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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 670 Of marfb M arigolde. HISTORIEIO& PLANTS. 3 Caltha paluftris multiplex. ; Doubledawted marth Matigold. Chap.280. Theplate, 1 moift Hh and ay TheyiIOV saril F oy in ‘ marifh groundes, andin Here be foundeat this daie three forts of marfh Marigolds ; the auncients haue deferibedbir water tery medowes, Ban Lu ftris % The time. 2 Calthe paluftrisminer, ‘The fall marth Marigold, maior. een nen TT : The great marfh Marigolde. (YY WH al YANN R é They when the C; Cr ie flower Iin the{pring {pring whenthe 10,b at later,oftentimes in { : é leanes keepe'their greenenefie all the wint % The nxmes. Marth Marigold is called of Valeri us Cordus, Caltha paluf, £Paber Montanus,Popn Z not properly: in Englifh Marth Marigolde Chefhire andthofe parts itis called Bootes, %: The temperature add vertues, . I. Touching the faculties ofthefe plants, wehaue nothing to faie,either out of other mens writings, or our ow chice. OfFrogegebit. (hap.281. Morfia Rane, Frogge hit. of I ¥ The defeription. Here flotethor {wimmeth vpor the ypper parts ofthe ‘water a fm whichwevfually cal Fro litle round leaues thick & ful ofix the leaues of wall Peniwoort: the £ vponlong ftemme colour, withace %& Thetemperatare. I Ww hs [lanegtee Arth Marigold hath great broad leaues fomewhat pond(noo i bss Pi : h Jour,{lightly indented or purlde about the edges, among whic figering like gold,a0™* likewife greene;wherupon do growe goodly yellow flowers, gi nanie {trings’ \ S77 7 Y o dle, confifting it hathfléderft ear pee he > | pring, in the bottom headalfocome forth { by which growing f to thofe of Crowfoote, but greater the rooteis fmall,compofed bags rounde 2% 2 The fmaller marfh Marigold hath manic roundeleauesfpred pape feaues the f% floting almoft in nding all greene colour:among whichrife vp diuers braunches, charged vs as the rote islike be growe at thetop of the braunches, of a moft fhining yellowe colour: -« s native natueco™ mer. ; 3 Thegreat marfh Marigolde with double flowers is aftrangerin Englandae fhould feeme tobe in the furtheft parts of Germanie , by the er e faith he, that hauehad conference withall , the which he thus defcribed: it hat hoi of thega™ Ne andftalkes, ike thofé ofour commonfort, and hath doubleflowers like tnol gold, wherein confifteththe difference. leaues of a white no themid Wi | | | . Pes AEA thy | | | f ia NW | My) Wf inthe ditches bythe Thames fide: anaeth. where wwhese any anwsibalisnd waren bethh marth that is-difpoféd ma fee-ic, Pe Se he Si , Ic flourifheth and flowreth moft part ofal the awe : se The names. Itis called offome Rane morfus, and ALor/us Ranaand Nymphaeaparas : % The |