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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF (THE HISTORTE OF PLANTS ellowe colour: afterwhichcommeth foorth the fruite of the bignes ofthe finalett pulletseooe. bahmote exa@ly performed the fame then anyother y fomewhat longer, veric roughandhairic onthe outfide, and of the colour and fubftanceofke ledge of i ftalkes, wherein is contained verie. much waterand {mall hard blackith feedes alfo,of the bignesof , Of Gtrull Cucumbers. tares swhich being come tomaturitic orripenes , itcafteth or {quirteth foorth his water withthe feedes, cither of it owne accord, or being touched withthe moft tenderordelicate handencuer{ gently , and oftentimesfiriketh fo harde againftthofe that touch it (efpecially ific chaunceto hit againit theface) thatthe place {marteth long after; whereuponof fome it hath bene called wwo/j I Citrulusoffitinarum. 767 uer, that I haue had any knows Chap.328. 2 Citrulus minor Citrul, | Small Citrul, Citrull Cucumber, Teel eS 9786 me tangere, Touch me not. The rooteis thicke,white, and long lafting:the whole plant,asalfothe fruit, is vericbitter. Cucumis sfininws, Wilde Cucumber. - 2 cM se The place. \ 4 Itis foundin moft of the hot countries, among rubbifh, grauell, andothervntilled places: it is planted in gardens in the lowe countries, andbeing once planted, faith Dodoness, iteafily commeth vp againe manyyeeres after ( whichis true) y e will) f H and yet faith he further, thatic doth not {pring f againeofthe roote, but of the feedes fpirted or eS caft about: which may likewife be true wherehe hath obferuedit,butin my garden itisotherwile, for as I faide before,the roote is long lafting, and Soar PAA /, AN Nes WANE : FOL ' continueth fromyeereto yeere, The time. Iefpringethvp in Maie, ic howrethandisripein Autumne,andis to be gathered atthe fame ume, to make that excellent compofitionofcalled Elaterinm. & The names. Itiscalled in Greeke aeusdews : in Latine Agr find Erraticus Cucumis; in thops Cxcumer afm pws in Italian Cocomero faluatico: in Spat gunbrillo amargo : in Englith wilde Cucti {pirting Cucumbers, & Touchmenotsin French Concombresfanuages. 1 % The temperature. Theleaues ofwild Cucumbers,tooteséethet rindesas theyarebitterintaites fothey belt ddegree,as Galen witnefleth, and ofthin parts.tt clenfeth and wafteth away. % The vertues. Theiuice called E/aterium, doth purgefoorth choler, flegme, and watery hu mours, and that with forcesand not onely by fiege,butalfo by vomit. roth B The quantitie that isto be taken at one time,is ftomfiue grainesto ten, accor ding to theftreng® A. of the patient. C_. Theiuice dried or hardned, and the quantitie of halfe a fcruple taken, driveth foorthby DY grofle flegme, cholericke humours, and preuaileth mightily againft the droplic, andfh rortnes Of breath, 4nes of D Thef{ame drawne yp into the nofthrilsmixed with alittle milke , taketh away the red cies. E__ is Theiuice oftheroote doth alfo purge flegme,cholericke and waterith humours, an¢} the dropfie,butnot offuch force as Elaterinm,whichis made ofthe iuice ofthe fruite : tHe whereof commendto the learned and curious apothecariesamong which numbermaltet Wright in Bucklers Burie my louing friendjbath taken more painesin curious compolt ngoltt; % The defeription, He Citra C uc : yaaa like ier hathm any long, flexible,& tender ftalks, trailing vpon the ground, he Vine, ses beg lagoe ‘among whicheon fet with c ertaine great leaues deepely cut, and veriemuch kk . Where Seneca me foorth long clafping tendrels,a nd alfo tender foorftalkes. on bs jriibbed with cettaine pnts of agolde yellowe colour: the fruite is fomewhat foudde oF Monthat fide that lieth y Cepe furrowes alongft thefame,ofa greene colour aboue,and vn- Cae €Meate within ee grounde fomething white: theoutwa rde skin whereofis barn tke clon: the ee ‘ morelike to that of the Pompionth enof the ihe Pe ilong,datand scenenon on se lieth, is fpungie andofa flimie fub- Bapeties ofan ouerse en ee ho cofthe Cucumbers: the fhell or outward barke : eas doth the Mel te reddith colour. The fruite of the Citrull doth Ybeine couerey inah onwhich being gathered inafaire dry day,maybe kept not fo eafily a longtime, pe eM mich| cape of Wheate, a3 Atuthiolus taith , but according to my pragtife Cond kinde of Citrult and better;in a heape ofdryfande, aenoe (> Rina not froth the former,fauinig tharic is altogitherleffer,and Th Cin oriaggéd whereinconfifteth the difference. “Trpolis beftin hotkyaeBoe oe MagsProfpereth iaisaaa hae manie tims, asin Sicilia,Apu i lia,Calabria,and Syriaabou i t Alepo Ucummbers.buea wenthe feedes and diligthtly oblerued the orderpre{eribed wul'they.neuer came to Hpenes. , % The |