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Show 810 THE SECOND BOOKE-> OF THE HISTORIE) OF PL ANTS: % The names. Theglobe foweriscalled generally Ranunculusclobofusoffome Flos Trollisa,and RanwneulyAj. pits sin Englifh Globe Crowfoote,Troll flowers,and Lockron gowlonis. oflatebeene brought f orth of Lancathire ynto London Sit Gardens, by acurioirs genilemanin theferching foorth of Simples Matter 7 homes Hesketh, who ' aia ane toundit Stowine g g wilde inther St fields ofa fmall village called Hesketh,n ot far from Latham in Lancafhire, Ofyellow Batchelers Buttons, Chap.352. ~ % Thetime. They flowerfromthe beginning « of Mayto the endofIune, 1 RanusculusmeximusAnclicus, Double Crowfoot,or Batchelers Buttons, 2 Renunculas maxions multiple, Double wilde'Crowfoote, %The names. (om ; d “oneal made no mention hereof: but Apuleius hath feparated the fix ofthefe fromthe others,intreating of itapart, and naming it bya peculiarname Bytrechip whereupot ked VApiley Ratrachion or Apuleius Crow foote. d BegoAlycalled Rapum D.Anthong or Saint Anthonies Rape : it maybecalle 4ape Crowtoote 7 sitis | about x sit is. called generally London Batchelers buttons fead double : Crotwtoote: inDutch S,Anthony apkin, % The vertues. meois aa oe whichbeing ftamped with fale is goodfor thofe thathane a A efile ch cee inthe ee to the thigh, in the middle betwe he gtoine thitisiuices: 1 : yt ae whereof, the porfon and malignitieof the diféafeis ciawen from i baritias “s yt ‘ emunctorie or clenfing place ofthe flanke, into thofeoutwarde partes of isaped hee He cerateth and prefently raifeth a blifterto what pattof thebodie foeu r Met . ance that the fore happeneth vnderthe arme , thenitis requi tiestit . = st theelbowe : my opinionis, thatanyof the Crowfootes l spland eit ee all and cueryof them do blifter, and caufe me a . Grawe vntoir felfe more paine: forthe nanIEC Paine wherefoeuer OF | ine is,to refort led Be whereit oft may finde paines and likewife the poifon and venemous qualitie of vnto thar painfull place, i chee re thatif itbe hangedin alinnen clothab out thenecke of him thatis luna- B then beth ate ede whenthe figne fhall be in the firft degree of Tanrus or Scorpio, tha indallisvied forthe tS a Moreouer, the herbe Batrachzon flamped with vin ‘ idleaveth » n that haue blackefcars, orfuchlike matks ontheir skins, ireat Na colour like that ofthe bodie. %& The dcfeription. He great double Crowfoote or Batchelers Buttoris, hath manie iagged leaues off dep g olour:among whichrife vpttalkes, whereondo growe faire yellow flow double, ofa fhining yellow colour, oftentimes thrufti g foorth of the one other fmaller flower, which the Graver hath omitted 48 alfo therot ep roote , the forme whereofhath caufed it tobe calledoffome Saint Antonies Tut Rape Turnep. The feede is wranped in aclufter ofrough knops,as are moft ofthe Crowfootts: 2 Thedouble yellow wilde Crowfoote hath leaues of a bright gréene colour, withma braunches trailing vponthe gtounde, whereon do growyerie double yellow lowers! precedent, but altogither lefler. The whole plantis likewife without anie manifeftaitrer®? uing that thefe flowers do neuer bring forth anie fmaller flower out of the middle of thet . f Crowfoote. % The defeription. I i double x ; white Crowfoote hath many greatleaues , deepely cut with great gafhes, - ig fhipt about the edges, Theftalkes diuide themfelues into s brittle Sbionesf Niche » on the tops whereof do growe very double flowers as white as fnowe, andof r iad Ofour yellow * Batchelers Button,i The roote is. tough, limber, ; . ar and difperfeth 2 Nere| itrfelf felfe far Yy an % Theplace. 4 which a Thefirft is planted in Gardensfor the beanty ofthe fowers,and likewile thedecond, Chap.353. Hey asthe other doth; andalfo hathno Lurnep or knobbed roote at all, wherein confifterh HS teft difference, ie Ofwhite Batchelers Buttons,or double of i } re it 8teatly encreafet r h, mnculisg eee % The temperature, Thefeplants do biteas the other Crowfootes do, |