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Show 702 THE SECOND°BOOKE) OF THE HIST ORITE the liuer, kidneies, and bladder, mitigateth the firie heate of burning agues, tempereth thetham. PTA eaten ey >nvs O; fZarts ea/e,o7 iP 1un/fies 1 nefle of choler,aind taketh away thirft, Thereisanoilemadeof Violets, whichis likewife colde and moift. “Thefame being anticinted B ar laboured togither in awoodendifh with the yolke of aneg'y it aflwageth the paine ofthe fund. mentand hemorthoides: it is likewife good to be putinto coolitig clifters ; andinto pultifesthar % The kindes. * Ria ey) 43 Asthetebe diuers fortes of March Violets,fo are there likewife fundrie kindes of F coole and cafe paine, Butlertheoilein whichthe Violets are fteeped,be either of -vnripe oliues, called Onphecineot 7h ; 1 Viola tricolor. 2,7, ‘ 2 Fiola affirgens tricole Vprig!Nt Partes ¢ Hartes cafe. of fweete almonds, as Aze/uesfaith, and the Violets themnfelues mutt be freth and moift: For being drie and hauing loft their moifture,they do not coole,but feeme to haue gotten akindeofheate, Thelatterphifitions do thinke it good to mixedrie Violets with medicines, thatarétocomfor D_ E 200 d yponthe tefticles, doth gently prouioke {leep whichis hinderedbya hot anddrie diftemper: mixed C_ , (h 1p and ftrengthenthe hart. The leaues of Violets inwardly taken do coole; moiften,and make the bodie foluble” Being ont svardly applied, they mitigate all kinde of hotinflammations, both takenby chemfelués; andallo applied withbarly flower dried at the fire, afterit bath lien foking in water. They are likewifelaide vpon ahotftomacke, and on burning cies, as Ga/enwitnefleth. D/oftorides writeth, thattheybe moreouerapplied to the fundament thatis fallen out, F They mayhelpethe fundamentthar is fallen out, not as a binder kéeping backe the fandamen, butas a fuppler anda mollifier. Befides Plime faith that Violets are as well vfed in garlands as mel wnto3and are good againft {urfetting heauineffe of the head,and being boiledin water and drunke, remouc the fquinancie,or inward fwellings of the throte, They do cure the falling ficknelle,clpeci- G allyin yong children,and the feede is good againft the ftinging of Scorpions. Thereisafirupe made ofViolets and fugar,called in Greeke devour, or as Atfuarine namethit credmer, whereof three or fower ounces being takenat onetime, it fofteneththe bellic, and purgeth H_ mG choler.Themanner to makeit isas followeth. Firlt make of clarified fugar byboiling afimple firupe, ofa good confiftence, ormeane thicknes, svhereunto put the flowers cleane piked from all manner offilth, as alfo the whice endesnipped away,a quantitic,according to the quantitic ofthe firupe,to your ownedifcretion,wherin Tecthem infufe or fteepe fower and twenty howers, and {et vpon a few warme embers ; then ftraine tt and put more Violets into the fame firupe: thus do three or fowertimes, the oftener the bettet : pe fecthemvpon a gentle fireto fimper, but nottoboile in any wifes fo haue you it fimply madeo'a moft perfec purple colour,and ofthe finell ofthe flowers themfelues.Some doadde theretoalit oftheiuice ofthe flowersin the boilingwhich makethit of better force and vertue; Likewile,omt do puta little quantitie of the iuice of Limons in the boiling , that doth greatly increafe thebeal tie thereof,but nothing atall the vertue. + tareahles J Thereislikewife made ofViolets and fugar,certaine plarescalled Sugar Viol et,or Violet tables rt of plate,whichis moft pleafantandwholefome, efpecially it comforteththe hart, and theom ‘ . wardparts, The decodtionof Violetsis good againft hot feuers, and the inflammation of theliuer, andal K ta other inward partes ;the like propertie hath the iuice,firupe or conferue of the fame. L Sirupe ofViolets is good againft theinflammationof the lungs and breft, againtt the pl and cough,againft feuers and agues in yong children, efpecially ifyou put vnto an ee cight or nine drops ofoile of Vitrioll,andmixeit togither, and giue vntothe childea!pom once, M.« : the fame giuen in manner aforefaid,is of great efficacie in burning feuers,and pefti lent dias greatly cooling the inward parts : and irmayfeemeftrange to fomethatfo fharpe a 0 rou king oilc of Vitriol, {hould be given into the bodie,yet being delaied and giuen as aforefaid,fuc dren maytake it withoutanyperill. N Pp. The fame taken asaforefaid,cureth all inflammations of the throte mouth,vuula, fuinande= forte the fal ing euillin children, ugar Violet hath power to ceafe inflammations ,roughneffe ofthe throte, and com rt,aflwageth the paines ofthe head,and caufeth fleepe, orpulils Theleaues ofViolets are vfedin cooling plaifters,oiles, & comfortable cataplafimes incl’ and are ofgreater efficacie amongother herbs,as Mercurie and Mallowes and fach Uke, for the purpofesaforefaid. % Thedefeription. t H ¢ Hartes cafe Hikes they gtowe { Sor Pauipficy hathm rity h omen jationger, {! 2 tlycutat eaves atthefirft commi tthe edges, traihine = afterwa \ the Viole Nd. The ftalkes SSD a whereupon iedo as: a Te weake and tender} At 2}: LY r \ ‘ a ~ thefimiame sha the moft part of the fame bigneffe, of three : NaMe colours, Tricolor) ther that j eines ez evareistessivall coins tticofvhich all, Theeleedeiscontained feat : ~ OUTS, Wersbe fallen : Mey pleafing to ray the filetsare very ypcang softhe big wt by reafon of the I be pragma ctl 3 2 atare, whic comefoort ter the flo: The rooteisnothing elfe, but as } itwetea bund sand doopen of the ifelues whenthe { eal idle of thredd ie {trinos NC Vrioh Pp pug bring ethhf Yeake or Palet Paunfie bri foorthlongleaues deepely cut ir aa 1¢ 3 fharpe po Pale e Stc ore, ene co] our;; 1etvponflender vpright ftalkes;cotnered, jointed, or kneed, a foote lerswhe 9 €reupon do grow growvery very faire £3; flowers of£ three isin pon GO colom’s, that is,of purple, blewand Made like th, commion [I ; : ' . P ‘ ike the #eé commonHartes eafe,but greaterandfairer; which coloursare foexeel: sing ey eiholb teat \delectation tothe behold though theyhaue , t e c on oW e e i 8t vp th ma e s happeneth, thatthe vppermoft flowersare as differing from ings ofich I is also the plant, and thofe varie fromthe lowermoft, nature lift'ta Cautic, The feede is likethe precedent, |