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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 608 HISTORIE OF PLANT'S: and killeth the childe. Itis a {trong medicineto deftroiethebirth,being put vpasa peffatie, K+ itmaketh aman drunke, 2 Ong Birthwoort hath manyfmnall,long lender ftalks creeping vpou the ground; tarigling Eflinga onewithin anothervery intricacely,befet thwith round leaves not Ofcad or Juie,butlarger,of alight or ouerworn “or e grcene A colour, ae D favonriamong which come faarth long:hollow flo he biothton siof afineFan Aronibind : NT ce phi ot e's within of ; j | uN Thedecoétion thereof feructhas a good andeffectual bath for membersout Ofioine,tte gout, andkibedhecles, L M withoutany peftell or clapper in the fame 5 within of a« The roote being made hollowe andfilledwith oile, clofed with a little waxe and roftedinthe biter taftes t TH i 2 Therounde Birthwoortiny ftalkes and leauesislike the firftjbut his rous nedicine to make one in loue if it be inwardly:taken, , Iteg %& The danger. wets differ onely in this that they be fomewhat longer Jourjbutthe {mall.flap or. point of. the flow nel t Ic isnot good for-womenwith childe to touch ortake this herbe; or to comeneerevntoitor theformer: the roote is roundlike ynto Sowbread,imtalteand fa Climing Birthwoors. VN, . S ‘ NAD Z (ba . thatiis next ynto it, with, his-Jo1 WP which be after times branche¢ about like Bindweede : the ftalk eee é S <es fel Jeauies are longer, whofe leaues be {mooth, broad Be Hcthisarotthenehet Gear s Sa att ef BV Ve ¥ it << YS TK 4 Cea‘ Round Birthwo 3 % The defoription. (aA 7. Oe ded afourthkinde called P/itolochia, ot little Birth woord, The later writers hancioied them fiftnamed Saracens Birthwoort, 1 Aristolochia longa. Long Birthwoort. ke the former, 3, ,Clining Birthwoort-rakechholde of TONES a 5 B Irthwoort, as Dis/corides writeth,is ofthree forts long, ronnde, and beach ; fad ctibhedandfal 4; Atiftolochia clematis, Of Birthwoorts. Chap.297. ‘be Kind ae and narrowe eth backeagair plecolour, The fruite is formedlike a peate, fharpe towarde thet ftrideouer the fame where it groweth, for the naturall attractine verte therein containedisfich, that without controuerfic theythat, attemptit in maner abouefaid, fhallbe delinered beforetheit time : which danger and inconuenience to auoide, [haue. (about the place whereit groweth iamy garden) faftened fticksin the-ground, and fome other ftickesT haue faftnedalfo ae them,leaft any womanfhould byJamentable experimentfinde mywords to betrue, by theit{tep: ping ouer the fame. : hekindes. outidf agree. feedes ofablackith colour... The rootets long, thicke.of the colourofb . into trofchies, trofchies, or licele flatcakes, 2 itis reported tobe agood-aind. beaten andimad made yp Pinto Being> beate sr COLOUT, nifhorherby,colourzatter which do follow forall fruice IKE VRROMERS peares, containing triahblec hot embers a maketh an excellentointment for the giiefes laftirehearfed: < ify 697 % Thedefixiption. 1 rank {coureth the skin and takéth awayftwne buming,and all blemifhes of the face, pilling of the + un al all 2 ‘ . : oy hairejand markes alfo that remaine after the {mall pockes ahdtnefels: arid Sten in wine to drinke, wetis likewife hollow, yellow,orofablackith purple colour: the fruit differeth not front tharof the others: but the roots be flendet,and very lone fometimes creeping onthe top of the earth), and fometimes growing deeper, being :of like colour with the forier,ones, Theveis a fourthkind ofBirchwoort tefembling the reft in leaues,and branched ftalks, yet higher, and longer th ither the long or the rounde Icaucs thereof be greaterthen thofeof F. : the flowers hollo €jlong, and inonc fide hanging ouer,ofa yell long likea pe olour: the fruite i: vhich the feedes lie land ed,of forme three {c sof an ill fauoured blackith coJour: the roote is fomewhatlo ng, oftentimes ofa meanthicknefle , yellowelike vnto the colour of Boxe, notinferior in bitternes either to the long orto therounde Birchwoott, andfomet thefe they —S : are foundto befinaliand {ler nd that iswhen they were butlately digged vpand gat 1: for by thelittle: parcelsof the rootes which are left, Scale5 nerth ar thebeginning tender and branched rootes, ket and tenderer, ee €tothe long and round Birthwoort, bothin ftalkes andleaues ine ypper pare ~ ae thereofare broad, and like thofé of luie :the flower islong Bir WOKE: infh onthe outfide blackith :thefinite fomthing roundelikethe fruite of rounde ced of rootes there growe foortha multitude of flender firings. Phinj % The place. floret thatthe Bicthwoorts grow in fat and championplaces, the fields of Spaine are tap 3 > 7 ; lock, *¢ong- and round Birthwoortsstheyare alfo foundinNeeItalie and in Natbone or Lanont) 62 a COU ‘i ella = rie oa Isamountan inFraunce, Petras Bellonius writeth,that he foundbranchedBirthwoottvpaine in Candie: Ce ro/us Clufius faith, that he found this fame about Hifpalis, andin Pay Other) a the: Y Paces ofGranado in Spaine,among bufhesand brambles:thiey srowallinmygarden, g w The |