. ae nh fuch like png : Galen commandedhis fcholers tote aine fromthe readingofhim, and ofall I thename ( if > Deionie, of Ret deceitfull fycophants. Itisreported that thefe herbes tooke of this hein excellent Phifition ofthe famename, whofirft found out anid raught the know ledge vato pofteritie. %-The temperature, ote ofPeionic as Galen faith doth gently bindewitha kinde o Pfweeteneffe: littl joined with it-a certaine bitterifh fharpheffe.2'icisin, remperature not very! hot, meanlyhot sbut itis dricandoffubrile partes. A %& The vertues. a aie Diofeorides writeth, that the roote of themale Peionie being dried,is giuen f ali water tothe qu not well clenfedafter their deliuetie, being drunke in Meade orhottied el one sdtorments of the Dee” throwes andtorments peafeth the griping beane; 2t ch th 1 i > bringeth downe the defired ficknes, : 1 atneinthelt BR. Galenaddeth that itis good for thofe that haue the yellove iaun dies, and paine roms andbladder,itclenfeth the liuer and kidneies- that are topped: C° + ate tied aoe “hae tae Itis found byfire and’ etident experience made by Galen, that the felhsoe™ necks ofchildren , is an ¢ffeGuall remedic again the falling ficknefles but vou hethe defeription, Heft : Te EeeAueewtaria(calledin Latine Deptayia baccifera,ofDodonens Viola Dentaria tap "Ete knee ike 8s tooth Violet’) hath a tuberous and knobbieroote, toothed, orasit MOM Which fics vnto'the ctags ofCorall,ofan vnpleafant fauour,and fomewhat fharpe in Pang foorth certaihe fall and {lender ftalkes a foote high , which haue leaues Gggt very |