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Show THE*°SECON Do BOIOKE; OF; THE HISTO % The vertues. with certdine bumpes or rifings oiled in wine, andthe deco@ion drunke,, hel peththe ftrangurie, hard e ding further, 7 n childe bearing, Irexpe leththe fecondine xe dramsgiuen infweete wine ,dothhelpe the vnethe termes eeayaASSG Thelike witch ln Of Cucumbers. Fit atad Willies nr nce chs! ” pes wherein is cons m 4 The Turkie Cucumber | andthetebycertaine diftances, abouttheedges sNotvolike co thiofeof : itc utils women to haue fpersin ie deliuerance, if halfe an. ounceofthe the roote be giuentodrinkein.a draught of {weete wine 4 Sardus a oth‘notably commendthis hrenbe for the difeafes of the mother : bygiuiag, 5alitt i ie {poonet wlof thepow der.either of the herbe, the fruit, or of the roote, to hir thatis roubledwith the mother,(he is therebyfoorthwith recoueneal He alfo writeth, that the fameisa fingular good medicine for thofe rbatare burften, ifa {poonefir ll of the powder of the rogte bee inkeinthe broth offlefhcertaine> daies togither, ) winedafirme and folide pulpe theleedéiseaten,a little be teh, wherewithittaketh hold of weedes imeypon poles, arbors, and like , hidiointlikewife commeth foortlha fin fellow flower,bell fathion ; Punion.The meate or pr kdtislong,verywhice,in ape like th Chap .32.6 3 Chums Ang, Cui. Adders Cucumber. tindes. Herebe divers forts ofCucumbers 5 f wilde; fome ofone fafhion ; and fome of pee others lefler ; fomeofthe Garden; fome ther, as fhallbe declared ii n this chapter. 2 Cucumis Tarcicits. Turkie Cucumber. ie feat ofthisk in % Thedefeription. h branches creepeth along{t vpomthegroundall about with his long roug w hereupon d » grow brc road rough leauies vneuen about the edges: from th d clafping tendrels like vnto thofe of the vine he ftalkes.andtheleauesfet vponflender footeftalkes CO {mallyellowleaues :which beingpaft,thefruite fiicceedeth,whichis long, cot % Thede,[eription. eauutng, Ww ane long Cucumbers, which were firft made((as itis faide) by meIto fome Billocane wardsddpteferue. Foratthefirft, when as eefruit is very ongby teafon «Fihaen?, ne, or< orother thi: madeofCone 258thing puofe, inwhich the Cucumber bt - eofeh atrow hollownefle bdeingfilled vp,the Cueumber increafeth i ra asart} cee ee beingfowen, } ingeth foorth nor fuch as were itn Yturned.§ tidchereuponauch of their owne grooefound yng, and oftentimes ‘Th heUnbers theyhauebeene called Anguini, or long Cucumbers, and e ioned Cucumber } €Y, wheron dof ‘Olour 534Mong lath many trailiing branches, lying flat vpoontheg tand at each iointone ereat rough jes which comeforth clafpingtendrels, & 1 |