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Show OKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANT Gilenwtitethsat itis profitable fox Tanners.te chicken'their leather hides with; 5 ; Furthermore an eleGtuarie madéiof the rootes.and hony ox fugars is fingular for-them aefhorte winded, troubledwith.an old cough, paine in the fides, a for fuch.asare hurca nc feninwardly:: foritdiflolucth and {eartereth abroad congealed.and clottered blood. st uiery wher e among and ftch like pla ces, s Theroote {tamped with falt., is good to belaide vpon filthie vicers.and feabbed legss Th islikewife goodto the fame intent if it be appliediin manneraforefaide, Theroote ofBryonie andof, wake-Robin {tamped with fome Sulphur or brimftone; andmadevp I, | bringeth foonth his inoamaffe orlump and wrappedinalinnen clourye thaway the morphewe, Gatlcs Aide. 5 f AnGdy ofthefice, ifitbe rubbed with the fame being dipped firftin vinleger, ek dumenosaevel in Latin e,and itis named tions bj. y likethe Vine in leaues, buralingeth foorth hisfruite madew léof alitele cluft , tcl Madon: ofthe Arabians Ul. cus Sylvatrcus Viticelay in the ire Roraftrumol Apiltiac Api vitis Lan anid Vitalbatin Dutch Suchwurtzs in low Dutch Hyiatier ith Bryonie, white Bryonie, and tetcerBei¢:in French Conleuree : in Italian Zecafalutice in Spanith Wweza blanca. Ofblacke Bryonie,or thewilde vine. (hap.307. I Brytianiera. Blacke Bryonie, 2 Bryonian ude D Wild ereofitCf}purgethat: cholericke and4 mielare . Pe ii roote beingpreffedont in the fpring, ane deco the not onely the iuice,butalfo ot with ni¢ade or honied roote draweth { gsxs oftof his fplants for binding atall, butdo migh indthi rerifh-humouts;and'thad very ftrongly 3400 Fs ¢ 1 yeur } r vo! Y ing of the br 7 By gS ge mooued:yet notwithftand ae thatl % The defeription. Hebla nt T in ke Bryonie hath long flexible branches-ofa woodie fubftance, couered wi : cee growing very farre abroad, winding it felfe with his{mall te Sallesare the vir oh ses what elfe isnext yntolit like ynto the branches of the, C OWers are white nail garden Night(hade,fharpe pointed, and ofa fhinin { ve {pots which ith wine andapplied ir breaketh onesif ithe ftampedand Mewhatbisrer a a ais moflieswhich being pat, there fucceede litsle clu ; Todteisen, " ah thofe of the finall Raifons,or Ribes, which We call os clammie moe and thicke,of tentimes as bigge as 2 mans legge, biae ! ofe, it feemeth Peach being but {craped with a shes98 any other ing tothswhich being fo : a matterfit to fpread vpon cloth or leather i imaner ofaplaifter ‘ ‘o fpredandvfed, it feruethto laie vypon manyinfirmities,andto very MP0S.25 hall declared in the proper place, £271 goc |