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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 792 Onid peaking of Adonis Hower, is thought to defcribe Anemone or Windflower,in the 10, booke oFhis Metamorphofis,which we ratherdeeme to be this quicke fading Mallowe; for it iseuident, that Adonis flower andall thofe vnder the title of Windeflowers, lafte moe then one day,but his is fraile,that it lafteth {carce onc hower,his wordsate thefe:: aavaans-- Sit fata cruorem , HISTORIE OF PLANTS . ; t tocome neere vnto the temperature of the common Mallowe, and tobe of amollifying faculizie buthis vie in Phificke is not yetknowne y4ndth erefore can there be no certainty affirme d, Neé#are odorato (per fit, quitacius abillo Of Cranes bill. Lninnuib, icat, Oe. In Englifh thus: This faide, fhe fprinckled Neéfar on the blond, which through thepower rife in weathercleere Onwater. And before that full an hower expired were, Ofall our colour with the blouda flowerfhe there did finde, Doues footeor Cranes bill 2 es : % The de[cription . bill, Oues foote hath manie hairie ftalks » traili ng or leaning towarde th Euenlike a flower ofthat fametree, whofe whereupon do growrough leaues of an olien Gorne greenecolour,trounde, cur aboutthe ed s,andlike vnto thofe of the common Mallow: ; 1one which come foorth the flowers of a brighie purpl e coTour. after which jis the) feede fet togither like the lightnes in fuchfort, Asthat the winde,thatall things pearce, with headandbill of a birde, whereupon it was called Cranes bill, or Storkes bill, as are al{0all the other euery little blaft Dothfhake themoff, andfhed themfo,aslong they cannot laft. ofhiskinde. The rooteis flender with fome fibres annexed thereto, an yt Bion of Smyrna anancientPoet,in Adonis Epitaphfaith, that the Windflower of Pen by the Poet, aken fptang con; but doubties the plant was mift iftak reares,whileft fhe wasweeping for Adonis; : ; lial, ofawo s e teare fidering the fragilitie ofthe flower sand the matter wherof it fprangg, thatis,the Leal which laft not long,as this flower called F/s hor z,or the flower ofan hower, ae or inthicke rough bladders,wherupon Dodonaus called it Alcea veficarias within thefe blad pi dl % Theplace. Itis found neere to commonhighwaies 5 defert places, vntilled grounds, and efpecially vpon mud wals almoft euerie where, %< The time. It fpringeth vpin March and Aprill : flowrethin May,aind bringethhis feede to ripenes in Iune, % The names. Tris commonlycalled in Latine Pes Columbinuws: in high’ Dutch Searter kraut + in lowe Dutch Duy uen woeesiaFrench Pred de Pigeon : heereup= veflels are conteyned blacke feede,not vnliketo thofe of Nigella Romana. The tore s Greed tender,and perifheth whenthe feedeisripe, and muftbe increafed by neweand yeerely NM : unde, of abrow- nifh colour, fomewhat kneede cr iointed: fruite in tender rinde Haue pleafant graines inclofd. Howbeit the vfe of themis fhort, For whythe leaues do hang fo loofe through the feede,carefullyreferued, Chap.341. % The kindes. Here be many kindes of Cranes bill i’, wh whereof two were knowne tO Diolcor id 2A0: on ith t knobby roote, the other with the Mallowe leafe, ‘ Sea Geranium Colunbinum. Thereofdid {well like bubbles fheere,that i 793 meee The temperatureandvertues, Thereis acertaine clammie iuice in the leauesof the Venice Mallowe, whereuponitis though 3 Ta ie 2/ ‘Thorne Mallowrifech vp with one vpright ftalke of two cubits high, dividing pete uers branches ; whereuponareplaced leaues deepely cut to the middle rib, and likewi : ke a the edgeslike a fawe,intafte like Sorell’: the flowers for the moft part chrutibars xa body ofthe {mall ftalke,compact of fiue {mall leaues,ofa yellowith colours the fi ( Teceand of is of a purple tending torednefle sthe huske or codwherinthe flower doth aes , a info withfharpe thosnes : the rootis fmall, fingle,and moft inpacient of our coldc a vehem that when I had wi -at induftrie nourifhed wp foreplants fromthe {eede, and oh delhoid the middeft of Maie ; notwithftanding one colde nightchauncing among many, a themall, : %Theplace. tries) The fr prof The feedes heerof have beetie brought dit of Spaine arid other hot conn reth well in my garden from yeete to yeere: 3: The time.” °~ : den: inthe e Theyare to be fowenin the moft fertilleft gtoundeanid funpiie places ofthe gat ginning of Maic,or in the end-ofAprill. "7 eRe % The names. ee a The felts) Their names haue beenefufficiently touched im their fenerall deferiptions. allowfo led in Englifh Venice Mallowe, Good night atmine inthe fortnoone;or the Mi anhower,of A¢athiolusitis called Hypecoonjox Rue Roppie,but vaproperly. onitmaybe called Geranium Columbinum+ in Englith Doues foote, and Pigeons foote: of Diofcori- Dg es foote; Otiding to des Geraninmalterumof fome Pultwonia andGruinas & The lemperature. sc old and fomewhdtdrie, bench with irefome aftiiction ‘aris orbinding, it gither, I Ucemeth (; 5 » hauing power to foder %& The vertues. NS or beniator20 be goodfor greene and bleeding woundes,andaffwageth inflam- A tbe and rootesdried beaten i j If i i Quantitie to bédwa nkomnert Ane bei and gintenhalfe a {poonefull fatting, B sthets Ke cureth miract ie ar ee sinted wine, or olde claret, for the face of one and twentydai 8 MI ctownies and c; 1 y tuptures or burfting,as my felfe haue often prooued,y hereby Lhaue Pi der of red: She vice the ruptures be inagedperfons, it fhall be needfull t ¢ thereto aus(thofe without thels)dried in an ouen,.if tin vfortifiertthe that itr ever farlacl Neuer 7 re. be great a re rofiterh ¢ 3: l fail cuer failetb,although the rupture tlong continuance: it 4 Bewife BMIpreaile much thofe that are wounded intothe body, &the d tion ofthe herbe made Munighcilyin healing inward wounds,as myfelfe hauclikewife prooued, OF |