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Show HISTORIE OF PLAN TS, THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE Affrantiantera, f : »~ a ‘ Delish blacke Hellebor, histehinebe Blacke Mafterwoorts or Diofcordes Of herbe Chriftopher. feeb Aeleytnes, %3, The0 defeription, he qe There is another plant which hath beeneae: counted of fometo be a kinde ofblacke Helle. bor , whofe figure we haue fet foorth for one ie se The defehiptiow, Lthough herbe Chriftop her bee rione of the Bindweedes, or of thofe plants which _ haue neede of fupporting or vnderprop. ping, wherewithit mayclime or rampe;yet bicaule it beareth grapes, or cluf ters might haue beene numbred amon of Berries, it g the dumas, hoe thofe that growelike Vines, Icbr ingeth foouh little tender ftalks, a foote long ,or not much Jongers whereupon do Stowe lund ricleaues fet ypon atender footeftalke, which do mak fomewhat jaggedor cut aboutt e one leafe he edges ofa the Arfinarts calledofforme Zmpatiens Herkeand others Wolf me tangere, defcribed thus, Ithath rounde leaues fharpe pointed, not ynliketothok of Englith Mercurie, verie tender, andofalight greene colour, Theftalke is final, full ofkneesot ioints ; on the ends whereofftande little yellowe flowers, fafhionedlike a fpanith Cartel , btoade at one ende , and turning vpthe otherlikealitte horne , which being paft, there fucceede {mall ish See colour, growin g at the top cods, hke the fmall Celandine. % Theplace, of the {talkes , after'the manner 6f a {pikie flower, or eare of corne: which being paft , the frui cke Hellebor is folindin the mountainesof deth round, fomewhat long, andblac t faccee: ke whenie is ripe, having vpon the one fide a ftreakedfurrow or hollowneffe Stowing neeretog ith do the clufters of grapes. The rootei er, as s thicke. blacke without,yellowwithinlike Box e,with ma- andin other vntilled and roughpl, ; tprofpereth in gardens , Djofeorddes wntelh that blacke Hellebor growethalfoinroughhigh anddry places: and tis beftfe which is taken t faith he, whichi ny trailing ftrings annexed thereto, cre abroad in theearth, wherebyit dot creafe,and Jafteth long. % The time. Abe This blacke Hellebor flowreth not in watet but in the fommer monerhes. The herbeis grew all the'yeere thorow. % The names. Tt is called ofthe later Herbarifts Aftrantia nigra; others Sanicule famina hae differeth much from Aftrantia,an herbe whichis alfo named Inperatoria,ot Maher gar people call it Pellitorie of Spaine,but vnttuly; it may be called blacke Mafterwoott ye oh lefie a kinde of Hellebor,as the purging faculcie doth thewe: for it is certaine that pei hifitions can witnes,that the rootes heereof do purge blacke andother huimouts, a0 ee U th ‘Gly cured mad melancholicke people being purged heerewith: and hatha pur - Conradus Gefnerus dothlikewife teftifie in a certaine Epiltie w Adolphs Occo, i theweth that 4frantra nigrais almottas {trot that he himfelfe wa > firft that had experience ofthe purging facultic thezcot byfiege, things confirme that itis D7oféorsde's his b tellebor. te) che other bl Diofcorn des hath alfo attributed to this plant all thofe nameés, that are afctibedtot hist Heilebors.t uther,that the feed therofin Anticyrais called Sefamotdesshe w' nicer purge with, if fo be that the text be rrmeand not corrupted, butit feemeth notto be i Fect-ForifSe/amoriles.as Phnie faith and the wotditfelfe doth thew, hath his name o figs Sefamum, the {eede'ofthis blacke Hellebor fhall-vnproperlybe called Se/arnoides, gaa Sefamumsbut of Cricus orbattard Saffron: by thefe proofes we mayfufped, thatte brought into Déo/corsiles from fome other author! fy : The nature and vertues. The faculties of this plant we hatie alreadywritten to be bytfiall found like tothea blacke Hellebor: notwithftanding thofe thatare'defcribed in the former chapter,ate ted ofgreater force, el Chap. ; 63. Christophoriana, Herbe Chriftopher. % The plate. Herb Chriftéphergroweth in the nort h parts of Englande, rieerevntothe honf e oftherighr worthipfull fit Wliam Bowes. Thaue rece ined plants thereoffrom Robsnws of Paris for myga r; den,where theyflourifh, ii, ; ; ; i % The time. ab et teth and flourifheth in MayandIune,an d the fruitis ripe in the end offommer, Itis d in oy methcalle ere bee ] , and : age GC bri briftophoriana eS.Ch eriit ritophor ophorii herba sin in Engl Englifh i Herbe CI wift iene at namieit Costus niger,ot i opher, hers had leeies 200? affinitie with Coftuszas the fimp rather haueit Atonitumbaccife¥nim: ithath no left may perceiue that doknowe both But doub : chili number of the Aconites,or Wool fes bane, by reafon ofthe deadly and pernic ttit hath; like vnto Woolfes bane, ious or Thies, Leopards bane. arise b The Lemperature. t Petature ofherbe Chriftopheranfw ; ereth thofeofthe Aconites,as we hauefaid, lfinde tte aes ‘ %& The vertues. y thanypareofthie, ung extantin the ancient Orlater writers, ofany one good propertie where» A ‘Smuchat one time Plantis poffeffed,, fauing thatthere may begitien of the leaues orfruit hereof, time inwardly,as of Realgar,or Rats bane. Gcines, Therefore I with thofé that louenew me. *stotak Neaicics 3 ; Gadlyand eheede that this be none of them; forbicanfe > they enemous qualitie thereof is moft ‘Nd temedileffe. . Baics Of Peionie. A Chap.364.. Tiere aie % The kindes. ; hatie ft in Peioniesonemale, and twofemales defcribed ofthe ancients, the later writers out fower Mote, one ofthe female kinde called Peonsa Pumila, or dwarfe Peionie, and |