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Show 800 2 THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE Thefecond ofthefe wilde ones rifeth foorth ofthe groundto the height ofa foote, fomtimes more: the ftalkes are dry and brittle,with many knees or knobbed ioints of a bloudie colour,wher. his name, called for the moft part Hamathodes : the leaues, flowers and feedesatelie of it tooke ynto thofe of Gratia Dei,or blewCranes bill, wherin efpeciallyit differeth from the precedent, 3 Geraniammofthatum ivodorum. Vafauoriemuske Cranes bill. 4 Geraniumivodoramalbwi, White fowred Pinekneedle: HISTORIE OF PLANT? Ofthele maldeaties Thane another foreinmy garden; which C/u/uain his Pannoni onshath called Geramsuie Hematodes,orfanguine Cranes bill, and £’Qhe/ us Ger | Gruimales ichath many flexible branches creeping ypon the grounc toDoues footein forme, but cut euen tothe middle rib: the d Jowe,and of the fame bignefle,of a perfeét bright parple color andftande vntill chenext day,will be a murrey coloursand ifthey f ume intod deepe purple tendingto blewnefle; their chang ng is ine 4 tineypon one branch , flowers like in forme, but of eydit dee colours, ‘ihe rooteis woodiefiibftance, ~ “7 tha re jew Pe aeprnc anotherer forethat was fent . me from Robinus of Paris pwhofe-fi fefootth,neither defcribed ofany:: itbringeth fromathicketoug h roote manybr; nifhcolour: whereupon do growe leaues not ynliketothofe of€ fomewhat cornered,and of afhining gteene colotir:the loi thes, compoled of fixe finall leaues ofabright {carlet colour, x The place. Thele Cranes bils do gtowe ofthemfelues aboti coplesjandrnoft of them we haue brought into om % Thetime. Theittime of flowring and feeding an{wereth the reft of the Cranes bils, : ! 2. The names. 2 pera titles fhall{rue for their names , teferri ng what ee Contide! % 7 he nature and vertues%. as yet any ates thing beene foundeeither oftheir temperature : ~ vatiinot i r or fac bereferted vnto theother of their kinde, 5 Geranium violaceum. Violet Stockes bill. Of Sanicle, st The deleription. This wilde kindé of spusked Cnt bill, being altogither without favour ot int; is called of Fliny Myrrh tdainodorum, ot mae f ; % The defeription: Anicle hath leaves ofa blackith greene co= lour, fmoothandfhining, fomw! diuided into fiue parts like vine,or rather thofe of the maple: t among which rife vp flender {talkes ofa browne colour; on the toppes whereof ftande white moffie flowers, it jagged about the edges, ofno fmellatall:a which rife vpflender bratinches, whereane® their places come vp rounde feede, rough,clea growe {mall ofa light purple colouns™ Tooteislongandfibrous; | |g 4 This is alfo.one ofthe wilde kincesot uing tomens garments as they pafie by , inmanet of little burs ; the roote is blacke and full of threddie-ftring % The place. It groweth in fhadowie woods and copf ked Cranes bils, agreeing with the lat : ther hath purple flow white flowers,ot he Chap.34.8. Siniculafine Diapen it. Sanicle, um mofchatuminodorum, which hath manic brow leaues fpread flat vpon the grounde, evel mace of divers finaller leaues , and thote ineach refpe& s, but may flowers, 10! almoft euery where, itioieth in fat and fruiteful eee moiftfoile. 5 The Cranes bill with violetcoom” hath a thicke woodie roote, with4ome annexed thereto : fromwhichtle We foorth of the grounde diuers ftifte fal ge divide themfelues into otnet imal s: The time. Itflowreth in Maie and Iune: the feec in Auguft: the leaues of the herbe are greene al the yeere, and are not hurt with the colde of winter. whereupon arefet confuledly byoat i arco The names. ofthree leaues a pecce; and chofeiagge? ® roweatl aboutthe edges: the flowers gto the braunchesofa perfect wolet cote sahts0 comes#en"™ tooke his name, after which bils, as the otherof hiskinde. Ty TRS (ANAND) OS S It iscommonly called Sanscula,of diners Diapenfa: inhigh & low Dutch Sa in Fr ench sitis fo Sanicle sin Englith Sanickle., or Sanikel li called 2Sanandisvulner woundes as Rwellrws {aitl a € Beas |