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Show 720 A THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORTE OF PLANTS. Thaat firlt pa rtof the winethat commeth foorth of it felfe before the 1apes be hardprefled, |is an{werable to tt ne grapcit felfe, and1 doth quickly defcend: but that which iflueth forth afterwards. hauing{ h woorfe, ¢ ome fomefpart. ofthe nature of tl tones, ftalke.and skin1S, is Of Cute, , whichthe La j Defruten isthat liquor mhich a ofthe fweeteft Muit, by g it to acertaine thickneffe, writeth rutumdo differ in the manner oftheboiling: and that Sepsis ? en the new wine is boiled away, tillonely a third part remaineth: and,Defrutumtillhalis his r4.booke 1 ap.which others callédyue,and we Sapa;theworkeofwit& y wine boiled toa 3.partiwhic hlbeingboiledto halfe,we cal Deffatum, BE Palladiwsioineth to thefe Caranum, which ashe faith, ismade when a third partis boiledavay, and two remai : 1 See EF Leontiusinhis Geop nickes, fheweth that Hep/éma muftbe made of cight parts ofnewwine, . ’ anda 100.0fwine it felf boiled to athird. is newe wine very much boiled, The later Phifitions docall Hepfemaot G Galen velifieth thai r Sépa.ooil v H wanes or boiled shot,yet not {0 hot as wine,but it is thicker; yet not foeafily diftribuedor ndlit flow! et defcendeth by vrine , but by the belly oftentimes foonet, caried throu ymaketh the fame foluble. for it mod Z Je spurlheh more and filleth the bodyquickly, yet dothiit byreafonofhis thicknesftickeinthe Sis not fot forthe ler,orforthe fplene. Cutealfo dothdigelsaeri ftomacks ffora and lungs, andraifeth them vp fpecdily. Icis therefore goodfor thecoug h iortnes 0 K ow countties(Iwill no y.of London)do make ofCue aia The Vintners 0 ndie wine, wine, com acertang crfaite wine, yhich theyfell for Candie ai prope ttion, a.compounde &counttI rates monly called er,that Cute wasfirft.denifed for a baftard honie, Of Wine, dras,webase f grapes, whichbeingnewlypreffedforth, iscalledas en anddrofle are ferled.and now it appeereth pa tail ae Latinejee: in Englifh Wine, andthat not vnpropetrly. ae omegran ates,quincess}peares;mediers,or feruices, orfase ne. After the d : wife made (for example fake) of barlie andgraine, benor atail fimply calledy : fedor namic ofthe thingadded,whereof theydo confit. Hereup: tris the wine,w chiIspPr‘ the pomegranate berries named Khoites, or wine of pomegranates: outof quincesAe bali wine of quinces ; outofpearespyites, or perrie : and hatwhichis compounde called Zythumsjorbarli N © erta Englith Ale orBeere, i fheepes 1aue botrowed furnames of the. pl ants that haue beene ot infufedin them: a yetall wvines ofthe vine,as VWWormw oodwine,Mirt Je wine Hyflope and thefe are called artificiall wine : Se Fthe Viney gnd is Thais properly andfimplycalled wine whichis preffed out of the grapes 0118 without any maner of mixture. P any Thekinds of winesarenotofone nature; zor of one facultic or powers but of A isttl ofié from.another: forthere ison ISDS herofintafte,another in coloursshes : echt to the confiftenceor fubftance ofthe: fourch confiftech inthe. vertue Scitens) ‘4 nethwhiz ; 3 trengtho dL Galen adecth that whic istermae ‘ hich belongerl Aro the verfue ine Dnt fe winesbecom hrefpecteth the apes for bye for fomeey and tharper,e do wilhal changeooitentimes the colour,the fubstance &thefine sicher harfhy {weete of tafte,others auftereot fomthingharfh,diuers of aroughtafte,or altog gi here belik eillawanomotatnidcdl al ort, inclining to ongotsat of them fuflicient fh R_ Wine is ofcolour either whiteor reddifh, orofablackith deepe ced , whichiscal oft fome middle colour betweene thefe, Soiewineis of fubftance altogitherthinne: o ther thicke, fatyand manyalfo ofa midd fiftence. One wineis ofgreat ftrength and anotheris weake swhich is called awwaverif ialledin Latine 7i0jm. There be alfo amongthefe,very many thatbe of ami Thereisin all wines be they neuer fo we certsline efubftancedthinandno (co signer lane t Ror) ine isnot fimple,butjas Glen telti fourthibooke ofthe faculties of medicines confifteth of partes that hate lersfac ulties. Ofthefndrie mixture and proportion of thefe f@@ftances one with another, theererile divers andfindtie faculties of the wine. Thatis the belt andfulleft wi ne, in which the hot and winie partes do moft of theweakeftis that,wher ue the preheminc Theeatthié fibftance abound ngin the mixeu ¢, C harthy asa erideor rawe fub{tance doth make itallrogith fovetedfalleth downe, andin ‘coutinuanceoft dregsorlees ofthe wine yet itis not alwaies w liesfthis fibftance temainingin the wine: Allwines haue their heare, partly from the proper na 1 viestiesfunne, For there is'a double he butalfo allotherfruits,as Ga/en teftificth. The on € 1s proper and natur isbottowed of th eftinewhich if it be perceiued in any shen tis vnd nibetening ofrapes. Fo: theheate which proceedeth from’ the finne, stapesy-and doth efpeciallyripen them , ftirriihg vp concoéteth the grapes and the j and iincreafingthe inwardandnatt ofthe y which otheiwife is fo c rerwhelmed w‘ith abundance of rawe and watetith1 partes, as it feetto be dulled andalmo ee : Forynleflewine had init:a prot thefotce ofthe fifun, as ee wi reffhouldt et nyotl18} eeeena } Pievand of sehéetian tik asthe Rilethc abe em ic . ‘ Wh wne cold qualitie tence rie rough the eae of the fiinne, 5 is forther moft part bron F Hat the heate andforce ore is 1c fore 2 alike in‘alrTeg2 ions and places ofthe the earth: facultig: un oF the diueifcie of egions and places, thewin1¢S ate made not a little to dif siege fuller wine growethin hot countries era an gi that lie to the fun’: the rawer L Bneiand prouinces that lie open tothenorth. aint StheWwine. Notwithtandi:sthe ftronigeris the wine: the lef Se toe itis, th pe M seie b anding not onely themannerof the weather and efunne, veka a16 wine to differ,butthe native propertie ofthe foilealfo:Fo h the talte and other eal ewine,are a ccordingto the manner of the foile. Anditis verywell knowen, that not * Wineas tuemneen but the tafte alfo dependethonthe diuerfitie ofae graves, ‘ Vines hoe in - th thee the fecond degree, and that whichis veryold in the thirde :b ie betweene abn n¢ firtt cegree 5 which things are efp ecially to be vnderftood conc i 84s] take ipo, tr geft and the weakefts for the fulleft and mi aebeing| Rilovadiinnsyeeres old ) are'forthemoft part hotint hefeecond degree: th atbedines i aisi lnealsaithoughtheybe aldjdo{eldome exceet‘tlhefecond de vigbakesthe poner¢tothicheatin proportion(as Galen {i Sanaa dheontbodies,a ternmentof health he fhewethy that winedothnoronelly Iheate but al f “Idorh thy Fer Iele Opinio aa teticn tes hdthat the fanie doth moiften and nourithfach bodies as are extrei 1¢ drie: arent: wenn big Yeahate ofone fort as it'isa medicine, and oraSasitisanot eae eS Ofthe wywine, - = the faculties of nourifhments doth p ainly{thew, ren ee ae thmen, which FTppocrates writeth ofin his booke of“the manner of diet; be hot 9° utrather as ofa medicine; ‘For winteas itisa medicine dothdrie, elpecially being Olite |