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Show THE SECOND BOOK®E OFITHE Of Beane Capers. HISTORIE OF PLANTS. 4 Thefecond kinde is oftentimes founde with ftalkes much longer,climing CAMING V5<! : * ener wp attaining tothe height of Sue or fixe cubits 51 Chap.318. Vi then with many and fundryfoldings : the flowers heereof are blacke ithe leaues, , belike thofe of the former, Capparisfabago. %& The defeription. Beane Capets. 1 Afilepiasflorealbo, ° : White Swallow woort, His plant which the Germaines call fy haga, and Dodowens fauoring of Dutch, 2 Afilepias bled fe be Swallow fore nigro. Blacke woort callethit in his laft Edition Cajparis Fabs ge, and properly: L'Obe/sus calleth st Capperi one : betweene which thereis no great difference, wholabourto referre this plantynto the kinds ofCapers , whichis but a lowe &bafe herbe, and nota fhrubbie buth, asare the true Capers. It bringeth foorth fmoothftalkes, ten. der and branched , whereupondoe growelong thick leaues,leffer than thofe of thetrue Capers, ¬vnlike to the leaues ofPurflane,comming out ofthe branches by couples,ofalight greene colour. The flowers before they be opened are like ro thofe ofthe precedent, but whenthey are come to maturitie and full ripeneffe , theywaxe white, with fome yellowe chiues.in the middef, which being paft , there appeere long coddes, wherein is contained fmall flat feede, ‘Theroote is tender,branching hither and thither. % Theplace. It growethofit felfe in the come fieldes ofthe lowe countties, from whence I haue receiued feeds for my garden,wherethey flourifh, % Thetime. Tt dowreth whenthe Caperdoth, %& The names. ; itis Icis called in Latine of the later Herbarifts Capparis fabago ,of moft Capparts Leguamisn/s thonght to be an herbe which 4ujcenne defcribethin his 28. chapter, by the name of (474/718 we maycontent our {elues that Capparisfabagoretaine that name {till, and feeke for none other, ir leffe it be for an Englifh name,by whichit maybecalled after the Latine,Beaue Caper. % Thetemperature and vertues. Touching thefaculties thereof we hauc nothing left in writing woorththe remembrancé. Of Swallow woort. Itiscalleg of thelater Fy Chap.319| ‘Wallow woort with white flowers hath diners vpright branches ofa brownifh colauh? the height oftwo cubits, befer with leaues not ynlike to thofe of DaJcamara OF wl night fhade,fomewhatlong, broad,fharp pointed,ofa blackifh greenco!Jour, and trons ypon jetle Lee uor: among which comeforth very many finall white flowersftar fafhion hanging fallofame! der footeftalks > after which comein place thereof long {harpe pointed cods, ftufiedit aie perfed white cottonrefembling filke , as wellin fhewe as handling, which cods the gf 2 omitted in the figure : (our London gentlewomen haue namedit Silken Ciflie) asag is wrapped foft brownifh fede, The roots are verie many, white, threddie anda 3 Th i NCneMES llius Hedera Herbarifts HincetPa lts: in high Dutch Siva lute tofayinetLatine i Faeoxicum:of Rue : Ce ken Ciflie : Ne Hirunatnaria: in Englifh Swallow woort,ofour gentlewome Nitis . teekes and Gentj [oulapire (who is faide to be the firft inueater of Phificke, whomtherefore Pits herb lesshonoredasa: God)called itafter wa hisj owne name apt ; Afilepias, ot AEfculaof Raz Jy ut a ty, Ss Orthar h We to Aes atta % The defcriprion. nour, i & The p/7, _ Bath+f thelekinds do % The place. Towe in mygarden,but srowe but not notwilde in England ; yet haue Iheard itrepo Matitgtowerh j cfieldes rted, { Sowethinth ;about Northampton, wilde but as yet] amnot certaine ofit, 7 : they ower aha % The time. toeh t ItIune,in J : the downehangethour ofe, the cods, and the e,in Autumne feedefalleth Mestound, tris, The Motes o fS € was thefirft that wrote thereof, and noweitiscalled in fhoppes Hiyun%& Thetemperature. wall5 viVY woort y ‘are hot. anddry; . 7 they are thought to be goodagaintt poifon, ' ;DiofDoeoriy; des writ hae % Thevertues. ers MRdleap ainf the atthe rootes ofSwallow woortboiled in wine,and the decotion d at : . Ceo Tee thee 2 et : Stipings ofthe belly, the ftingings of Serpents andagainit deadly ie Theleaues boiled ot herbes againft the fame. Catriy and applied j ; . s ta Wythat are h;atd tobeapplied cured, in forme ofa pultis, ) cureth the euill fores of the paps or dugs 2 and B Of |