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Show 778 THE SECONDiIBOOKEOOR'THE HIST ORIE % Thetime, Theyare planted in abed ofhorfe dung in Aprill,cuen as we have taught ithe plantingdfCy. cumbets: they flourifhiinIune-and Luly: the fruite is ripe in the end ofAdputt: icwurbitaldgenaria (ylucftris, Wilde bottle Gourde, %& The names, The Gourde is called in Greeke kuatwrte fucess :in Latine Ghourbita edulis, Cucurbita fatina sof Pleny Cucurbita Caméraria, bicaufe it climeth vp, and isa coueringfor arbors and walking places and banguetting houfesin gardens : he calleth the other which elimethnorvp; butllieth crawling onthe grounde,Cacurbitaplebeia: in Tealian Zucca : in Spanith Cs/ebazzas in French Conrge é i high Dutch &urhg :inlow Durch Cattuaognen: in Englifh\Gourdes, NY % The temperature, A. B. 5 ‘The meate or inner pulpe ofthe Gourd is oftemperaturecolde and moift,and tharin the {econd legree. . %& The vertues. Theiuice being droppedinto the eares withoile of Rofes,is goodfor the painethereof;proces» ding ofa hot caufe. Thepulpeormeate mitigateth all hot fwellings ifit be laide thereon in'maner of a pultis, and being vfed in this maner,it taketh away the headachand the inflammationoftheeies, C_ Thefame authoraffirmeth thata long Gourde, or elfe a Cucumberbeing laide in the cradleot oe by the yoong infant whileft it is a fleepeand ficke of anague, it fhall be very quickly made whole, D The pulpealfo is eaten fodden ; burbicaufe it hath inita waterith andthinneiuice, ityecledeth fmall nourifhment to the body,and the fame cold and moifts butit eafily paffech thorowelpe- oTos fodden, which by reafonoftheflipperines and moiftnes alfo ofhis fub{tance mollifeth thebelly, E Butbeing bakedin an ouen,or fried in a panne,it looféth the moft parcofhis naturall moifture, and therefore it more flowly defcendeth,and doth not mollifiethebelly fo fone. F Thefede alaicth the fharpnesof vrine,and bringeth downethe fame. Of the wilde Gourde. % Theplace. Ohap.333. Theydo bee Stow ofthemfelues wilde in hot regions, they neuer come to perfection of ripenes in , vt ietimeCantwereth anf; thofe of the % The defeription. Hereis befides the former ones,a certainéwilde Gourde: this is like the g Il and everie incliming ftalkes, clafping tendrels,and foft leaues,and asit were downic , 4 one of which things being farreleffer this alfo climeth vpon arbors and ban quetting iw houfes: the fruite doth reprefent the great bellied Gourde , and thofe that belike vnto ite ad forme,but in bignesit is very far inferior; forit is {mall & {carfe'fo great as an ordinary pecs may be held within the compaffe of amans hande : the outwarde rindeat the firftis greene Hof watdsitisas harde as woode, andofthe colour thereofthe innerpulpeis moiftandvery wis juice,in which lieth the feede; the wholeis as bitter as Coloquintida, which hath made fo man errours,one efpecially in taking the fruit Coloquintidafor the wilde Gourde. where 2 Thefe¢onde wilde Gourde hathlikewife many trailing branches and clafping tendtcls yess with it taketh holdeoffirch things as beneere vntoit: the leaues be broad, deepely cut Mat é feGtions, like thofe ofthe Vine, foft and very downy, wherbyitis efpecially known to be verge Gourdes : the flowers be very white,as are alfo thofe of the Gourdes :the fruite fiucceedet : ¥fit ing toa rounde forme , flatte on the toplike the head of a Mufhrome, whereofittoo name, : cocarlits a % The time. garden, Then} arden Goutae é oC countries, Theti x The names. New; 1 : Dien ilde Gourd is: called in =Greeke KoasxuvOa «rela ue inh ; ‘ = ¢ gine, booke thirde Chapter, affirmeth t chee i fa allowe, aninchthicke, not growing bu e Grecians reof being j ttisshonne goodforthe ftomacke. But the wilde btene eantoch thicke,, neitheris it hollow , but fullGofiuice: and by reafonof the extreame 0ine petcofiue to the ftomacke sisthe ur alfo that take this for Coloquintida, but theyare farre deceitied, For Colocyn- Ude Citrull Cucumber,whereofwe haueintreatedin the chap. of Citruls, Ttdewilde Gon a. « % Coloquintida,thatis Thetemperature. to fay, in j the fecond r : Gourde is as hot and drie as degtee, Theywit % The vertues. wilde : : : which caufe it‘ openeth and {cowreth . 1 {topped ed paflapati A Rilthebois exttemebitter, for the Moteoney erralle purgeth downwards,as do wilde Melons. yadie 1 ehtly le wine whichhath continuedall night in this Gourd, dothlikewife purge the belly B vad and br ingethforth Pa cholericke 4 . and flegmaticke humors, of |