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Show 830 THE* SECOND; BOOKE) OF: THE HISTORIE OF PLAN TS; 234 4 Theteis foundanotherfort of the double Peionie not differir the preceden t inin ftalke: ecedent ftalkes. g Ieaues,orrootes: this plane bririgeth foorth white dowers wherein co, nfitt sth the differen lifferencc e, and another called Pcomiapromifcua feuneutra, Baftarde,Misbegotten,or neither of both, butasit were a plant participating of the maleand female, one double Peionie with white flowers, anda fourth kinde bearing fingle white flowers. 1 Paonmiamas, Male Peionie, r %& Thede, tviption. 4 f thicke red ftalkes a cubite long: the leauesbe great and large, mri?) he Teaues of growing or ioined togither vponone flender {temor ribbe, not ranch ft aa Aowels the Walnut tree,bothin fafhion and greatnes sat the top ofthe ftalks growfaite Ae veric like rofes, hauing alfoin the midit yellow threds or thrums, like themin wom a i thera; whichbeing vaded and fallen away, there come in place three or fowet a huskes which do openwhentheyberipes the inner part of which cods are pipe exet s contained blacke fhining and polifhed {eedes , asbig asa Peafe, and is thicket slacke feede is coucheda redor crimfon feed,which is barren'and emptie. The roote 1s Hi" dtuberous.like vnto the commonPeionie, a here is akinde ofPeionie,called of Dodomens Peonia famina priorFL obelins Pa : Englifh “hf in f le Peionie,which is fo well knowne yntoall that itneedeth not any-4 2 € which Pena fetteth foorth vnderth (os multiplex, in Englifh double Pei if imonfemale Peionie, faue that his leaues are not fo m ; oe 4 Paonia lamina polvanthos flore ale, Double red Peionie, 5 ; The femal e Peionie, nie) fh pea He figftkinde ofPeionie(being the male;called Pcomiemas, inEnglith aePei . nia Canetti tip fe 3 Pema famin MUUIPLEX , 2 Paoniafemina, Thedouble uble white Peion; white Pejor % The defcription, There Sati lother kinde : Re (called of Dodoneus Peowia‘ famina of Peionie : altera, but of Pena Paonia. : Picea ee Maidenor Virgine Peionie ) thatis like wntothe co Pr on female ted lets tera and flowers aremuch fmaller, andthe ftalkes fhorterj-and bearethy ehanelikew 2 alio like the former: pe 5 ne Yeyfinole es inour London gardens anotherfort bearing flowers of a pale whitifh colour; o> seinbling the female wilde Péionie,in otherrefpe@slike the double white Peionie, ee 2% The place. Allther tnePonies ee inonr Londongardens,except that double Peionie with white hemale Péionie at ec ie thelowe countries of F aunder S. a Pe lettin Kenttwo “eteg 1wilde vpon aconie bertie in Betfome being inthe p ith of Seuth“calleq Le Br, 5 Tom Grauefend, and in the grounde fometimes: belot gto a Farmer ley, They Gowers +. & The time: tit Maysthe fedeis tipein Tily. T Peionie; os % The names. Ditch jg Scalledin Greeke movie:in Latine allo Paonia, anid Duleifide in ThopsP sonia’ int ; ontenblamen Malt bi tt in’ French Prvine:.in Spanith Ro/a ‘inEng De aden + « in low Dutch 53 ? ie tain “ome: it hathalfo many baftarde names, a3 Ro/a f:tuima, Herba Cafta, of : fe UH ss TAT "do cal)oi po Be 1 87/4 Peconia “bicautepe itou cureth thofe that hauetheCot falli , whom molt AU Lnaticos, ic Or. Lunaticke, . be ; ' It ig called sdews Diétylus: which agrect! Monte . |