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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE & %& Thedefeription. Lehough wehaue great plentic of the roores of this Bindweed ofPeru, which wevfualle call Zerz4,ot Sar/a Parilla , wherewith diners griefes and maladies are cured, andthat thefe rootesate very well knownetoalls. yet fuch hathbeene the careleffenes andfal pronidence offuch as haue trauelled into the Indies,thathitherto not anyhauegiuen ys in(tidi. onfirfficient,either concerning the leaues,flowers, or fruite,onely Afonardys {aith,thatithahlone rootes deepe thruft into the ground,whichis as much;asifa greatlearned manfhouldtell the fim. ple,thatour common carrion Crowe were of a blacke colour : for. whois fo.blinde. that feeth-the rooritdelfbut can eafily affirme the roots to be very long? notwithitadingthere isin the reportsof Agee rr fuchas faie they hauefeene the planrit felfe growing, fome.contr adiction.or contrarieties fome re port thatit is akind of Bindweed,andefpeciallyone of thefe rough Bindweeds ; others, as one fier iVhite an excellent painter. who caried veryymany people into Virginia(or, after {omeNorembega) there to inhabite, at which time he-did {ee thereof gteat plentie, as himfelfe reported ynto me," ith this bare defeription ; Itisfaithhe,the roote of a {mal fhrubbie tree,or hedge ttee, fuchas are thofe ofour countrey called Hawthornes,hauing leaues refembling thofe of Iuie: but the ow. ers or fruite he remembrethnot, smonrough Bindweede hath manybranchesfet full oflittle (harpe prickles, withcer. g tendrels,wherewithit taketh hold vpon. hedges, fhrubs , and. whatfoeuer ftandeth next yntoit,winding & clafping icfelfe about from the bottom tothe top,wheronareplacedareue. rie ioint one leafe like that of luie, withoutcorners,(harpe pointed, lefler and harderthen thole of fmooth Bindweed; oftentimes marked withlittle white fpots, and garded or bordered about the edges with crooked prickles. The flowers grow at the topofcrooked ftalkes of a white colont, and fweet of fell : after commeththefruite like thofe of the wild Vine, greenatthefirft,andredw theyberipe,andofabiting tafte whereinis contcinedblackith feede,in fhape like thofe of hemp, The rooteis long,fomewhat hard,and parted into very many branches. 3 Smilax afpera Lafitanica. Rough Bindyweed of Portugall. 4 Smilax afpera Germanite. Germanic rough Bindweed, HISTORIE OF PLANTS; % The defeription. 1s i , fo . nd 3 Thistough Bindweedfound for the moft partin the barren mountain s of Portingale , ditfereth rom the precedent, in ikalkes, leaues,flowers or fruite, The root dnb id dita ct odie fubftance,with fome fibres inexed thereto, w lerein confilt anita: Becnce pica 4 ThisBindweed of Germaniehath manyrough,prickly italks, garnith ot Fe ae ahout and ee fetrounde with divers thorns, like thofe of thebrieror br: mble, wind ng and Anwrapping it felfe with his tendrelsabout thofe things that do ftandenecre vnto itslike the common Bindweed. whereo? kinde; The leans ate like thofe ofthe Iuie 1S a rat the point! <paathemtiddleiie Ruiede svt doftand divers fharpe prickles of a blac tuftsofa white colour;after commeth the “ lowers browat thétop' if Sf 6 ks fru Ribes,and ofthe fame bignes/The rooteis like r % The 3, * lufters like thofe ofthe ceded ({mall Sateen raifons,calle net ie eae Wurela Zoraparillz,or the prickley Bindweede of Amer toweth.in Peru,aprouince ofAmerica,i Vitginiaand diuers other places both in the eaft andwelt Indies aoe Theothers gtowe in rough andyntilled places , ab he hedges, and bor mountaines and vallies,in Italie,Languedockin Fra ice, Spaine,and Germanie. 9 ee = . ie _ 3 - ed yh AMIL U erica, tt % The time. They flower and flouri(® in the {pringtheirfruit is ri pein Autumn e,ora little before. ( Ieisn titis named in Dulrak® Te7X8t. regy ei Greeke suines % The names. z, Theophrast by at us Gaza hisi tranflator nameth it Hedera Célici OF MpHeKtUlclans Hedera fpinofa, and os Rubus cerwinus: ‘of the Caltilians er ans in 1 Spaine, 5 asaS Lacuna Lacura faith faith, fepitileas thoughthey fhould aslikewile Phinie, 5 who writethin hisMS 24.D00Ke OF Wie 24.booke 10,chapter , that itis 10.cl iti alfo furnamed Nicophoron, oh fay, Rubus viticula, or Bramble little vine. Parra as Matthiolus a fignifie a vine,and Parilla,a {mall vine,orlittle vine, ee s ete bate al the roote(brought out ofos Perua prouincei n America) tthé on: Zarza,is the roote of this Bindy x whichthe latter her- Gartias Lopids Lufitanus sxantethitto be like oc ae % t E “. = on kia a aflirmetha t itis the fame.Plants are oftentimes foundto be like one ah Be WHICH Notwithita e ndingg ate proouedn Drool not to tobebe the the fame, fame, by ot by fomelittle fome]i Liffe Thed. difference, The dioe cs : ne weather and ofthe fojle,maketh the difference, 4 wallzaicgdarillaof ran plant, ee Peruis ant, andis tt 2 ftrange and is brought broughtynt T ynto vs fromthe countries i of the new wr oo and fuch things as are brought from thence, although theyalfo feeme red € tha growej fone notwithft a iter . growe in Enrope, eh fanat h ; j vertue anding theydo ie oftendiffer in andojes i ue iticof the foile and of the weather, doth notonely breede analterati , : ot moft of all preuaile in making the qualities and vertues greater or 9 le itie a S s hotFie places fs be ofe more force and greater finell 3and incold,¢ C ailgstiatare dea leneai a petnitious i i remoued f , being waxe a3 milde, and are made wholefom vholef vil conti ug: ee parilla of Perubelike to rough Bindweede, or to Spanith Z t a eo A : = a tele o ding pectin of the temperature of the weather, andalfo throughthe x : mont! s : Age a es oe deale mote force.than that which growetheither in Spaine, or in Af brought alone without the plant) belo of Peru (whichare flender , Rea os eee : é beadin hich toos € ~ Tootes of common Liquorice, very many oftentimes hanging from one tottobe ‘Ootesthe middle fttingis hardeft. 1 heyhaue little tafte andfo finalla fmell nom, petcciued. Thefe are re portedto -d growe in Honduras,a prouince ofPeru, Theyhadthei ae a of the likene atinealfog a cof tongh Bindweede, which among the inhabitants itkeepeth, fignifying in SX or prickley vine,as Gareias Lopiws doth witnefle, % The temperature. Thetootes ane dicen Con doth temperature hot and drie, and of thin and fubrillpartes, infomuchastheirdeetyeafily procure fweate. % Thevertues. Avior die againft long continuallpaine ofthe joints andhead, and againft colde A st oe mannerofinfirmities, wherein there is hope of cure by{weating,fo 5 LUCIOIned, = | cts DerfeQed dinfew in fa. dais, 1+. if + the difeafe : Se : ; of curesmenin be not oldorgreatsbutifit be,ittA requireth a longer B &as I take it,the roots ofZarzaparélla,whetof this Smilax afpera,orrough Bind Yy 4 weede |